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Is Global warming a thing?

He he, I find it quite funny than none of us are climate experts, and we ALL have no in depth knowledge of the subject, yet mention climate or global warming is a load of bull, and here they come!

Quote here, link there, but he said this, but he said that!! ha ha

What is the point? IMHO opinion is what you can see with your own eyes, and feel as in temperature.. Now when they say, this has been the warmest May in record, and everyone around the country, say's the same thing. As in, IT IS NOT!! . What the hell?

Are we all A.I trying to deceive each other, well I'm not!! Honest truth, has it been warm? Very rare!!

It's not warm now for June, I have the heating on, and a wooly hat!!, no doubt they will spin it next month warmest June on record.

Once again...Climate and weather are not the same thing
He he, I find it quite funny than none of us are climate experts, and we ALL have no in depth knowledge of the subject, yet mention climate or global warming is a load of bull, and here they come!

Quote here, link there, but he said this, but he said that!! ha ha

What is the point? IMHO opinion is what you can see with your own eyes, and feel as in temperature.. Now when they say, this has been the warmest May in record, and everyone around the country, say's the same thing. As in, IT IS NOT!! . What the hell?

Are we all A.I trying to deceive each other, well I'm not!! Honest truth, has it been warm? Very rare!!

It's not warm now for June, I have the heating on, and a wooly hat!!, no doubt they will spin it next month warmest June on record.

Heating on in June? Surely that means we are heading towards another ice age, and not a warmer planet.
If global warming is a thing or not, what we can't deny is we're doing untold damage to the world on a daily basis.
Absolutely, environmentally, economically and in humanity terms...
The environmental damage scares me. The amount of crap floating in the oceans awful. A lot of people, business just don't a shit.

The amount of plastic in everyday use is criminal, absolutely no need for half of it.
Once again...Climate and weather are not the same thing
That's pretty obvious. But my posts have not really been about climate, just my honest opinion when reports say it's been the warmest May yet, but everyone is saying the same thing, No it's not!

Like you say climate and weather are not the same thing?, ok that's a given fact, but why do the media try to correlate into the same thing, it's pretty noticeable the last few years, get a rubbish summer, then get 2 weeks of nice weather in August, and they say it's been the driest and warmest year since records began! Where in fact, from your own personal experience, it's been peeing down the majority of the time. And that's what they done with this May weather reporting, you can only say what you have experienced, and I would be a dam bloody liar if I agreed with them, and said Oh yes it very warm, one of the warmest May's I can remember.
Climate deniers / Covid deniers, they are the very same people. They hop from one conspiracy to another.

Do your own research / sheeple / msm / big pharma, etc etc etc.

Trouble is, when they do their own research, they look to other conspiracy theorists, its like an echo chamber.
That idiot says they’ve never used overnight temperatures before. Utter bollocks.
As part of my geography/geology degree (1974-77) I did the meteorology module. Overnight temperatures were used to determine average temperature for any given period. I used to record them using maximum and minimum thermometers situated in a Stevenson screen for the University.

Overnight minimum temperatures have always been used.
That's pretty obvious. But my posts have not really been about climate, just my honest opinion when reports say it's been the warmest May yet, but everyone is saying the same thing, No it's not!

Like you say climate and weather are not the same thing?, ok that's a given fact, but why do the media try to correlate into the same thing, it's pretty noticeable the last few years, get a rubbish summer, then get 2 weeks of nice weather in August, and they say it's been the driest and warmest year since records began! Where in fact, from your own personal experience, it's been peeing down the majority of the time. And that's what they done with this May weather reporting, you can only say what you have experienced, and I would be a dam bloody liar if I agreed with them, and said Oh yes it very warm, one of the warmest May's I can remember.
You are on a climate thread and you witter on about the weather.:ninja: Then you post this...

"IMHO opinion is what you can see with your own eyes, and feel as in temperature"😲

Oh, my! So many levels of wrong.😆
Ask Scotia then, have we actually landed on the sun Scotia with technology to measure it properly, no he'll say.. end of debate like..

The Sun does fluctuate in temprature and it does influence our climate and no we haven't landed on it to measure it. But we can measure the solar irradiance that reaches Earth - and that hasn't really changed and definitely not increased in recent times so it isn't driving warming.

The weather has been crap - I think (and only think) it's down to El Nino and the impacts of it on the Jet Stream. It's why we get good summers and bad summers and not very often big fluctuations in the weather over short spells in the summer. I can't see much changing for a while, it'll probably carry on being cool and showery. Let's see what happens in July and August.

Climate change is real, no doubt. But this thread is mainly talking about weather.
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The Sun does fluctuate in temprature and it does influence our climate and no we haven't landed on it to measure it. But we can measure the solar irradiance that reaches Earth - and that hasn't really changed and definitely not increased in recent times so it isn't driving warming.

The weather has been crap - I think (and only think) it's down to El Nino and the impacts of it on the Jet Stream. It's why we get good summers and bad summers and not very often big fluctuations in the weather over short spells in the summer. I can't see much changing for a while, it'll probably carry on being cool and showery. Let's see what happens in July and August.

Climate change is real, no doubt. But this thread is mainly talking about weather.
I give up, I really do

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