Most visitors online was 2766 , on 14 Oct 24
You can’t be watching this game. If you were you’d have seen our full back charging through central midfield, losing the ball and us conceding within seconds. If you were you’d have seen how wide open we are at the back. This has fučk all to do with Liam Cullen.When you struggle to score goals then it puts massive pressure in the defence.
There's more chance of Cardiff staying than us.
And his hard drive the pikey little cunt.He should be sacked with no compensation. Gross misconduct (wba) and professional incompetence. Sue us or take us to tribunal you useless prick and we’ll try and make sure no one else ever employs you. We should be going through his emails too, just in case.
Luton losing tooIf they beat Derby today, they'll be in touching distance of us.
Starting to feel like a relegation year. Hopefully there's 3 worse teams.
Hes asking him what day it is.Makes
Me laugh that Williams always consults with Ryan Harley throughout the gane
Ryan fucking Harley. Blood looks like he hasn't washed in weeks
Ah yes the geezer who was here for over a year without even playing. Harley is known for his coaching expertiseMakes
Me laugh that Williams always consults with Ryan Harley throughout the gane
Ryan fucking Harley. Blood looks like he hasn't washed in weeks