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Parsnip appreciation


Alan Waddle
Jun 27, 2020
Reaction score
I just had a wonderful Sunday Roast supplied by the ever reliable Mrs Pacey and it got me to thinking, at this time of year is there a greater root vegetable.

It combines everything required by your ordinary man or woman in the street, starch to stiffen your spine to enable you to face up to life’s challenges, it can be sweet or bitter depending on how it is cooked and i am surely not alone in thinking this is a Welsh hero of a vegetable. Roasted, Boiled, mashed it is so versatile and makes a carrot (Orange only because of Dutch Protestants) seem a very feeble plate partner.

French beans, Asparagus and other such Johnny Foreigner so called vegetables have no place on a Sunday roast lunch plate.

I intend to contact the club to ensure our players are getting sufficient Parsnips in their diet.

I am convinced we would swipe away the opposition if we had a full daily dose of Parsnips all hail the wonder veg!
Pegojack said:
Had a glass or two with lunch, did we?

Nope just some soft drinks, I can enjoy Parsnips totally sober, although a pint of Doom Bar or Abbot Ale would have gone down a treat with that.
I remember as a child having a bad experience where my parents were making Sunday lunch...I saw a big bowl of mashed 'potatoes'...promptly my sister and I got a spoon each out of the draw and took a big spoonful out of the bowl and straight into our mouths...spat it out straight away into the bin. :lol:

Don't think I've had mashed parsnips since but I can imagine that it's quite nice.

Roast parsnips though...absolutely lovely.
Pacemaker said:
Nope just some soft drinks, I can enjoy Parsnips totally sober, although a pint of Doom Bar or Abbot Ale would have gone down a treat with that.

Only joking.

I'll tell you what is bluddy lovely, parsnip and chili soup. Made with one of my atomic birdseye chilis and finished with a swirl of cream. Soup heaven.
MrSwerve said:
I remember as a child having a bad experience where my parents were making Sunday lunch...I saw a big bowl of mashed 'potatoes'...promptly my sister and I got a spoon each out of the draw and took a big spoonful out of the bowl and straight into our mouths...spat it out straight away into the bin. :lol:

Don't think I've had mashed parsnips since but I can imagine that it's quite nice.

Roast parsnips though...absolutely lovely.

It's well known that children (and many adults) often have preconceptions about how things are going to taste and if their mouthful doesn't taste like expected, it's back out straight away. You rejected mashed parsnip, not because it was unpleasant but because you were expecting it to taste like potato and it didn't. Things that are not the norm or that have a more intense taste than their usual pap, like marmite, parsnips, broccoli and many other vegetables, etc, often get a disproportionately extreme reaction.

BTW, parsnips are wonderful :D
Pegojack said:
Only joking.

I'll tell you what is bluddy lovely, parsnip and chili soup. Made with one of my atomic birdseye chilis and finished with a swirl of cream. Soup heaven.

Sounds good, i thought i had upset you with my xenophobic Johnny Foreigner quip😂
I'm afraid I'm in the camp of those who don't like parsnip. In fact I'm not that much of a vegetable fan but I eat them as I realise they are good for me.

Also Mrs L says I have to eat them up.

So that's me told.
Had some roast parsnips today. Blooming marvellous they were too
Pegojack said:
Only joking.

I'll tell you what is bluddy lovely, parsnip and chili soup. Made with one of my atomic birdseye chilis and finished with a swirl of cream. Soup heaven.

I concur, although tend to put a dash of olive oil rather than cream
Best asparagus is grown around Worcestershire and has been for 300 + years.
Not sure if they roasted their parsnips drizzled with honey though.

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