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Season 21/22 The Official Swansea City vs Nottingham Forest Match Thread

What will the result be against Nottingham Forest?

  • Swans win

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Draw

    Votes: 11 33.3%
  • Nottingham Forest win

    Votes: 9 27.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Vetchonian said:
Skippyjack said:
The wingnuts are on the other site, Vetchonian who was dubious at the start and Perch, who let's face it, hated every manager including Martinez when we romped league one, but he did have a soft spot for Brendan, but he had a grudge over Laudrup FFS an all, he's against the grain no matter what, he's a weird tw*t
well I can tell you that so called wingnut will be hoping Martin gets his act back together as he did in October and gets us a win.
I do not want to see a Cooper fist pump
yes I keep banging on o my because im for up of being told how better it is this season..yet we have won less have less points and scored less goals.
we have won only one game in the last 5 and that against the team that if were not for points deductions would be bottom of the league having only won 2 games to date
the only thing Martin g
has improved is our possession stats for all the good so called control of the ball has done to our results.
tButhey jo in Martin we trust....I hope he goes back to the lineup and tactics from October.
Let's hope we win

I'm not saying anything different, I'm just pointing out you criticised him after a few games, even though he had no pre-season.. but I agree with you, questions should be asked now, 20 odd games have gone and we find ourselves in the middle of the pack, but some disagree and they don't mind being mid table, which I find strange
Vetchonian said:
Skippyjack said:
The wingnuts are on the other site, Vetchonian who was dubious at the start and Perch, who let's face it, hated every manager including Martinez when we romped league one, but he did have a soft spot for Brendan, but he had a grudge over Laudrup FFS an all, he's against the grain no matter what, he's a weird tw*t
well I can tell you that so called wingnut will be hoping Martin gets his act back together as he did in October and gets us a win.
I do not want to see a Cooper fist pump
yes I keep banging on o my because im for up of being told how better it is this season..yet we have won less have less points and scored less goals.
we have won only one game in the last 5 and that against the team that if were not for points deductions would be bottom of the league having only won 2 games to date
the only thing Martin g
has improved is our possession stats for all the good so called control of the ball has done to our results.
tButhey jo in Martin we trust....I hope he goes back to the lineup and tactics from October.
Let's hope we win

Not being funny vetch but how many beers did you have before posting this.
Fireboy said:
Vetchonian said:
well I can tell you that so called wingnut will be hoping Martin gets his act back together as he did in October and gets us a win.
I do not want to see a Cooper fist pump
yes I keep banging on o my because im for up of being told how better it is this season..yet we have won less have less points and scored less goals.
we have won only one game in the last 5 and that against the team that if were not for points deductions would be bottom of the league having only won 2 games to date
the only thing Martin g
has improved is our possession stats for all the good so called control of the ball has done to our results.
tButhey jo in Martin we trust....I hope he goes back to the lineup and tactics from October.
Let's hope we win

Not being funny vetch but how many beers did you have before posting this.

Leave him alone mun, most Doctors write in riddles, he makes some decent points, 20 odd games last season Coops did have us playing decent stuff.. it's the 20 games that came next, is the head scratcher, we went all defensive for some reason
Skippyjack said:
Vetchonian said:
well I can tell you that so called wingnut will be hoping Martin gets his act back together as he did in October and gets us a win.
I do not want to see a Cooper fist pump
yes I keep banging on o my because im for up of being told how better it is this season..yet we have won less have less points and scored less goals.
we have won only one game in the last 5 and that against the team that if were not for points deductions would be bottom of the league having only won 2 games to date
the only thing Martin g
has improved is our possession stats for all the good so called control of the ball has done to our results.
tButhey jo in Martin we trust....I hope he goes back to the lineup and tactics from October.
Let's hope we win

I'm not saying anything different, I'm just pointing out you criticised him after a few games, even though he had no pre-season.. but I agree with you, questions should be asked now, 20 odd games have gone and we find ourselves in the middle of the pack, but some disagree and they don't mind being mid table, which I find strange

Look at the players that have left since the two playoff seasons: Ayew, Guehi, Rodon, Roberts, Gallagher, V.Der Hoorn, Brewster. A lot of talent has left the side. Most of it a cit above championship level imh.

It was always going to be a few seasons job in my view, trying to completely overhaul a style of play and bringing in players to suit. Hopefully a few coming in in January will lead to a good second half to the season.

Either way this is what i think is probably our strongest XI:
Bennett Naughton Manning
Laird Downes Grimes Bidwell
Ntcham Pato
Bryanswan said:
Skippyjack said:
I'm not saying anything different, I'm just pointing out you criticised him after a few games, even though he had no pre-season.. but I agree with you, questions should be asked now, 20 odd games have gone and we find ourselves in the middle of the pack, but some disagree and they don't mind being mid table, which I find strange

Look at the players that have left since the two playoff seasons: Ayew, Guehi, Rodon, Roberts, Gallagher, V.Der Hoorn, Brewster. A lot of talent has left the side. Most of it a cit above championship level imh.

It was always going to be a few seasons job in my view, trying to completely overhaul a style of play and bringing in players to suit. Hopefully a few coming in in January will lead to a good second half to the season.

Either way this is what i think is probably our strongest XI:
Bennett Naughton Manning
Laird Downes Grimes Bidwell
Ntcham Pato

I don't know about cut above the Championship, the PL is a big step up and the only two that are performing well are Gallagher and Guehi (even he's had a few shockers, but no surprise)

Agree with the team, but Hamer, Laird, Grimes and Paterson need to start performing, because they've been shocking last two matches
Skippyjack said:
Bryanswan said:
Look at the players that have left since the two playoff seasons: Ayew, Guehi, Rodon, Roberts, Gallagher, V.Der Hoorn, Brewster. A lot of talent has left the side. Most of it a cit above championship level imh.

It was always going to be a few seasons job in my view, trying to completely overhaul a style of play and bringing in players to suit. Hopefully a few coming in in January will lead to a good second half to the season.

Either way this is what i think is probably our strongest XI:
Bennett Naughton Manning
Laird Downes Grimes Bidwell
Ntcham Pato

I don't know about cut above the Championship, the PL is a big step up and the only two that are performing well are Gallagher and Guehi (even he's had a few shockers, but no surprise)

Agree with the team, but Hamer, Laird, Grimes and Paterson need to start performing, because they've been shocking last two matches

All got moves to a higher level, barring Ayew who went for some cash.

The last few games have been pretty poor, hopefully if we go back to the previous lineip it might improve. The problem is if we arent performing who would even replace any of them and make a difference. Our bench is so poor.
Bryanswan said:
Skippyjack said:
I'm not saying anything different, I'm just pointing out you criticised him after a few games, even though he had no pre-season.. but I agree with you, questions should be asked now, 20 odd games have gone and we find ourselves in the middle of the pack, but some disagree and they don't mind being mid table, which I find strange

Look at the players that have left since the two playoff seasons: Ayew, Guehi, Rodon, Roberts, Gallagher, V.Der Hoorn, Brewster. A lot of talent has left the side. Most of it a cit above championship level imh.

It was always going to be a few seasons job in my view, trying to completely overhaul a style of play and bringing in players to suit. Hopefully a few coming in in January will lead to a good second half to the season.

Either way this is what i think is probably our strongest XI:
Bennett Naughton Manning
Laird Downes Grimes Bidwell
Ntcham Pato

This season was always going to be a transitional one whoever was in charge due to the list of players that were going to leave in the summer

There is a reason why Cooper wanted out in the summer, he feared his stock value would reduce (IMO)
Fireboy said:
Vetchonian said:
well I can tell you that so called wingnut will be hoping Martin gets his act back together as he did in October and gets us a win.
I do not want to see a Cooper fist pump
yes I keep banging on o my because im for up of being told how better it is this season..yet we have won less have less points and scored less goals.
we have won only one game in the last 5 and that against the team that if were not for points deductions would be bottom of the league having only won 2 games to date
the only thing Martin g
has improved is our possession stats for all the good so called control of the ball has done to our results.
tButhey jo in Martin we trust....I hope he goes back to the lineup and tactics from October.
Let's hope we win

Not being funny vetch but how many beers did you have before posting this.

Completely sober, mind you it was posted on my phone at arms lenght or so as I hadnt my glasses as I was queuing for my booster jab....but its true despite what many think and the bleating sheep on the other site I do actually want us to win.

I am not hoping we lose I never hope we lose thats wht I ahve been vocal about Martin this season..
Bryanswan said:
Skippyjack said:
I'm not saying anything different, I'm just pointing out you criticised him after a few games, even though he had no pre-season.. but I agree with you, questions should be asked now, 20 odd games have gone and we find ourselves in the middle of the pack, but some disagree and they don't mind being mid table, which I find strange

Look at the players that have left since the two playoff seasons: Ayew, Guehi, Rodon, Roberts, Gallagher, V.Der Hoorn, Brewster. A lot of talent has left the side. Most of it a cit above championship level imh.

It was always going to be a few seasons job in my view, trying to completely overhaul a style of play and bringing in players to suit. Hopefully a few coming in in January will lead to a good second half to the season.

Either way this is what i think is probably our strongest XI:
Bennett Naughton Manning
Laird Downes Grimes Bidwell
Ntcham Pato

Lets not forget Van der Horrn,Brewster, Gallacher left after season 1 of Coopers reign....the same season he got us to playoffs despite losing, McBurnie, Jamesand Baston

Then last season he lost Rodon in January so despite losing quality such as vander Horn,Brewster and Gaallacher and Rodon he got us to the play off finals

Yes I get "wound up" but look at this season we have added Piroe, Paterson, Natcham all class, Downes looks good and Laird is also respectable
so thought Ayew has left I would say Piroe is more than an like for like replacement in fact more so as he is a natural striker.

Opinions though
Vetchonian said:
Bryanswan said:
Look at the players that have left since the two playoff seasons: Ayew, Guehi, Rodon, Roberts, Gallagher, V.Der Hoorn, Brewster. A lot of talent has left the side. Most of it a cit above championship level imh.

It was always going to be a few seasons job in my view, trying to completely overhaul a style of play and bringing in players to suit. Hopefully a few coming in in January will lead to a good second half to the season.

Either way this is what i think is probably our strongest XI:
Bennett Naughton Manning
Laird Downes Grimes Bidwell
Ntcham Pato

Lets not forget Van der Horrn,Brewster, Gallacher left after season 1 of Coopers reign....the same season he got us to playoffs despite losing, McBurnie, Jamesand Baston

Then last season he lost Rodon in January so despite losing quality such as vander Horn,Brewster and Gaallacher and Rodon he got us to the play off finals

Yes I get "wound up" but look at this season we have added Piroe, Paterson, Natcham all class, Downes looks good and Laird is also respectable
so thought Ayew has left I would say Piroe is more than an like for like replacement in fact more so as he is a natural striker.

Opinions though

Im not going to talk about Cooper.
But squad wise i do think we are probably weaker than either of those two seasons and have a fair way to go to be competitive with the top sides who have endless amounts of cash.

Ayew is the biggest miss for me, carried us for 2 seasons. Piroe is a decent replacement and can score goals, but i don't think his all round play is anywhere near what Andre offered.

Other than that our biggest weakness is having nobody to make an impact off the bench, sometimes players don't play well. But having someone decent to bring on makes a difference.

That aside hopefully we go back to the October team and stick 5 on Forest saturday.
Bryanswan said:
Vetchonian said:
Lets not forget Van der Horrn,Brewster, Gallacher left after season 1 of Coopers reign....the same season he got us to playoffs despite losing, McBurnie, Jamesand Baston

Then last season he lost Rodon in January so despite losing quality such as vander Horn,Brewster and Gaallacher and Rodon he got us to the play off finals

Yes I get "wound up" but look at this season we have added Piroe, Paterson, Natcham all class, Downes looks good and Laird is also respectable
so thought Ayew has left I would say Piroe is more than an like for like replacement in fact more so as he is a natural striker.

Opinions though

Im not going to talk about Cooper.
But squad wise i do think we are probably weaker than either of those two seasons and have a fair way to go to be competitive with the top sides who have endless amounts of cash.

Ayew is the biggest miss for me, carried us for 2 seasons. Piroe is a decent replacement and can score goals, but i don't think his all round play is anywhere near what Andre offered.

Other than that our biggest weakness is having nobody to make an impact off the bench, sometimes players don't play well. But having someone decent to bring on makes a difference.

That aside hopefully we go back to the October team and stick 5 on Forest saturday.

DOnt blame you and neither do I the porblem is many especially on the other site always refer back to him or the fact this season we have lost players when anyone critiques Martin....IT always happens

Im with you pick the same back line as we did v CCFC and West Brom the line up and tactics employed in October should see us get a win.If he sticks with Williams and tippy tappy keepball for the sake of in our half we will see Cooper fist punching the air and noe of us true Swans fans want that do we..
In the words of Gwyn "Come on my Lovely boys"
Bryanswan said:
Vetchonian said:
Lets not forget Van der Horrn,Brewster, Gallacher left after season 1 of Coopers reign....the same season he got us to playoffs despite losing, McBurnie, Jamesand Baston

Then last season he lost Rodon in January so despite losing quality such as vander Horn,Brewster and Gaallacher and Rodon he got us to the play off finals

Yes I get "wound up" but look at this season we have added Piroe, Paterson, Natcham all class, Downes looks good and Laird is also respectable
so thought Ayew has left I would say Piroe is more than an like for like replacement in fact more so as he is a natural striker.

Opinions though

Im not going to talk about Cooper.
But squad wise i do think we are probably weaker than either of those two seasons and have a fair way to go to be competitive with the top sides who have endless amounts of cash.

Ayew is the biggest miss for me, carried us for 2 seasons. Piroe is a decent replacement and can score goals, but i don't think his all round play is anywhere near what Andre offered.

Other than that our biggest weakness is having nobody to make an impact off the bench, sometimes players don't play well. But having someone decent to bring on makes a difference.

That aside hopefully we go back to the October team and stick 5 on Forest saturday.

Added to it is that we seemingly need a certain type of player to fit Martin's system, which will take time. To give Cooper some credit, I think he's more the type who can join a club and work with what he's got better than someone like Martin.

Look at when Roberto came in. We improved immediately and almost snuck into the playoffs that season IIRC. Then in the summer we shed some players who didn't fit his style of football and added the likes of Rangel, Bodde, de Vries, Anderson and Scotland. We all know what happened next.

We made a good start on the recruitment this summer, but clearly are far from the finished article.
JackSomething said:
Bryanswan said:
Im not going to talk about Cooper.
But squad wise i do think we are probably weaker than either of those two seasons and have a fair way to go to be competitive with the top sides who have endless amounts of cash.

Ayew is the biggest miss for me, carried us for 2 seasons. Piroe is a decent replacement and can score goals, but i don't think his all round play is anywhere near what Andre offered.

Other than that our biggest weakness is having nobody to make an impact off the bench, sometimes players don't play well. But having someone decent to bring on makes a difference.

That aside hopefully we go back to the October team and stick 5 on Forest saturday.

Added to it is that we seemingly need a certain type of player to fit Martin's system, which will take time. To give Cooper some credit, I think he's more the type who can join a club and work with what he's got better than someone like Martin.

Look at when Roberto came in. We improved immediately and almost snuck into the playoffs that season IIRC. Then in the summer we shed some players who didn't fit his style of football and added the likes of Rangel, Bodde, de Vries, Anderson and Scotland. We all know what happened next.

We made a good start on the recruitment this summer, but clearly are far from the finished article.

Thats one of my issues with MArtin....he is a true play by numbers manager...
He is fixated on a style/tactics regardles of the players.Martinez knew how he wanted to play but recognised the limitaions of our our Centre backs at the time which is why he gave Leon the role he had...ie be available to collect the ball from the keeper or the give the CBs an outball without having to hoof it. He then brought in players and adapted.

Martin is fixated with how the play should be and has "shoehorned" players into roles where thet fit but dont filkl the gap.
Latest news is we have to shed players,I know the wish will be to offload the likes of Dhanda, Whittaker and those around the firnges but knowing we might need cash teh vultures may come calling with offers ofor Piroe,dont forget Paterson is on a 12 month deal only....
I think we have a good competetive squad but not with how Martin wants this season to be playing his way rather than making a transitional change he wants to make a step change.

Ill stop before Im accused of Martin bashing which Im not just expreesing my opinion as how I see it....January will be an inteeresting time
JackSomething said:
Bryanswan said:
Im not going to talk about Cooper.
But squad wise i do think we are probably weaker than either of those two seasons and have a fair way to go to be competitive with the top sides who have endless amounts of cash.

Ayew is the biggest miss for me, carried us for 2 seasons. Piroe is a decent replacement and can score goals, but i don't think his all round play is anywhere near what Andre offered.

Other than that our biggest weakness is having nobody to make an impact off the bench, sometimes players don't play well. But having someone decent to bring on makes a difference.

That aside hopefully we go back to the October team and stick 5 on Forest saturday.

Added to it is that we seemingly need a certain type of player to fit Martin's system, which will take time. To give Cooper some credit, I think he's more the type who can join a club and work with what he's got better than someone like Martin.

Look at when Roberto came in. We improved immediately and almost snuck into the playoffs that season IIRC. Then in the summer we shed some players who didn't fit his style of football and added the likes of Rangel, Bodde, de Vries, Anderson and Scotland. We all know what happened next.

We made a good start on the recruitment this summer, but clearly are far from the finished article.

I think Cooper is probably more of a manager who can come in tighten things up and get result. I don't think he is a long term manager who can build over the longer term, which im hoping Martin can.

I dont think we are too far away, one or two to challenge for starting places and a couple for the bench and we could be a different side.
We were going nowhere under Cooper. He knew it, the club knew it. That’s why he was binned or walked.

We may fail under Martin, but there is clearly more headroom in terms of where we are now aiming. Will put things back on the right track whether Martin pulls it off or not. Astras and arduas as Brenno would have it.


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