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He’s been around for years, he was prolific on the other forum until they had a mass falling out. He’s burned through a few names here cos he keeps getting banned for being an annoying dweeb and insulting other posters.
I haven't been banned - Just created a new username, as is the modern way. Do keep up. (see next door)

And, you mean to say : 'banned by you' for showing you up for being the jealous, impartial, no content, supercilious fat-boy chumped civil servant nobody Mod.
He’s been around for years, he was prolific on the other forum until they had a mass falling out. He’s burned through a few names here cos he keeps getting banned for being an annoying dweeb and insulting other posters.

You diminish the strength of your arguments by resorting to needless ad hominen attacks. Take the ball not the man.
Each to his own. My way always works.
Man and ball if necessary. Always, ever-so subtly ofc.

Give it a go, if you have the gumption.
I reckon Grimes' performance yesterday was pretty standard. The difference was the collective performance around him. We were excellent out of possession throughout but we're a bit hit and miss in possession. There was certainly more tempo and intensity in our play, although that came at the expense of control and possession. Getting the balance right is no easy thing.

Grimes is the heartbeat of our side, but how he performs is mainly a reflection of the gameplan set out by Williams. When Grimes was stepping back between the centre backs in previous games that would have been at Williams' instigation. To be fair Grimes is very good at that quarterback role of spraying pinpoint 50 yard diagonal passes to Ronald or Eom in space. Trouble is by the time the ball arrived at the static recipient the opposition defence had time to shuffle across and nullify the threat. Perhaps Williams has understood the limitations of this tactic and has now abandoned it?

There is still an ongoing issue of how we develop play centrally. Everything is currently going through the flanks. Once Williams gets us to play in a more balanced way, Grimes' skillset, especially his ability to deliver perfectly weighted through balls will become more evident.
Two people (possibly one with two user names) think Grimes is God's gift on a par with Messi and Ronaldo.

Everyone else, who know absolutely nothing about football, me included believe he is a decent footballer but shows it so rarely we are disappointed. Included in this group is every single football manager and past Swans manager who haven't signed him to their team.
You're deflecting, flailing on the ropes, as per.

Classic traits of proper marginal peripherals like you who always piss in form the outside. Always looking to denigrate my Club and it's efforts. (classic traits of the jealous undeserving)

And have the twp audacity to say out loud that you 'wouldn't ever buy a ticket to line the pockets of our Yank owners' (unless ofc it's Cardiff at home, when you show up as the twp peripheral nobody).

And never ever front up in an intellectual debate about football.
Yes, I did say that out loud, but it doesn't make me twp, it just makes me honest and transparent. And it certainly doesn't make me "less" of a fan, I'm totally comfortable with my stance and I know dozens of people with same or similar stances to myself too. It doesn't make them "less" of a fan either because these things are complex and very personal to each individual. There isn't a 'one size fits all' for what a fan should or shouldn't be.

Are you saying people like my dad for instance, who is disabled and would love to still get to games but simply can't anymore, is "twp", or a "marginal peripheral"? I'd love to stick you in a room with him for half an hour.

The irony is you lecture others on intellectual inability, but you can't be very intellectual yourself if you can't understand basic concepts like nuance and grey areas.
Two people (possibly one with two user names) think Grimes is God's gift on a par with Messi and Ronaldo.

Everyone else, who know absolutely nothing about football, me included believe he is a decent footballer but shows it so rarely we are disappointed. Included in this group is every single football manager and past Swans manager who haven't signed him to their team.

Them managers who picked him every week, without fail, are not in that group 👍🏻
The reason Grimes hasn't gone to the Premier League is down to one thing - his lack of pace. This is now a non-negotiable quality. You only have to look at make up the numbers sides like Bournemouth and Palace - they have athletes in all positions. But when it comes to ability to control a game and range of passing Grimes is up there with the best in the Championship and has been consistently so for several years. On those occasions when he's less effective the first question that should be asked is whether the manager is getting something wrong? Grimes is a consummate professional and will do whatever he's instructed to do, so if he's dropping back between the centre backs it's because that's what Williams wants him to do.

What that graphic shows is that Grimes is by far our most progressive player. It's a nonsense to attribute that solely to passes to Fulton.
Matt Grimes divides the fanbase like no other. One thing I'll add is, would our midfield, at the moment, and since relegation from the Premier League, be stronger or weaker without him in it?

We have what we have, and for me, Grimes is probably the first name on the team sheet.

It's called cutting our cloth accordingly, lads, in my humble opinion.
The reason Grimes hasn't gone to the Premier League is down to one thing - his lack of pace. This is now a non-negotiable quality. You only have to look at make up the numbers sides like Bournemouth and Palace - they have athletes in all positions. But when it comes to ability to control a game and range of passing Grimes is up there with the best in the Championship and has been consistently so for several years. On those occasions when he's less effective the first question that should be asked is whether the manager is getting something wrong? Grimes is a consummate professional and will do whatever he's instructed to do, so if he's dropping back between the centre backs it's because that's what Williams wants him to do.

What that graphic shows is that Grimes is by far our most progressive player. It's a nonsense to attribute that solely to passes to Fulton.

Great post tbf
Grimes has had 6 key passes this season, equal best with Tymon. His fellow central midfielders have had 2 - Franco, and 0 - Fulton. Ronald has had 3, Eom 4. This from Grimes mainly from a deep lying position.
Matt Grimes divides the fanbase like no other. One thing I'll add is, would our midfield, at the moment, and since relegation from the Premier League, be stronger or weaker without him in it?

We have what we have, and for me, Grimes is probably the first name on the team sheet.

It's called cutting our cloth accordingly, lads, in my humble opinion.
Absolutely, probably first name on the team sheet. We have not got a central midfielder who comes close to him, and that has been the case for several seasons. Many have come, tried and been moved on.
The reason Grimes hasn't gone to the Premier League is down to one thing - his lack of pace. This is now a non-negotiable quality. You only have to look at make up the numbers sides like Bournemouth and Palace - they have athletes in all positions. But when it comes to ability to control a game and range of passing Grimes is up there with the best in the Championship and has been consistently so for several years. On those occasions when he's less effective the first question that should be asked is whether the manager is getting something wrong? Grimes is a consummate professional and will do whatever he's instructed to do, so if he's dropping back between the centre backs it's because that's what Williams wants him to do.

What that graphic shows is that Grimes is by far our most progressive player. It's a nonsense to attribute that solely to passes to Fulton.
I made the same point re his dropping back. Whether it's him following instruction or taking the easy way is not clear, my guess is that it's tactical.

As for that chart, I did not say that it is solely down to passes to Fulton, so don't twist it. What is true though is that it's influenced by 15 yard passes to Fulton when Grimes is near the D or even deeper. This has happened multiple times in multiple games and the data collection models don't differentiate between Grimes and Fulton playing keep ball and Grimes knocking it twenty yards longer to Paterson.

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