In terms of the call for a public enquiry, we’ve had a number of enquiries already and I’m not sure one is needed. The guy who did the ones we’ve already had is well respected and an expert in his field and the enquiry took around 7/8 years to report.I give up, what is the point?
It seems that you're more or less agreeing with what I said, then talk about the rape statistics from the white British I really wish I knew what that point was trying to make, I really do.
I was talking about an inquiry into holding people to account for all the failures, since the like 15 years ago? I believe my context is correct, so I’m just confused why you are waffling on about, white males and what the tories didn’t do.
I try to put myself in a realistic situation talking to one of you, face to face, and I have tried but can not envisage anyone coming up with a reply like that, it’s like I say ‘ wow it’s a scandal what’s happened with these grooming gangs’ would the reply be ‘yeah but the white British man, is more responsible for rapes’ IMO No, it would most certainly not be the reply.
What really annoys me is the double standards we’re seeing from politicians particularly Kemi Badenoch and the Conservatives.
In 2022, the then Minister for Safeguarding Amanda Solloway (Conservative) rejected a request from a Oldham councillor for a public enquiry in to the issue stating "It is for the local authorities in individual towns and cities which are responsible for delivering local services, to commission local inquiries.”
If the Conservatives didn’t feel one was necessary 2 years ago, what’s caused them to change their tune? I’d have a bit more sympathy if Badenoch came out and said her party got it wrong 2 years ago etc etc and people in her party were held to account and sacked, but she hasn’t and all we’re seeing is political football.
Children were raped and she and her party are treating it like a game - it’s disgusting.
The 19th and final report covering Prof Alexis Jay’s 8 year investigation and overarching inquiry into child abuse was published in 2022, but its findings were subsequently ignored by the then Conservative government.
When the report was published in 2022, the then Home Secretary Suella Braverman said "I am delighted that we have accepted the need to act on all but one of the Inquiry’s recommendations, and so demonstrate how seriously the Government takes the Inquiry’s findings. Each of those recommendations covers an extensive programme of work which will deliver real change for the future. I hope you will take the time to read our response to each in detail. But here I want to highlight three key measures which underscore the weight of our commitment to victims and survivors".
We've already had a national abuse inquiry - 7/8 years it took to complete and there were 20 recommendations.
Guess how many of the report’s recommendations the then Government went on to implement ……….0.
Yes thats right a big fat zero. Lots of hot air, but no action, the hypocrisy from politicians is outrageous!! The Conservatives had 2 years to do something but did nothing, they are playing games while the vulnerable remain at risk. If Braverman et al were happy with the recommendations why didn’t they crack on and introduce the changes which would have protected children now and in the future, if they weren’t happy why not say so and do something about it. In truth it appears they (the Conservatives) don’t give a **** about the kids, this is all about making political capital and putting the boot in, when in reality they have more to answer for than Starmer. It’s dog whistling and stirring the pot for mischiefs sake. The previous governments had their chance to sort things out, but they didn’t. Now they bleat to anyone who will listen to them that it’s Labour etc etc…….the truth (in my view) is they have more responsibility to bear than most.
The current government who’ve been in power 6 months are now working on introducing the recommendations that were made over 2 years ago, we should review progress in 6 months.
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