Alan Curtis
The overall average global temperature is increasing year on year towards dangerous levels. That is a fact, and cannot be denied by any crackpot climate denier. One of the effects is to throw into turmoil established weather patterns in all different parts of the world. It might mean excessive rain and floods, or excessive drought and huge fires. If you still doubt it, pop down to Seville in August and experience temperatures not far off 50C.Let's face it, any scientist who went against the covid narrative was just ridiculed. And as far as the last sentence, well I have funny feeling many, many thousand who have died, or suffered adverse effects of the vax, may disagree with that.
It's a load of BS climate warming, and if you step away from the government propaganda regarding it, you may see that, and I'm not talking listening to conspiracy theorists, just what you can see with your own eyes.
We have months of rubbish cold and wet weather, next month we will get a week of warm weather, and the news will say, this has been the warmest year since time began..
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