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Martin Out


First Team Player
Dec 3, 2021
Reaction score
We're going backwards at a rate of knots.

He continues to fail to see the flaws in his system. And will do so this evening after a proper 1-4 drubbing by our ex manager. It's his way. The arrogance is off the scale.

And most importantly he chooses to not revert to the winning set-up, as implemented by his senior players who were schooled by Cooper.

He and we were today humiliated by Cooper's winning formula : Effective, Efficient, winning football.

Some of us have been banging on to the twps for some time. The twps will ofc now be burying their heads, with their twisted anti-Cooper agendas. You know who you are, sad fecks.
AndyCole said:
We're going backwards at a rate of knots.

He continues to fail to see the flaws in his system. And will do so this evening after a proper 1-4 drubbing by our ex manager. It's his way. The arrogance is off the scale.

And most importantly he chooses to not revert to the winning set-up, as implemented by his senior players who were schooled by Cooper.

He and we were today humiliated by Cooper's winning formula : Effective, Efficient, winning football.

Some of us have been banging on to the twps for some time. The twps will ofc now be burying their heads, with their twisted anti-Cooper agendas. You know who you are, sad fecks.

Could so easily have been 4-1 the other way and that's football ... Cooper is no great shakes, just prefers a defensive setup and with the pace he's got on the right is always in with a chance of a goal or two ... we opened them up on several occasions and should have bagged a couple more (Piroe and Latib especially) ... will be interesting to see how the 2 managers fare for the rest of the season and especially if Martin gets a few additional players (some pace in defence is essential) ... even losing today I still prefer to have Martin in charge.
AndyCole said:
We're going backwards at a rate of knots.

He continues to fail to see the flaws in his system. And will do so this evening after a proper 1-4 drubbing by our ex manager. It's his way. The arrogance is off the scale.

And most importantly he chooses to not revert to the winning set-up, as implemented by his senior players who were schooled by Cooper.

He and we were today humiliated by Cooper's winning formula : Effective, Efficient, winning football.

Some of us have been banging on to the twps for some time. The twps will ofc now be burying their heads, with their twisted anti-Cooper agendas. You know who you are, sad fecks.

Swanseastar said:
AndyCole said:
We're going backwards at a rate of knots.

He continues to fail to see the flaws in his system. And will do so this evening after a proper 1-4 drubbing by our ex manager. It's his way. The arrogance is off the scale.

And most importantly he chooses to not revert to the winning set-up, as implemented by his senior players who were schooled by Cooper.

He and we were today humiliated by Cooper's winning formula : Effective, Efficient, winning football.

Some of us have been banging on to the twps for some time. The twps will ofc now be burying their heads, with their twisted anti-Cooper agendas. You know who you are, sad fecks.


Thx for that valued contribution from a virginal poster.

The thing is, Martin ain’t the messiah so many of the anti Cooperists were praying for, and today was the proper wake up call for the agenda driven , shallow minded twps.

I - 4. Humiliating stuff.

Just look at Liam Manning at MKDons as yet another proper benchmark - him and Cooper put Martin’s performances into stark perspective

Cooperball 4, Martinball 1. Away from home.
With Cooperball, we'd have been anhilated if we'd sneaked into the PL. I'd rather rub my eyes with wire wool than watch that sh!te week in week out.

RM should be judged after 2 transfer windows - this is a marathon not a sprint. Patience.

Just needs to switch formation to a 451. We can keep the tippy tappy which works fine.

Our wing backs are so high all the time tho we are effectively playing 3 at the back. A flat 4 and we will look miles better. Sticking with the 3 the way they are is gonna keep shipping goals.
Jinxy said:
With Cooperball, we'd have been anhilated if we'd sneaked into the PL. I'd rather rub my eyes with wire wool than watch that sh!te week in week out.

RM should be judged after 2 transfer windows - this is a marathon not a sprint. Patience.

Yes losing 4-1 at home to Cooperball is so much better than watching us win 5-1 with Cooperball, at home against the same team less than a yr ago. :lol:
75% possession and lost at home 4-1

The writing is on the wall
Captain_Sham said:
Jinxy said:
With Cooperball, we'd have been anhilated if we'd sneaked into the PL. I'd rather rub my eyes with wire wool than watch that sh!te week in week out.

RM should be judged after 2 transfer windows - this is a marathon not a sprint. Patience.

Yes losing 4-1 at home to Cooperball is so much better than watching us win 5-1 with Cooperball, at home against the same team less than a yr ago. :lol:
I think it's about intent. Cooper had a strategy from the start, despite promising presentations, words etc.. RM has a clear vision which seems to fit with how the club and most fans want us to play. We'll get there, but it'll take time and at least one transfer window (and backing of course).

Would you prefer Cooper in charge, seriously? I, for one, certainly wouldn't.
Although yes second half we were poor, piroe puts that chance away first half then it's a totally different game especially as we all know how cooper struggles to change a match when trailing. Surely the first poster is a joker? I've already got the mentality of if we see improvement and i believe we have then we will be able to judge more next season after a full pre season.
Give the guy time mun. He will need another 2 transfer windows to have a team he wants. Then judge him . It's crazy the over reaction over a loss and also a win.
Jinxy said:
Captain_Sham said:
Yes losing 4-1 at home to Cooperball is so much better than watching us win 5-1 with Cooperball, at home against the same team less than a yr ago. :lol:
I think it's about intent. Cooper had a strategy from the start, despite promising presentations, words etc.. RM has a clear vision which seems to fit with how the club and most fans want us to play. We'll get there, but it'll take time and at least one transfer window (and backing of course).

Would you prefer Cooper in charge, seriously? I, for one, certainly wouldn't.
Would I prefer Cooper to the shyt we are watching right now? Abso-fking-lutely. I am on record( a broken one) - I like it when we win. I dont like it when we lose.
I'm genuinely interested to see what things we think will change with the next two transfer windows. Laird will go back. We have no money to spend. We have just spunked fk knows how much on Matt Grimes. Winter is already talking about players sales. Our head of recruitment has just left. Is Martin going to pull these players out of his aresehole?
Need to bring B Cooper through fast. Need two young centre backs who can play a passing game comfortably. Martin cannot play his system without the right players. Fortunately we look like we will stay up and Martin will get a few goes to improve.
Cool heads needed here. I can see what he's trying/wanting to do, thing is we don't have the players capable of doing it. Keeping the ball until the opposition is fcked like at Barnsley looks great...but obviously wont always work cis our players simply arnt good enough to do it every game. As mentioned, he needs a cou6of transfer windows and a few quid made available till proper judgement is made. We won't go down this year, so as gutted and as pssd off as I am at yesterday, I'm trying to see the bigger picture.


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