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First Team Player
Jul 11, 2020
Reaction score
Lies of omission.

A fact I've often seen stated is that black people in the US are 3 times more likely to be killed by the police than whites.

They never mention that their homicide rate is nearly eight times higher, so measured against that they are under-represented. Much more likely to be involved with the police in violent confrontations.

Interracial violence.

Around 85% of violent incidents between blacks and whites are committed by blacks, yet the Bullshit Broadcasting Company runs articles on how blacks are the ones afraid to walk the streets.

Accordingly, a black person is around twenty seven times more likely to attack a white person than the other way round !!!

What's the goal with this post? Who asked? Your wording suggests to me you have an agenda...

Yaxley-Lennon not uploaded anything lately for you to watch?
What BLM is doing,IMO is creating and/nurturing racism.
The number of people Ive spoken to being utterly pissed off with being called endemically racist/Privileged etc is staggering .It is storing latent hatred .

Many who pine along with BLM are from British towns with fully 90% white population and it is the case, than if a town like Swansea had changed from a prosperous ,vibrant place to a foreign language ghetto in the way Bradford has,people would feel somewhat different to what they utter publically.

BLM were outed a aoon as they dragged in the Palestine/Israel/Capitalist/Police issues.

And they bend the knee.

It does black ,most of whom are decent ,law abiding folk people no good at all.
The "agenda", if their is one, is to redress the balance and make people better informed.

People have had the Black Lies Matter propaganda and mass hysteria stuffed down their throats from all angles for nearly two months now.

Here, the great Larry Elder debunks the BLM myth about police violence towards black people. Video should start at the right place (6:56).

dailew said:
The "agenda", if their is one, is to redress the balance and make people better informed.

People have had the Black Lies Matter propaganda and mass hysteria stuffed down their throats from all angles for nearly two months now.

Here, the great Larry Elder debunks the BLM myth about police violence towards black people. Video should start at the right place (6:56).


I concur however comments such a ours will themselves be deemed racist by those with utterly incorrect understanding of the realities of life and how we can all get on better and respect differences rather than making political capital of this mess.

For the likes of Lewis Hamilton to bleed as he does is hard to handle seeing he has had a white mother and step mother and has led a very well heeled life from his priviliged Stevenage home. He has only lived his professional racing career in tax free /low white countrie.That is hypocrisy.
dailew said:
The "agenda", if their is one, is to redress the balance and make people better informed.

People have had the Black Lies Matter propaganda and mass hysteria stuffed down their throats from all angles for nearly two months now.

Here, the great Larry Elder debunks the BLM myth about police violence towards black people. Video should start at the right place (6:56).


If you feel you have a legitimate argument try using less inflammatory language to make your point, and present something other than a skewed graph that has a fake link at the bottom, that you found on facebook and a 'report' made by a white supremacist organisation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Century_Foundation as evidence, then people (without an agenda) will perhaps take you more seriously. Or, you know learn to research better.
Monty said:
dailew said:
The "agenda", if their is one, is to redress the balance and make people better informed.

People have had the Black Lies Matter propaganda and mass hysteria stuffed down their throats from all angles for nearly two months now.

Here, the great Larry Elder debunks the BLM myth about police violence towards black people. Video should start at the right place (6:56).


If you feel you have a legitimate argument try using less inflammatory language to make your point, and present something other than a skewed graph that has a fake link at the bottom, that you found on facebook and a 'report' made by a white supremacist organisation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Century_Foundation as evidence, then people (without an agenda) will perhaps take you more seriously. Or, you know learn to research better.

I think you meant to say...Stop being a cunt.
Monty said:
What's the goal with this post? Who asked? Your wording suggests to me you have an agenda...

Yaxley-Lennon not uploaded anything lately for you to watch?

Probably best to reply to him with your own stats and not confuse the ridiculous and pathetic mayhem in the USA with a short bloke from Luton.
N.Ireland Jack said:
Monty said:
What's the goal with this post? Who asked? Your wording suggests to me you have an agenda...

Yaxley-Lennon not uploaded anything lately for you to watch?

Probably best to reply to him with your own stats and not confuse the ridiculous and pathetic mayhem in the USA with a short bloke from Luton.

Probably best to read the whole thread before replying
Monty said:
N.Ireland Jack said:
Monty said:
What's the goal with this post? Who asked? Your wording suggests to me you have an agenda...

Yaxley-Lennon not uploaded anything lately for you to watch?

Probably best to reply to him with your own stats and not confuse the ridiculous and pathetic mayhem in the USA with a short bloke from Luton.

Probably best to read the whole thread before replying

I did and still don't see why Tommy whatsit would be in any reply you make regards the USA or anywhere else.
Monty said:
If you feel you have a legitimate argument try using less inflammatory language to make your point, and present something other than a skewed graph that has a fake link at the bottom, that you found on facebook and a 'report' made by a white supremacist organisation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Century_Foundation as evidence, then people (without an agenda) will perhaps take you more seriously. Or, you know learn to research better.

The url of the link in the graph may have changed. The file is still there.


The numbers on the graph are correct.

As for interracial violence I removed the link as I had no idea it was from a supposed "white supremacist" (who isn't nowadays).

But I had checked the figures quoted and they were approximately correct, if an underestimate.


So, black perpetrator and white victim 564,000.
White perpetrator and black victim 60,000.

I make that about 90% black perps.

Given whites outnumber blacks by around 5-1 that makes a black person about 45 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.

Homicides are not included in the figure and are less skewed so around 30 times more likely might be a fair estimate.

Therefore these two facts stand (for the US).

The homicide rate of black people is around 8 times that for whites (Wiki).

A black person is around 30 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.



  • interacialviolentcrime.jpg
    86.6 KB · Views: 3,756
dailew said:
The url of the link in the graph may have changed. The file is still there.


The numbers on the graph are correct.

As for interracial violence I removed the link as I had no idea it was from a supposed "white supremacist" (who isn't nowadays).

But I had checked the figures quoted and they were approximately correct, if an underestimate.


So, black perpetrator and white victim 564,000.
White perpetrator and black victim 60,000.

I make that about 90% black perps.

Given whites outnumber blacks by around 5-1 that makes a black person about 45 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.

Homicides are not included in the figure and are less skewed so around 30 times more likely might be a fair estimate.

Therefore these two facts stand (for the US).

The homicide rate of black people is around 8 times that for whites (Wiki).

A black person is around 30 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.


Nice try

There is nothing supposed about it, and he very much still is. There is a whole website dedicated to tracking him - https://angrywhitemen.org/category/people/jared-taylor/

This website, among many other things, has a video of this
supposed white supremacist, who isn't nowadays
made last month where he states "The people who tell you the United States is stolen land, will be the first to tell you that France and Germany have to let in millions of Africans and millions of Muslims. This sickness has been festering for a long time. It's just coming to a head, so wake up white man" - https://angrywhitemen.org/2020/06/28/jared-taylor-is-upset-that-white-people-are-tearing-down-racist-monuments/#more-50100

As for the graph you found on facebook, i'll leave it to Reuters to explain to you how it is purposely misleading https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-fact-check-bar-graph-black-white-homi/fact-check-misleading-bar-graph-presents-distorted-interpretation-of-black-and-white-murder-rates-idUSKBN23M2SX
dailew said:
Monty said:
If you feel you have a legitimate argument try using less inflammatory language to make your point, and present something other than a skewed graph that has a fake link at the bottom, that you found on facebook and a 'report' made by a white supremacist organisation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Century_Foundation as evidence, then people (without an agenda) will perhaps take you more seriously. Or, you know learn to research better.

The url of the link in the graph may have changed. The file is still there.


The numbers on the graph are correct.

As for interracial violence I removed the link as I had no idea it was from a supposed "white supremacist" (who isn't nowadays).

But I had checked the figures quoted and they were approximately correct, if an underestimate.


So, black perpetrator and white victim 564,000.
White perpetrator and black victim 60,000.

I make that about 90% black perps.

Given whites outnumber blacks by around 5-1 that makes a black person about 45 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.

Homicides are not included in the figure and are less skewed so around 30 times more likely might be a fair estimate.

Therefore these two facts stand (for the US).

The homicide rate of black people is around 8 times that for whites (Wiki).

A black person is around 30 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.


I realised quite a while ago that you can’t debate with the loopys.

They can’t deal with facts and just try to shut a conversation down by playing the race card. Truth is these people are brainwashed idiots who are too stupid to see that groups like BLM are racist and anti Semitic, their tweets alone prove that. Best thing to do is ignore the lefty’s
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