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Martin Out

Just watched the highlights. Jesus, we need a proper keeper and pronto.
monmouth said:
Just watched the highlights. Jesus, we need a proper keeper and pronto.

That third goal, Carmarthenshire League standard!
Having now seen the responses thus far, it seems there's a groundswell of opinion on here that Martin is struggling. Unsurprisingly so, for so many reasons.

Most proper Swans fans want to see winning football, where we play to the best of our abilities, outsmarting the opposition off and on the pitch, preferably dominating possession in the Swansea Way.


Reality check: Martin is failing on all counts:-

- We are playing well below our abilities, collectively and individually
- We aren't playing our best players
- We aren't playing our best players in their best positions
- We rarely get the upper hand against the opposition - neither setups, nor in-game tactics as they unfold
- We dominate possession but totally in the wrong places
- We are minus 50%+ in terms of Hwyl, Pashun and Inner belief - we've lost our Edge.

Not only have we lost our winning Edge under Martin, overall this term we are strategically inferior, and painfully tactically inept in pretty much all battles. Humiliating stuff.

Some context:
- Liam Manning has transformed MKDons into a winning model
- Cooperball has just massively humiliated Martinball

Nowhere to hide Martinball. Fraud, without powerpoint.

My last words on Potter, Cooper et al. We had 3 seasons to get back up, we didn't. I don't blame Potter for that, I don't blame Cooper for that. I think Potter was a good manager who did a bad job. Fk him. I think Cooper is a slightly less good manager who did a good job. Fk him, he also left. My only observation here is the huge disparity between the way our managers are viewed. Such bitterness towards Cooper goes way over my head. I just don't understand it.
I think Martin is in a tough spot. I think the club is in a tough spot. I think survival( as a club) is far more important than how much possession we have. Whether our survival is tied to us remaining in the championship or not remains to be seen. Some clubs have rebuilt lower down.
My sights remain firmly on those at the helm, although to be fair they are to an extent the ones left holding the baby. We all know why were are here and who is to blame.
My interactions with the club have waned since that fateful day we beat Chelsea 1-0 to ensure survival, and the sale of the club was announced. I will never forget Guidolins face that day. So full of pride. The way that the club fell so far and fast from that day still haunts. I've gone from season ticket holder to watching most games to watching a few games to watching on tv to listening on RWal to not even doing that. Maybe thats why I am not so unhappy with HOW we play. ( I dont have to watch it )
I have no answers here but talking of Martin out is silly. Let him get to the end of his contract at least, wherever that takes us. Cooper was our longest encumbent since Martinez. I think we just need to hold our nerve here.
Captain_Sham said:
My last words on Potter, Cooper et al. We had 3 seasons to get back up, we didn't. I don't blame Potter for that, I don't blame Cooper for that. I think Potter was a good manager who did a bad job. Fk him. I think Cooper is a slightly less good manager who did a good job. Fk him, he also left. My only observation here is the huge disparity between the way our managers are viewed. Such bitterness towards Cooper goes way over my head. I just don't understand it.
I think Martin is in a tough spot. I think the club is in a tough spot. I think survival( as a club) is far more important than how much possession we have. Whether our survival is tied to us remaining in the championship or not remains to be seen. Some clubs have rebuilt lower down.
My sights remain firmly on those at the helm, although to be fair they are to an extent the ones left holding the baby. We all know why were are here and who is to blame.
My interactions with the club have waned since that fateful day we beat Chelsea 1-0 to ensure survival, and the sale of the club was announced. I will never forget Guidolins face that day. So full of pride. The way that the club fell so far and fast from that day still haunts. I've gone from season ticket holder to watching most games to watching a few games to watching on tv to listening on RWal to not even doing that. Maybe thats why I am not so unhappy with HOW we play. ( I dont have to watch it )
I have no answers here but talking of Martin out is silly. Let him get to the end of his contract at least, wherever that takes us. Cooper was our longest encumbent since Martinez. I think we just need to hold our nerve here.
A great post.
Sad that a ST holder should be become so disillusioned as to feel the way you do now, but understandable.
I guess my feelings towards Cooper largely stem from how IMHO he let us down on the final day, plus the way he dallied around after rather than leaving asap after the final ( though those running the club were as culpable if not more so for that farcical episode that left Martin no time to prepare )
I agree with you that giving Martin time is important.
A change of manager at any stage in the near future would gain nothing.
On good days I have enjoyed watching Swans this season.
Last Saturday was a low point for Martin from which he and his team need to take many lessons.
I do hope that one day soon you feel inclined to start watching your team again, hopefully last Saturday is the nadir from which we will start improving again
Geoff thom said:
Roger said:
Our football is boring. Keeping possession in your own half with 4000 passes isn’t good football.

Modern teams press and play quick back-to-front football in seconds. The ‘barca tiki taka’ style went out of fashion around 4-5 years ago. Martin is clueless.
Tell that to pep
Geoff thom said:
Roger said:
Our football is boring. Keeping possession in your own half with 4000 passes isn’t good football.

Modern teams press and play quick back-to-front football in seconds. The ‘barca tiki taka’ style went out of fashion around 4-5 years ago. Martin is clueless.
Tell that to pep
Man city play total different system to us for a start with 433 ...wing backs and a flat back 3 for us is leaving us wide open to the counter..so flat and no pace..everytime opposition counter they look like scoring g..
Allergic2Hoof said:

Just needs to switch formation to a 451. We can keep the tippy tappy which works fine.

Our wing backs are so high all the time tho we are effectively playing 3 at the back. A flat 4 and we will look miles better. Sticking with the 3 the way they are is gonna keep shipping goals.
Totally agree, our wing backs rarely play in their own half and if they lose the ball up the pitch make little effort to get back -Laird and Manning especially-may as well have proper wingers in that case. This leaves our mainly very slow back 3 totally exposed especially when they play a very high line that even Carroll can outpace.
Our midfield and attack loom much more balanced although Patterson dipped and could do with a rest.
On another day we could have scored 4 v Forest but were lucky to only concede 4 bar the keeping howler. Strange when our manager was a defender.
STID2017 said:
Captain_Sham said:
My last words on Potter, Cooper et al. We had 3 seasons to get back up, we didn't. I don't blame Potter for that, I don't blame Cooper for that. I think Potter was a good manager who did a bad job. Fk him. I think Cooper is a slightly less good manager who did a good job. Fk him, he also left. My only observation here is the huge disparity between the way our managers are viewed. Such bitterness towards Cooper goes way over my head. I just don't understand it.
I think Martin is in a tough spot. I think the club is in a tough spot. I think survival( as a club) is far more important than how much possession we have. Whether our survival is tied to us remaining in the championship or not remains to be seen. Some clubs have rebuilt lower down.
My sights remain firmly on those at the helm, although to be fair they are to an extent the ones left holding the baby. We all know why were are here and who is to blame.
My interactions with the club have waned since that fateful day we beat Chelsea 1-0 to ensure survival, and the sale of the club was announced. I will never forget Guidolins face that day. So full of pride. The way that the club fell so far and fast from that day still haunts. I've gone from season ticket holder to watching most games to watching a few games to watching on tv to listening on RWal to not even doing that. Maybe thats why I am not so unhappy with HOW we play. ( I dont have to watch it )
I have no answers here but talking of Martin out is silly. Let him get to the end of his contract at least, wherever that takes us. Cooper was our longest encumbent since Martinez. I think we just need to hold our nerve here.
A great post.
Sad that a ST holder should be become so disillusioned as to feel the way you do now, but understandable.
I guess my feelings towards Cooper largely stem from how IMHO he let us down on the final day, plus the way he dallied around after rather than leaving asap after the final ( though those running the club were as culpable if not more so for that farcical episode that left Martin no time to prepare )
I agree with you that giving Martin time is important.
A change of manager at any stage in the near future would gain nothing.
On good days I have enjoyed watching Swans this season.
Last Saturday was a low point for Martin from which he and his team need to take many lessons.
I do hope that one day soon you feel inclined to start watching your team again, hopefully last Saturday is the nadir from which we will start improving again
I think we are all a little sensitive and still pissed off about what we had and what we lost. Please accept my apologies for what I said on Sunday. We need to stick together as we are all Jacks.
Captain_Sham said:
My last words on Potter, Cooper et al. We had 3 seasons to get back up, we didn't. I don't blame Potter for that, I don't blame Cooper for that. I think Potter was a good manager who did a bad job. Fk him. I think Cooper is a slightly less good manager who did a good job. Fk him, he also left. My only observation here is the huge disparity between the way our managers are viewed. Such bitterness towards Cooper goes way over my head. I just don't understand it.
I think Martin is in a tough spot. I think the club is in a tough spot. I think survival( as a club) is far more important than how much possession we have. Whether our survival is tied to us remaining in the championship or not remains to be seen. Some clubs have rebuilt lower down.
My sights remain firmly on those at the helm, although to be fair they are to an extent the ones left holding the baby. We all know why were are here and who is to blame.
My interactions with the club have waned since that fateful day we beat Chelsea 1-0 to ensure survival, and the sale of the club was announced. I will never forget Guidolins face that day. So full of pride. The way that the club fell so far and fast from that day still haunts. I've gone from season ticket holder to watching most games to watching a few games to watching on tv to listening on RWal to not even doing that. Maybe thats why I am not so unhappy with HOW we play. ( I dont have to watch it )
I have no answers here but talking of Martin out is silly. Let him get to the end of his contract at least, wherever that takes us. Cooper was our longest encumbent since Martinez. I think we just need to hold our nerve here.

Very good, Captain. I’ll only add to it by encouraging you to get back to the games, it’s clearly in your blood and you shouldn’t look back in anger.
Captain_Sham said:
My last words on Potter, Cooper et al. We had 3 seasons to get back up, we didn't. I don't blame Potter for that, I don't blame Cooper for that. I think Potter was a good manager who did a bad job. Fk him. I think Cooper is a slightly less good manager who did a good job. Fk him, he also left. My only observation here is the huge disparity between the way our managers are viewed. Such bitterness towards Cooper goes way over my head. I just don't understand it.
I think Martin is in a tough spot. I think the club is in a tough spot. I think survival( as a club) is far more important than how much possession we have. Whether our survival is tied to us remaining in the championship or not remains to be seen. Some clubs have rebuilt lower down.
My sights remain firmly on those at the helm, although to be fair they are to an extent the ones left holding the baby. We all know why were are here and who is to blame.
My interactions with the club have waned since that fateful day we beat Chelsea 1-0 to ensure survival, and the sale of the club was announced. I will never forget Guidolins face that day. So full of pride. The way that the club fell so far and fast from that day still haunts. I've gone from season ticket holder to watching most games to watching a few games to watching on tv to listening on RWal to not even doing that. Maybe thats why I am not so unhappy with HOW we play. ( I dont have to watch it )
I have no answers here but talking of Martin out is silly. Let him get to the end of his contract at least, wherever that takes us. Cooper was our longest encumbent since Martinez. I think we just need to hold our nerve here.
Yes, a very fair and balanced post CS. The only thing I'd add is that you'll agree that you see far more watching a game live - both good passages of play, runs off the ball etc. and bad e.g. Rhys Williams jogging back for Boro's first goal. When you are there, you are part of it, so if you can get that ST in the basket! One other major difference is the last 3 games has been good chances missed, which obviously change games, confidence, momentum massively. We have a lack of options up front and maybe Piroe and Patterson are tired, under pressure etc., who knows. Let's not forget RM is still trying to improve the squad's fitness, so presumably must be working them pretty hard in training.

Ah that game v Chelsea. After it, I was talking to Martin Morgan (probably the last time I was in the waster's hotel) and he didn't make eye contact, I remember it. I actually shook hands with him and have often considered amputation since...!

IMO we are generally patient, understanding and humble fans, but we know what good looks like. I know RM is 100% aware of this, and is hurting from recent results as much if not more than us. As I've said - some time, patience and at least one transfer window will I'm sure see us performing and getting consistent results. I also believe that under (the likes of) Martin, playing this kind of style, we can not just get to the PL, but stay there again.
Captain_Sham said:
STID2017 said:
A great post.
Sad that a ST holder should be become so disillusioned as to feel the way you do now, but understandable.
I guess my feelings towards Cooper largely stem from how IMHO he let us down on the final day, plus the way he dallied around after rather than leaving asap after the final ( though those running the club were as culpable if not more so for that farcical episode that left Martin no time to prepare )
I agree with you that giving Martin time is important.
A change of manager at any stage in the near future would gain nothing.
On good days I have enjoyed watching Swans this season.
Last Saturday was a low point for Martin from which he and his team need to take many lessons.
I do hope that one day soon you feel inclined to start watching your team again, hopefully last Saturday is the nadir from which we will start improving again
I think we are all a little sensitive and still pissed off about what we had and what we lost. Please accept my apologies for what I said on Sunday. We need to stick together as we are all Jacks.
No need to apologise.
Watching Swans is like riding the Big Dipper - lots of highs and lows and ( especially on days like Saturday ) quite stomach churning.
All the best
Captain_Sham said:
STID2017 said:
A great post.
Sad that a ST holder should be become so disillusioned as to feel the way you do now, but understandable.
I guess my feelings towards Cooper largely stem from how IMHO he let us down on the final day, plus the way he dallied around after rather than leaving asap after the final ( though those running the club were as culpable if not more so for that farcical episode that left Martin no time to prepare )
I agree with you that giving Martin time is important.
A change of manager at any stage in the near future would gain nothing.
On good days I have enjoyed watching Swans this season.
Last Saturday was a low point for Martin from which he and his team need to take many lessons.
I do hope that one day soon you feel inclined to start watching your team again, hopefully last Saturday is the nadir from which we will start improving again
I think we are all a little sensitive and still pissed off about what we had and what we lost. Please accept my apologies for what I said on Sunday. We need to stick together as we are all Jacks.

Great post 👏
Jinxy said:
Captain_Sham said:
My last words on Potter, Cooper et al. We had 3 seasons to get back up, we didn't. I don't blame Potter for that, I don't blame Cooper for that. I think Potter was a good manager who did a bad job. Fk him. I think Cooper is a slightly less good manager who did a good job. Fk him, he also left. My only observation here is the huge disparity between the way our managers are viewed. Such bitterness towards Cooper goes way over my head. I just don't understand it.
I think Martin is in a tough spot. I think the club is in a tough spot. I think survival( as a club) is far more important than how much possession we have. Whether our survival is tied to us remaining in the championship or not remains to be seen. Some clubs have rebuilt lower down.
My sights remain firmly on those at the helm, although to be fair they are to an extent the ones left holding the baby. We all know why were are here and who is to blame.
My interactions with the club have waned since that fateful day we beat Chelsea 1-0 to ensure survival, and the sale of the club was announced. I will never forget Guidolins face that day. So full of pride. The way that the club fell so far and fast from that day still haunts. I've gone from season ticket holder to watching most games to watching a few games to watching on tv to listening on RWal to not even doing that. Maybe thats why I am not so unhappy with HOW we play. ( I dont have to watch it )
I have no answers here but talking of Martin out is silly. Let him get to the end of his contract at least, wherever that takes us. Cooper was our longest encumbent since Martinez. I think we just need to hold our nerve here.
Yes, a very fair and balanced post CS. The only thing I'd add is that you'll agree that you see far more watching a game live - both good passages of play, runs off the ball etc. and bad e.g. Rhys Williams jogging back for Boro's first goal. When you are there, you are part of it, so if you can get that ST in the basket! One other major difference is the last 3 games has been good chances missed, which obviously change games, confidence, momentum massively. We have a lack of options up front and maybe Piroe and Patterson are tired, under pressure etc., who knows. Let's not forget RM is still trying to improve the squad's fitness, so presumably must be working them pretty hard in training.

Ah that game v Chelsea. After it, I was talking to Martin Morgan (probably the last time I was in the waster's hotel) and he didn't make eye contact, I remember it. I actually shook hands with him and have often considered amputation since...!

IMO we are generally patient, understanding and humble fans, but we know what good looks like. I know RM is 100% aware of this, and is hurting from recent results as much if not more than us. As I've said - some time, patience and at least one transfer window will I'm sure see us performing and getting consistent results. I also believe that under (the likes of) Martin, playing this kind of style, we can not just get to the PL, but stay there again.
Well said
Captain_Sham said:
My last words on Potter, Cooper et al. We had 3 seasons to get back up, we didn't. I don't blame Potter for that, I don't blame Cooper for that. I think Potter was a good manager who did a bad job. Fk him. I think Cooper is a slightly less good manager who did a good job. Fk him, he also left. My only observation here is the huge disparity between the way our managers are viewed. Such bitterness towards Cooper goes way over my head. I just don't understand it.
I think Martin is in a tough spot. I think the club is in a tough spot. I think survival( as a club) is far more important than how much possession we have. Whether our survival is tied to us remaining in the championship or not remains to be seen. Some clubs have rebuilt lower down.
My sights remain firmly on those at the helm, although to be fair they are to an extent the ones left holding the baby. We all know why were are here and who is to blame.
My interactions with the club have waned since that fateful day we beat Chelsea 1-0 to ensure survival, and the sale of the club was announced. I will never forget Guidolins face that day. So full of pride. The way that the club fell so far and fast from that day still haunts. I've gone from season ticket holder to watching most games to watching a few games to watching on tv to listening on RWal to not even doing that. Maybe thats why I am not so unhappy with HOW we play. ( I dont have to watch it )
I have no answers here but talking of Martin out is silly. Let him get to the end of his contract at least, wherever that takes us. Cooper was our longest encumbent since Martinez. I think we just need to hold our nerve here.

Yay, go Sham!!

Great post.

I wouldn’t be putting money that it’ll be your last words though…


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