Planet Swans Archives

BJB Day 28

Home > Story Index >Day 28 In The Big Jack Brother House 19.06.03 – 10.03am – The housemates have enjoyed a breakfast of poached eggs on toast. Some of the eggs have alcohol in them from the chickens over indulgence yesterday and Leon Britton has a huge hangover from his…
Friday, 20 June 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 27

Home > Story Index >Day 27 In The Big Jack Brother House 18.06.03 – 4.32am – Leon Britton is talking in his sleep. He is mumbling about the task and how he wants his mummy to help him. The remaining housemates have been woken up by his sleep talking and…
Thursday, 19 June 2003, 0:00

Opening Fixtures

Home >Story Index> Swans Start And Finish At Home It’s always nice to kick off a new season at home when you consider that fans have gone three months without football and the sun nearly always seems to shine on the opening day. A good crowd is guaranteed and hopefully…
Thursday, 19 June 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 26

Home > Story Index >Day 26 In The Big Jack Brother House 17.06.03 – 9.04am – With just over 24 hours left to complete the weekly task, Leon Britton is in the garden trying to learn to ride his bike. It seems to be going well until he falls off…
Wednesday, 18 June 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 25

Home > Story Index >Day 25 In The Big Jack Brother House 16.06.03 – 6.02am – Leon Britton is up early practicing his cycling. As he rides round the garden (with the stablisiers) he wonders why Big Jack Brother has put sleeping policemen in the garden. It is only the…
Tuesday, 17 June 2003, 0:00

BJB Day 23

Home > Story Index >Day 23 In The Big Jack Brother House 14.06.03 – 9.02am – John Williams is the first housemate up. He moves into the sofa area for a lie down pausing only briefly to make himself a cup of tea. Sadly for him he never gets to…
Monday, 16 June 2003, 0:00

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