It may work for American sports like baseball, where are lot of the KPIs can be reduced to decisions like "does he hit the ball more often than not? Y/N". But as we all know, football is full of little quirks and oddities, many of which you can't quantify.
Even the stats you can quantify often don't tell you the full picture. If you had a look at Grimes on a spreadsheet, you'd probably get told here's a guy who never gives the ball away and is always fit. What the data won't tell you is that he rarely loses the ball because he plays with zero risk and passes backwards and sideways most of the time, and he's always fit because he never engages physically. He's a pretty ineffectual player - but some of the stats might tell you otherwise.
There is no substitute for the good old fashioned eyeball test. Not sure there's enough of that going on at our club anymore, and not for a long time.