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Kwasi Kwarteng's giveaway to the super rich


Alan Waddle
Oct 8, 2020
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If there was any doubt on who the tories really represent, the idea that these ghouls give a fig about ordinary working people should be thoroughly dispelled today. Tax breaks for bankers and the super rich worth tens of thousands of pounds, meanwhile the poorest households get less than £400.

If you've voted Tory since 2010, what are you actually voting for? When you were telling us Cameron needed to cut public spending and borrowing to bring the deficit down, were you lying to yourself or were you genuinely duped by them? Likewise when Boris promised massive public spending increases in the name of levelling up? Now we have a Tory party committed to high borrowing and tax cuts. Were you voting for this high borrowing, trickle down economics the whole time or are you now going to just blindly support the tories like you've always done?
Let's assume the Tories know the game is up and they expect to lose the next election.

Hence here they are splurging billions, seemingly randomly implementing counterintuitive changes that disproportionately benefit the rich, in the full knowledge that Labour will be left holding the baby.
Squarebear said:
Let's assume the Tories know the game is up and they expect to lose the next election.

Hence here they are splurging billions, seemingly randomly implementing counterintuitive changes that disproportionately benefit the rich, in the full knowledge that Labour will be left holding the baby.

What might be more terrifying is they probably think what they are doing will work.

They'll be back crying about the budget deficit the first day of a Labour Government mark my words.
They should all be in court facing corporate manslaughter charges and long stays in prison for the way they mishandled the early months of the covid epidemic and consigned many care home residents to the graveyard, before anything else.
They truly are the scum of the earth, and anyone who votes for them need their head examined. And still the polls are showing 32% support FFS.
I've said it a millions times before, but any Welshman that votes for that shower, should be picked up by their bottom lip and launched across the other side of the bridge. Most of them have painted themselves into some British patriotic, union flag waving corner, that they can't lose face by admitting they were monumentally wrong. Most of it is to show how much they hate Drakeford and / or Welsh Labour, mind.
I could tell a joke about trickle down economics but 99.5% of people won't get it.
I'll be upfront-I earn a decent wage, but nowhere near the 45% tax rate, though equally the NI cut will leave me about £100 per month better off. Basically unless you are earning 60K plus there is nothing here for you. And to be honest not much until you get to 150K plus. It is a budget for the rich. It is highly likely to lead to years of economic strife. It is likely to kill public services and poor people. If you support this scummy government then you are either stupid, a selfish twit with an 'a', just plain nasty or most likely all three
It’s been absolutely devastating to me, GBP has dropped 5c and still going down, that’s on top of the 20c drop since February
I'm not even going to bother, we knew what was coming.
If folk haven't got the message by now, there no hope for them.
Wake up people.
Neath_Jack said:
I've said it a millions times before, but any Welshman that votes for that shower, should be picked up by their bottom lip and launched across the other side of the bridge. Most of them have painted themselves into some British patriotic, union flag waving corner, that they can't lose face by admitting they were monumentally wrong. Most of it is to show how much they hate Drakeford and / or Welsh Labour, mind.

Great post.
Professor said:
I'll be upfront-I earn a decent wage, but nowhere near the 45% tax rate, though equally the NI cut will leave me about £100 per month better off. Basically unless you are earning 60K plus there is nothing here for you. And to be honest not much until you get to 150K plus. It is a budget for the rich. It is highly likely to lead to years of economic strife. It is likely to kill public services and poor people. If you support this scummy government then you are either stupid, a selfish twit with an 'a', just plain nasty or most likely all three

Brilliant post Prof.

The smiley option's on here are fecking pisspoor it has to be said.
Jack2jack said:
I'm not even going to bother, we knew what was coming.
If folk haven't got the message by now, there no hope for them.
Wake up people.

She said she was gonna sort out the economy and especially the energy crisis and help people with the cost of living and she's done the fuking opposite.

The energy price cap is a red herring, the cap is on the energy unit price not the overall annual cost.
Niigata Jack said:
Jack2jack said:
I'm not even going to bother, we knew what was coming.
If folk haven't got the message by now, there no hope for them.
Wake up people.

She said she was gonna sort out the economy and especially the energy crisis and help people with the cost of living and she's done the fuking opposite.

The energy price cap is a red herring, the cap is on the energy unit price not the overall annual cost.

There are people who believe that their energy bill is capped at £2500 per year whatever energy they use because of the way it has been presented and reported.
J_B said:
Niigata Jack said:
She said she was gonna sort out the economy and especially the energy crisis and help people with the cost of living and she's done the fuking opposite.

The energy price cap is a red herring, the cap is on the energy unit price not the overall annual cost.

There are people who believe that their energy bill is capped at £2500 per year whatever energy they use because of the way it has been presented and reported.

Exactly, I never really understood the energy sector or its pricing/prices unit's until I started in the sector myself 6yrs ago, I'm glad to be out of it now though, although I was delighted to to join the sector at the time, but the changes over that time have been mind blowing.
Would be interested to hear Lisa’s views. As I see it the government are saying unless you work in finance/banking you are pretty worthless. Being a professional means nothing: Scientists, doctors, lawyers, engineers-all those things you were meant to aspire to. Next week I start mentoring as part of scheme to help kids from poor backgrounds towards careers in life sciences. I may was well tell them to deal drugs or rob houses as work hard to achieve. It’s shameful.

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