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Graham Mansfield not guilty of murder


Roger Freestone
Jun 23, 2020
Reaction score
A garage in Canoga Park
Incredible story.
Animals put out of their pain,human beings have to suffer.

Oh my god. This sort of heartbreaking story totally f*cks me up. Every day we all move closer to having to face this sort of eventuality.

I can't imagine a life without Mrs Bear, but equally I can't imagine refusing to end her suffering if her life had become intolerable.

She'd have no problem bumping me off. She's already told me how she'll be doing it. I just hope she waits until I ask.
Thanks for posting, very moving story. Totally agree with your sentiments, there has to be a better way. We’re in the 21st Century, subject to the correct safeguards being in place there is no reason the law cannot be changed and we introduce similar services to those which Dignitas provide in Switzerland.
Awful story. Right outcome for the husband. The main reason we have euthanasia for animals but not for people is that animals don’t tend to have belongings, money and property which other animals want to get their hands on.
My heart goes out to both, but I will address the elephant in the room, slitting his wife's throat, surely there would have been a more peaceful method to explore in a suicide pact
Swanjaxs said:
My heart goes out to both, but I will address the elephant in the room, slitting his wife's throat, surely there would have been a more peaceful methods to explore in a suicide packed?

It’s a fair question. I’d imagine it was addressed during the trial.
exiledclaseboy said:
Swanjaxs said:
My heart goes out to both, but I will address the elephant in the room, slitting his wife's throat, surely there would have been a more peaceful methods to explore in a suicide packed?

It’s a fair question. I’d imagine it was addressed during the trial.

Yes of course, heartbreaking.
Swanjaxs said:
My heart goes out to both, but I will address the elephant in the room, slitting his wife's throat, surely there would have been a more peaceful method to explore in a suicide packed?

It was addressed in the trial. I think they looked online and thought that this was the quickest/easiest way. Car exhaust in the garage is the correct answer, but don't let it get that far. Seek help if you need it and consider protesting to change the law on euthanasia.
BanosSwan said:
Swanjaxs said:
My heart goes out to both, but I will address the elephant in the room, slitting his wife's throat, surely there would have been a more peaceful method to explore in a suicide packed?

It was addressed in the trial. I think they looked online and thought that this was the quickest/easiest way. Car exhaust in the garage is the correct answer, but don't let it get that far. Seek help if you need it and consider protesting to change the law on euthanasia.

Absolutely heartbreaking, it's been said in previous posts that we should all be given the choice to exit our life when terminally ill or to see it out when we are of clear mind...
It is heart breaking this story, but goes to show you just can't do what you want to, not in this country anyway..

Taken from the bbc website Three knives and a lump hammer were found near her body. also this Neither note was signed by Mrs Mansfield, the court heard.


It does raise doubts in many peoples minds, of what actually happened that night.

And I'm not saying this to get a raise, I have been reading lots of comments on it.

Nobody wants to see their loved ones suffer, but here is the case that you can't just DIY.

Hand on my heart this is no wind up, I would never do that in circumstances like this.
It is an awful story, and while i agree with assisted suicide by the state (would have to be strict control parameters in place), there is no way i can feel for the man in this instance. What an absolutely horrific way to try and end your wife's life.
Swanjaxs said:
My heart goes out to both, but I will address the elephant in the room, slitting his wife's throat, surely there would have been a more peaceful method to explore in a suicide pact

This might get awkward, so this will be my only contribution to this debate. If slitting someone's throat means cutting through the windpipe, which channels air rather than blood, then that's horrible. But they both researched this so I hope that they cut the arteries which are at the sides of the head. I feel sick talking about this. And yes, we should be allowed to have euthanasia. Personally, I want it for myself when I reach that stage in my life.
Glyn1 said:
Swanjaxs said:
My heart goes out to both, but I will address the elephant in the room, slitting his wife's throat, surely there would have been a more peaceful method to explore in a suicide pact

This might get awkward, so this will be my only contribution to this debate. If slitting someone's throat means cutting through the windpipe, which channels air rather than blood, then that's horrible. But they both researched this so I hope that they cut the arteries which are at the sides of the head. I feel sick talking about this. And yes, we should be allowed to have euthanasia. Personally, I want it for myself when I reach that stage in my life.

He was probably aiming for the jugular vein which would have been absolutely horrific, either way, an absolutely horrendous way to help someone commit suicide.
I'm led to believe it's a quick death. Overdosing on pills cam be very, very painful apparently.

Horrendous story and in this the 21st century, assisted dying needs a massive change in the UK laws.
Glyn1 said:
Swanjaxs said:
My heart goes out to both, but I will address the elephant in the room, slitting his wife's throat, surely there would have been a more peaceful method to explore in a suicide pact

This might get awkward, so this will be my only contribution to this debate. If slitting someone's throat means cutting through the windpipe, which channels air rather than blood, then that's horrible. But they both researched this so I hope that they cut the arteries which are at the sides of the head. I feel sick talking about this. And yes, we should be allowed to have euthanasia. Personally, I want it for myself when I reach that stage in my life.

The elephant in the room. Death is horrible (to the living) however it is actuated... but it is the eventuality, it is the fact of life AND it should be our choice of how and when, if necesssary.


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