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Should I have a bath?


Mel Nurse
Jun 27, 2020
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I have a shower most days, which keeps the honk off, but I had a 28000 step day recently, which has left my knees a bit fckd up...do you think a good old Radox soak might help the ache?
I have a shower most days, which keeps the honk off, but I had a 28000 step day recently, which has left my knees a bit fckd up...do you think a good old Radox soak might help the ache?
You got the motorised garaged door installed so you must minted, get yourself a walk in bath? Job done! You can't take it with you mush 💪🔥
28000 step, Flat surface or incline? Not knocking here, 28000 is pretty good, even flat just wondering the terrain?
28000 step, Flat surface or incline? Not knocking here, 28000 is pretty good, even flat just wondering the terrain?
When you think that probably, most people, who drive cars, in a job that doesn't take any effort hit about 8k steps a day, 28k isn't bad in fairness J123 whatever gradient you happen to come across?
Fantastic effort I say 👏
When you think that probably, most people, who drive cars, in a job that doesn't take any effort hit about 8k steps a day, 28k isn't bad in fairness J123 whatever gradient you happen to come across?
Fantastic effort I say 👏
I would think the 8k steps a day for people who drive cars, Is way off the mark mate, My honest opinion car users who choose not to walk under 3k easily.

Edit: Just to add google tells me 8000 steps in miles is 3,5 miles, no way is some habitual car driver doing 3.5 miles in a day, My estimate would be, under a thousand, steps the majority of them.
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Bath's are for women Bryn, especially radox infused liquid, how about a red wine bath, done the Egyptians in 45AD no harm
I would think the 8k steps a day for people who drive cars, Is way off the mark mate, My honest opinion car users who choose not to walk under 3k easily.
Fair enough, you also have to take into account individual circumstances, age, disabilities.
Some would love to walk more but can't as much.
It's all relative really
Bath's are for women Bryn, especially radox infused liquid, how about a red wine bath, done the Egyptians in 45AD no harm
I've just bought the wife a bath bomb set from Amazon as it happens for her birthday, four in a box, I'll leave it a week or so and see if she's forgotten and left one behind on the end of the bath and give it a go when she's out working?
Might even shave my legs 🤫
Fair enough, you also have to take into account individual circumstances, age, disabilities.
Some would love to walk more but can't as much.
It's all relative really

Of course, but no way are car drivers doing 8k a day, that's just my point, don't get me wrong some will, but the majority will do under 1k steps.
When you think of it steps mean nothing, my next challenge is constition hill from bottom to top, I reckon I can do it in under 12 mins
Up and down?
No just up, I am not sure of your age Jaxxs, but I'm nearly 60, so for me that seems a reasonable achievement even to walk up it..

How long do you think it would take you from say the Tenby to the top?
No just up, I am not sure of your age Jaxxs, but I'm nearly 60, so for me that seems a reasonable achievement even to walk up it..

How long do you think it would take you from say the Tenby to the top?
3 days 😂

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