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Coffee, your favourite


Ivor Allchurch
Jul 22, 2020
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I'm interested to hear what your favourite coffee of choice is.
I love the smell and haven't really got into it
Ooh you’re on dodgy ground here mush. Coffee snobs are second only to wine snobs when it comes to pretending they know what the good stuff is and belittling anyone who doesn’t drink what they think should be drunk. Good luck with this one. :lol:
I don’t really drink coffee but I have the occasional iced coffee.
These here are absolutely stunning.

I drink 1 or 2 teas every day, but only have a coffee about once a month, which is made from the cheapest Tesco beans, ground fresh in the grinder, and then bunged in a cafetiere. Used to buy quality beans off www.hasbean.co.uk. which has a superb collection at varying prices and from all over the world.
In the house then its Nescafe

We have a Nespresso machine, I have phases of enjoying it and hating it

But frankly largely coffee is coffee
Whichever coffee you drink, don't drink it in Costa, Starbucks, JizzUp, or whichever high street drive through chain you prefer. If you do then you're a moronic cvnt of the highest order.
PSumbler said:
In the house then its Nescafe

We have a Nespresso machine, I have phases of enjoying it and hating it

But frankly largely coffee is coffee

I have the exact same in my kitchen, hardly use the machine.. I prefer Nescafe than the cappuccino crap
I tried lots of ground coffee for my morning brew when I first moved here but the one which came out on top was/is the cheapest, Aldi's own Markus brand. Only 99c for a 250g vacuum pack, gives a rich dark brew in a cafetiere, lovely.
In restaurants here, I usually opt for a 'cortado' after a meal, a small glass or cup of strong coffee with a dash of hot milk.
When I go and see Pego FC in the winter months, I go to the drinks stall and get a carajillo, which is a cortado with a big slug of brandy in it for a euro. Something for the Liberty?
I'm not going to say I know f. all about coffee.
One we happened upon a few years ago is
Pure mocha mild roast it's quite light and perfect in the morning or after a meal. We used to get it from Whittards. Its ground for use in a cafetier.👍
Coffee in Colombia is majestic. But an Ethiopian coffee ceremony is one a life’s great pleasures. A nice relaxed hour. Some snacks like popcorn then watch the coffee roasted and ground over charcoal. Then brewed in a clay coffee pot. First brew is like a doppio espresso but stronger. Then they re-brew and the second brew is just like the best filter coffee. The third brew is weaker but refreshing.
For years I drank Aldi’s Colombian coffee but early in the first lockdown I bought a Smeg coffee machine, it’s excellent. I make a selection of Latte, Cappuccino, Espresso and macchiato coffee’s and just wouldn’t go back to drinking instant coffee again.


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