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Is Global warming a thing?

They have more than a decent guess as you put it and any negligible difference has no bearing across the 93000000 miles. It is a PROVEN fact that the GLOBAL temperature difference is down to more than natural occurences and is in fact to humanity's actions.
And you've just basically said the sun has no bearing across 93000000.. which is a load of bollocks.. if we didn't have the sun we'll die.. come on Mr I know everything and snipe from the corners.. you arrogant prick what you are
And you've just basically said the sun has no bearing across 93000000.. which is a load of bollocks.. if we didn't have the sun we'll die.. come on Mr I know everything and snipe from the corners.. you arrogant prick what you are
I did NOT say that. Can you not parse simple sentences?!!!
I did NOT say that. Can you not parse simple sentences?!!!
negligible difference has no bearing across the 93000000 miles

Remember the ice age when dinosaurs were obviously driving around in cars
Let's look at the facts

Sun fluctuates in temperature check
We haven't got the technology to measure the temperature of the sun check

But, but cars are releasing fumes into the atmosphere and we'll forget about the sun and cherry pick a load of nonsense to support a theory that is based on a guess

Did the ice age actually happen
What about dinosaurs, how did they go extinct

It was obviously car fumes
Let's look at the facts

Sun fluctuates in temperature check
We haven't got the technology to measure the temperature of the sun check

But, but cars are releasing fumes into the atmosphere and we'll forget about the sun and cherry pick a load of nonsense to support a theory that is based on a guess

Did the ice age actually happen
What about dinosaurs, how did they go extinct

It was obviously car fumes
Are you forgetting about greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect?

Or are you just on a wind up?
I think even the most rabid of cynics would have to admit that this planet of ours is warming up at an alarming rate.
The number of people who reacted to today’s news by saying variations on “it’s been freezing” or “it hasn’t stopped raining mun” is truly mind blowing. Terrifying stupidity.
Weren't we told originally a few years ago that our summers were going to be warmer and drier? That turned out to be a load of bollocks didn't it.
Weren't we told originally a few years ago that our summers were going to be warmer and drier? That turned out to be a load of bollocks didn't it.

We were told warmer, wetter and more windy... a long time ago.

We were told warmer, wetter and more windy... a long time ago.
Read the report from the Daily Express on July 31st 2018. It's exactly as i said it , hotter and drier summers. If i knew how to post the article i would have done it for you .
Read the report from the Daily Express on July 31st 2018. It's exactly as i said it , hotter and drier summers. If i knew how to post the article i would have done it for you .

Are you talking about this one?


If so, it's talking about the heatwave happening at the time and how it was likely we'd have more in the future, but I can't see anything saying this was the only effect of global warming (although I could have missed it because the Express website is awful to navigate, like most other newspaper websites).
Are you talking about this one?


If so, it's talking about the heatwave happening at the time and how it was likely we'd have more in the future, but I can't see anything saying this was the only effect of global warming (although I could have missed it because the Express website is awful to navigate, like most other newspaper websites).
Ahhh the Express, every September they predict an unparalleled arctic winter, and every March they tell us a once in a lifetime drought is on the way, load of old pony.
Read the report from the Daily Express on July 31st 2018. It's exactly as i said it , hotter and drier summers. If i knew how to post the article i would have done it for you .
Remember "climategate", well before that they published what they thought was the future...for the UK, essentially, We were told warmer, wetter and more windy. Then the oil companies, liars and charlatans and other vested interests in hiding the truth manufactured a scandal which lasted years and everyone forgot.
He he, I find it quite funny than none of us are climate experts, and we ALL have no in depth knowledge of the subject, yet mention climate or global warming is a load of bull, and here they come!

Quote here, link there, but he said this, but he said that!! ha ha

What is the point? IMHO opinion is what you can see with your own eyes, and feel as in temperature.. Now when they say, this has been the warmest May in record, and everyone around the country, say's the same thing. As in, IT IS NOT!! . What the hell?

Are we all A.I trying to deceive each other, well I'm not!! Honest truth, has it been warm? Very rare!!

It's not warm now for June, I have the heating on, and a wooly hat!!, no doubt they will spin it next month warmest June on record.


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