I give up, what is the point?
It seems that you're more or less agreeing with what I said, then talk about the rape statistics from the white British I really wish I knew what that point was trying to make, I really do.
I was talking about an inquiry into holding people to account for all the failures, since the like 15 years ago? I believe my context is correct, so I’m just confused why you are waffling on about, white males and what the tories didn’t do.
I try to put myself in a realistic situation talking to one of you, face to face, and I have tried but can not envisage anyone coming up with a reply like that, it’s like I say ‘ wow it’s a scandal what’s happened with these grooming gangs’ would the reply be ‘yeah but the white British man, is more responsible for rapes’ IMO No, it would most certainly not be the reply.