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Lola James sentence

Mount St Helens

First Team Player
Dec 28, 2022
Reaction score
Recommendation is 28 years minimum but the “ mother” sentence is six years for Allowing it . Allowing it !
Something deeply wrong with us

Pretty soon ,Thomas Cashman will be seeking to appeal that his sentence for shooting a child is too much and basically saying he should be out and amongst society earlier before he is too old.

We don’t seem to be too bothered about child killers do we.
I would say that sentencing someone to a minimum, not a maximum, of 28 years shows that we do care about it. Your second paragraph is something that I don't remember that ever happening and neither do you.
QUOTE: "The court heard he used drugs including Xanax, cannabis and amphetamines, and had a volatile temper."

DRUGS YET AGAIN! Only a few weeks back it was that other child killer Thomas Cashman. And there is no way in a million years that cannabis should imo ever be classed as a safe drug.

I spoke to a 'senior' mental health professional a few years back (now retired) and his expert opinion from personal patient experience(s) was that drugs like cannabis (skunk especially) and amphetamines can (in his words!) QUOTE: "flick a switch within an individual's mind that will never go off". Meaning that someone can become extremely mentally disturbed and present significant danger on a permanent basis to both the general public and own family members from neurological effects related to drug abuse.
Wing_Stand_Wood said:
QUOTE: "The court heard he used drugs including Xanax, cannabis and amphetamines, and had a volatile temper."

DRUGS YET AGAIN! Only a few weeks back it was that other child killer Thomas Cashman. And there is no way in a million years that cannabis should imo ever be classed as a safe drug.

I spoke to a 'senior' mental health professional a few years back (now retired) and his expert opinion from personal patient experience(s) was that drugs like cannabis (skunk especially) and amphetamines can (in his words!) QUOTE: "flick a switch within an individual's mind that will never go off". Meaning that someone can become extremely mentally disturbed and present significant danger on a permanent basis to both the general public and own family members from neurological effects related to drug abuse.

I doubt a genuine 'senior' mental health professional would lump cannabis and amphetamines together as they have very different effects. Translation would be you watched a dodgy video online and swallowed it wholesale as per usual.
JackSomething said:
I doubt a genuine 'senior' mental health professional would lump cannabis and amphetamines together as they have very different effects. Translation would be you watched a dodgy video online and swallowed it wholesale as per usual.

But no both are part of drug culture .
Both harm but people make excuses for it and normally Chuck in alcohol l does more damage . Possibly so,but the drug world is inherently dangerous.
If we were serious and less corrupt then we would destroy the source of cocaine production.
JackSomething said:
I doubt a genuine 'senior' mental health professional would lump cannabis and amphetamines together as they have very different effects. Translation would be you watched a dodgy video online and swallowed it wholesale as per usual.

Nah translation would be that the 'senior' health care professional I spoke to was a leading member of the team that oversaw local health board revalidation admin required to be completed by professionals every three years. LOL"!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wing_Stand_Wood said:
Nah translation would be that the 'senior' health care professional I spoke to was a leading member of the team that oversaw local health board revalidation admin required to be completed by professionals every three years. LOL"!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We also have to ask why we have a society where this grotesque abuse seems almost inevitable.
Personally, the old family unit and its breakdown seems to be the root of it all.

Kids brought into the world on a whim then they become inconvenient
Mount St Helens said:
We also have to ask why we have a society where this grotesque abuse seems almost inevitable.
Personally, the old family unit and its breakdown seems to be the root of it all.

Kids brought into the world on a whim then they become inconvenient

Drugs truly damage! One perfect example i.e. I vividly remember a (notorious to SA4 police) career-criminal/druggie who was a 'one-man-burglary-epidemic' who slit the throat of and killed someone else's (he stole it!) family pet to intimidate a love-rival; it was truly an horrific scene with the dying animal screaming in terror and pain on the pavement outside.

This guy was creating so much misery within his own post-code community that a decision was made to use covert 'close surveillance' to catch him.
It worked a treat, because he was caught and arrested at a crime scene, but sadly for him he suffered a nasty injury during that arrest that required hospital treatment. He was a big lad but one CID officer was even bigger!

His M.O was daytime-operational 'creeper' burglary, he rode a bike to his victim(s) house(s) and would use a backpack and steal cash, valuables and small electrical items e.g. Sega Saturn’s, Game Boy's etc and anything else small and expensive looking.

The disturbing thing was he would take a Stanley Knife and use it sometimes to cut tangled cables from behind a cabinet to facilitate fast exit, he was in and out of a crime scene within less than five minutes. The Stanley Knife usage was something that would obviously create even more post-crime trauma for his victims.

Anyhow this person (went on to commit suicide a few years back) was once a law abiding citizen who showed zero forewarning about the monster that he was soon to become. That’s drugs for you, talk about turning Jekyll into Hyde!!!! Like I mentioned previously drug usage "flicked a switch".
Wing_Stand_Wood said:
Drugs truly damage! One perfect example i.e. I vividly remember a (notorious to SA4 police) career-criminal/druggie who was a 'one-man-burglary-epidemic' who slit the throat of and killed someone else's (he stole it!) family pet to intimidate a love-rival; it was truly an horrific scene with the dying animal screaming in terror and pain on the pavement outside.

This guy was creating so much misery within his own post-code community that a decision was made to use covert 'close surveillance' to catch him.
It worked a treat, because he was caught and arrested at a crime scene, but sadly for him he suffered a nasty injury during that arrest that required hospital treatment. He was a big lad but one CID officer was even bigger!

His M.O was daytime-operational 'creeper' burglary, he rode a bike to his victim(s) house(s) and would use a backpack and steal cash, valuables and small electrical items e.g. Sega Saturn’s, Game Boy's etc and anything else small and expensive looking.

The disturbing thing was he would take a Stanley Knife and use it sometimes to cut tangled cables from behind a cabinet to facilitate fast exit, he was in and out of a crime scene within less than five minutes. The Stanley Knife usage was something that would obviously create even more post-crime trauma for his victims.

Anyhow this person (went on to commit suicide a few years back) was once a law abiding citizen who showed zero forewarning about the monster that he was soon to become. That’s drugs for you, talk about turning Jekyll into Hyde!!!! Like I mentioned previously drug usage "flicked a switch".

Must be tough for a solicitor or barrister to defend that and offer mitigation when found guilty
Mount St Helens said:
Must be tough for a solicitor or barrister to defend that and offer mitigation when found guilty

Indeed, but on a vastly more positive note i.e. its comforting to know that there are real 'tough-guys' and 'professionals' (as opposed to effeminate/ineffectual pinko do-gooder weaklings) out there who risk their own safety and lives to protect our women, children, and O.A.P's.

The guy I mentioned had a track record for aggravated burglary, whom would have imo without any doubt whatsoever have used his Stanley knife to cause GBH or even worse if surprised or cornered. That is why he became priority number one for police resources and investigation.... "Defund the police" hey!
Wing_Stand_Wood said:
Indeed, but on a vastly more positive note i.e. its comforting to know that there are real 'tough-guys' and 'professionals' (as opposed to effeminate/ineffectual pinko do-gooder weaklings) out there who risk their own safety and lives to protect our women, children, and O.A.P's.

The guy I mentioned had a track record for aggravated burglary, whom would have imo without any doubt whatsoever have used his Stanley knife to cause GBH or even worse if surprised or cornered. That is why he became priority number one for police resources and investigation.... "Defund the police" hey!

My son in law is deployed at the sharp end ,so to speak.
The public really know sweet nothing as to what goes on when they are fast asleep.
A thankless job for an undeserving populace.
Our Justice Minister should start with ensuring sentences are not the pitiful excuses they are now and h@ve been for years.
It’s either the Perps or the Public . Them or us.Good or evil.
It should be an easy choice but some struggle with punishing and incarcerating pond life who give nothing and take all from society

On a positive note, summer is around the corner
I think 28 years is somewhat lenient, for what he did, should spend the rest of his life locked up.

By quick calculations he will be out before he is 60.

I can't see many people happy to have the likes of him!, settling near them upon release.
jack123 said:
I think 28 years is somewhat lenient, for what he did, should spend the rest of his life locked up.

By quick calculations he will be out before he is 60.

I can't see many people happy to have the likes of him!, settling near them upon release.

Put it this way ,now this thread is back on track; he will be out of prison before he is an old man . His “ partner” out before she reaches middle age and to breed again with another scumbag .

I’d say that is rather more than lenient

The child they saw butchered suffered whilst we effectively averted our eyes and now we will be tasked with looking after him in prison .

We don’t have capital punishment as it is “ too inhuman” and the State shouldn’t kill anyone no matter what they have done.

That’s it in a nutshell.

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