lol. I don’t remotely ‘hate him’. I just didn’t think he was a good manager for us. Genuinely.
The shambles that we all watched (or more accurately endured) yesterday afternoon was, in a relatively significant part at least, down to him being not a very good manager for us.
One of our huge problems, and I know it’s one you also think is a problem because you’ve said so a few times that I’ve seen, is Grimes. His role, his ambition or lack of it, his lack of speed, his incessant knack of stopping movement and slowing us right down, even stuff like his seeming aversion to tackling anybody. Much of that is a problem caused by Martin.
The nonsensical desire to make passes for the sake of it, for the sake of stats rather than progress, that’s also Martin. Dangerous passes between the back line and the back line and keeper when they’re often not on, and certainly often not on for the players we have, that’s Martin. Lack of speed and creativity - that’s him. Lack of true width - that’s him. Spending loads of money on some absolute rubbish was down to him.
It is what it is, but honestly, if you think that him saying stuff about us and how awful it was to leave and how difficult it all was with the club was anything other than him playing mind games before playing us, you’re extremely naive. Think back to him taking the piss out of us when he joined Southampton - how we ‘don’t sign players’ etc.
I’m sure he liked aspects of being here and living here and I’m sure it was genuine about the joy in beating Cardiff and having a go at them a few weeks ago about it and that’s great, but he was doing what he was doing this week to win against us. And behind all the ‘oops, sorry about that’ stuff, he will have been absolutely thrilled to stuff us yesterday. Genuinely thrilled. Because he wouldn’t be human if that wasn’t the case.
As an aside - I didn’t say it was his fault that we didn’t get compo, but he could absolutely have made sure we did if he’d wanted to. Simply by saying he wouldn’t sign with them until it was sorted.
People singing the name of any manager who was with us for two short seasons when we came middle of the table both times and had no other connection with the club at all is as embarrassing as the group of our fans who used to sing to Frank Lampard when he was playing for Chelsea against us.
It’s the same people who ‘hate’ Roberto despite the fact that his connection with the club was miles deeper than Martin’s.