Lifelong said:
Lisa has an intense dislike of the Police, she reminds me of a retired teacher neighbour of ours, got booked for speeding 20 years ago and has hated the Police ever since.
No I don’t, and I also think that’s a very unfair statement to make.
I believe that the Metropolitan Police have a toxicity relating to certain sections of the community - women being one. It’s not all of them, but it’s a frequently demonstrated macho culture that does not make people like me (women) feel we can fully trust them to take us seriously.
Perhaps if some of them stopped sending selfies and memes around when they are with the bodies of murdered women it may help? Or if those that did had any sort of punishment as a result (desk job on full pay not being an example of such).
I have literally never had so much as a speeding ticket btw. I’ve had a couple of fixed penalty notices for stopping for a minute to drop someone off in a red route and that’s it. Please don’t assume that those of us who do not have the most faith in the police are of that mind due to us having had trouble with them. My only interactions have been the few times when I’ve been attacked or robbed when they’ve turned up, sent me a case number for insurance, and written me a letter a few weeks later saying they can’t do anything along with a link to ‘victim support’. As I have now said a few times, it’s not all officers and I have no idea whether other forces are the same.