Sorry to sound like a stuck record but it’s not helpful to over-simplify this into ‘Duff: Good’ or ‘Duff: Bad’. If he is deciding the training regime for the entire first team without consulting his coaching team then what are we paying them for? If he is planning team tactics, including formation, for the next game without engaging his team captain, then what are Watson and Coleman doing?
It’s a team performance at the end of the day. Easy to simplify it into the story of one man (in this case) and his success (or not) at delivering a game plan like our players are pieces on a Subbuteo board, but things are rarely that simple.
Now, there are aspects of his individual performance that might legitimately ring alarm bells. He is displaying a Captain Queeg-like level of paranoia. He has made misjudgements talking to the press (Cardiff Gate). While he doesn’t throw individual players under the bus like Martin did, he seems reluctant to own responsibility for failure. If you were managing a new hire who was stepping up a grade at work, had a few rough edges to their personality, put the hours in but was having trouble bonding with their new colleagues, would you (a) let them go immediately before they finish their probation, (b) put them on a Performance Improvement Plan in the hope that fear would make them step up or leave or (c) discuss how they feel things are going and work at helping them make the transition?