JackSomething said:
I've known plenty of people in my life who have enjoyed a spliff or two. To the best of my knowledge, none of them have moved on to heroin or become drug addicts.
I've also known plenty more people who enjoyed getting pissed. Some of them have definitely gone on to have alcohol addiction problems.
NJ's got a point here. The way we treat drug use now isn't working, so why not try something new? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over etc...
Before this country gave in to years and years of pressure from the USA, all the most common drugs were being used by many people here, and most were able to carry on functioning in their everyday lives. It was only when they became outlawed and therefore control given to criminal gangs that they became a problem. Some very good books out there on the subject.
The biggest drinkers seem to be the people most against legalising any drug, but they can't give you a reason for why they wouldn't want to see alcohol outlawed either. Well they can, but they just don't want to say it.
This country has a huge problem with alcohol, drink when sad, drink when happy, drink to forget, drink to watch sport, it goes on and on. Basically any excuse to drink. You see grown men bragging about how much they can or are going to drink, like it's a measure of their masculinity. Remember when smoking used to be seen as a masculine activity? And look at it now.
The "war on drugs" is the biggest waste of money in the world, a complete and utter failure. It is one war that will never ever be won.