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The hatred for Steve Cooper


Roger Freestone
Jun 23, 2020
Reaction score
A garage in Canoga Park
Am I the only one that doesn’t get it?
The amount of people absolutely desperate for Forest to lose is bizarre.
The fact the tw*ts must have so little going on in their pitiful lives is so sad to see.
I honestly don’t get it,it has no bearing on us whatsoever.
I couldn’t care less who wins it personally.
Darran said:
Am I the only one that doesn’t get it?
The amount of people absolutely desperate for Forest to lose is bizarre.
The fact the tw*ts must have so little going on in their pitiful lives is so sad to see.
I honestly don’t get it,it has no bearing on us whatsoever.
I couldn’t care less who wins it personally.

Hatred too strong a word. I think people are pissed off with couple of things. He completely bottled 1 possibly 2 play offs, and leaving us in the shit just before the season was due to start. Pimping himself out like a good un. Personally hope that Huddersfield make it. But that's only cos I backed em to win the play offs .
Who knows what went on behind the scenes?
Did the owners promise to back him then backtracked?
Yes, his football was boring and turgid at times, but he made the best of what he got.
Look at him at Forest now, playing open, expansive football.
I don’t hate the guy, it’s more a case for me of what if.
I don't hate him at all, but I want Huddersfield to beat them. Partly because I've never liked FEC or their more arrogant fans, partly because he bottled the playoff final and bottled staying here another year because he knew the team was weaker, partly because the football he had us playing was eye-bleedingly boring (but admittedly effective), partly because it may shut up some of his more ardent fans.
What is truly baffling is why people constantly keep bringing up an ex manager, it's like an obsession. Cooper is long gone history so stop going on and on about him.
I was one of his worst critics but I actually hope for his own sake he doesn't shit the bed again, and takes them up. Not least because I'm sick of playing the annoying overblown FECers, and I would really fear for Hudds in the prem.
99.9% of managers and players are mercenaries, in it for the next big pay check. Cooper was no different and had other ambitions, he wont be the first or last, it's how football is.
Hate him no, what for, life is too short, and as it happens he was quite a nice bloke.
As for Forest could care less or Huddersfield for that matter.
Enjoy the sunshine all.👍
Yes, proper strange people.

I'm sure other clubs are the same, but i've never seen so many grown men who seem to be jealous about what other clubs do as well. Proper bitter bastards.

Go win it Cooper.
Cooper used to have his haircut at my local barber, the girl that used to cut his hair said he was very nice and always gave her a fiver tip, she also said he had awful fingernails, you could tell he chewed them apparently 😱
Darran said:
Am I the only one that doesn’t get it?
The amount of people absolutely desperate for Forest to lose is bizarre.
The fact the tw*ts must have so little going on in their pitiful lives is so sad to see.
I honestly don’t get it,it has no bearing on us whatsoever.
I couldn’t care less who wins it personally.
Thought he done a really good job with us to be honest, though without doubt he bottled the play off final. He certainly sorted out our defensive frailties and in Ayew and to a lesser extent Lowe had people who could score goals for us. Where it didn't work out was in midfield, any team with Grimes, Fulton and Smith in it is going to struggle to create anything of note and the man brought in to address that (Hourihane) was a huge failure here. Personally i hope they beat Huddersfield, they are a far better footballing side than them.
I don’t get people who slate others for not liking someone for their own reasons, just move on ffs.
Bit like that for the spanish waiter....hate him

bit like Brendan who slunk off like a c**t

Cooper sold us down the river in the play off final....as you would say f**k im..........


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