That's interesting, it's come out in the last few days that leaving it at a set temp(let's say 18) and leaving it on all day, it doesn't work out cheaper.
Going by what you're saying in your little experiment states opposite.
I have a detached 4 bedroom and we have held back a bit with the heating but we are hitting £10+ a day, I have got to the point that I have told the wife to just crack it on if needed but she is reluctant, the smart meter is constantly looking at us both
We pay quarterly but in the last 3 months our supplier has started taking £177 monthly direct debits out and we will as usual get billed quarterly, told her that we will be in the red come the end if sinter start of spring but will eat back into it when it starts getting warmer as we continue to get £177 direct debit taken out.....they worked that amount out with what we used last year compared to the new prices.
I am luckily to be in a position where I can pay it but it just takes away from my disposable income pot and affects our other joys in life but that just needs to accepted and we push on.
My concern is for those people who are struggling to pay these bills as its becoming absolute ridiculous and highlited more in this cold weather.
Still deciding Wether these smart meters are that good, tells you how much you are using but as it stands I think that I will be watching the meter rather than the TV as there is more movement on that meter compared to the TV lately