Most visitors online was 2766 , on 14 Oct 24
He's got no answers, it's like me pretending to be a brain surgeon and then I start cutting open someone's foot!Didn't he say yesterday, something along the lines, that managing Nott County was fairly easy and now he is having to find answers to new challenges?
You ,not Williams have to start at the bottom and work your way upHe's got no answers, it's like me pretending to be a brain surgeon and then I start cutting open someone's foot!
Bloody hell, are you me?Williams is utter DOGSHIT and is nothing more than a league 2 charlatan at best
Which is where he was when we came across him
They are stupid if they dont have someone watching these channels, even if they dont do it themselves. At the end of the day, we are their customers.Do you think him and Andy Pandy read these fourms
God i hope they do