Most visitors online was 2766 , on 14 Oct 24
Exactly my thoughts.How very uninspiring.
Exactly my thoughts.
One thing to be thankful for is that it won't be Cheap fucking Trick.Headline acts not yet announced?
Will The Gower chap be going this year I wonder.
One thing to be thankful for is that it won't be Cheap fucking Trick.
Those are Darran’s friends that your dissing there. How would you like it if he said the same about Bros?One thing to be thankful for is that it won't be Cheap fucking Trick.
Those are Darran’s friends that your dissing there. How would you like it if he said the same about Bros?
That’s terrible that you told him to stand in a hole to have his photo taken, some friend you areYes,he does charity work there.
He’s a lovely man and my friend.