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NI and dividend tax set to rise.

Oh, and the reason that it is tolerated is that the education system we have deliberately ensures that a big proportion of the population is as thick as DoGshiT. That the perpetuates itself in generations following that have no chance.
Pegojack said:
This is a quintessential Boris Johnson solution to a massive national problem, in that it is both totally ineffective and grossly unjust.

The best decision I ever made was to move permanently to Spain in 2018. I watch on with great sadness as the Tories take my former home country right down the sh*tter. Are the British people ever going to wake up and smell the coffee? How's that Brexit going?

Health in Wales is devolved, at least Boris is putting it out threre and what has Brexit got to do with health?
KrunchyKarrot said:
Pegojack said:
This is a quintessential Boris Johnson solution to a massive national problem, in that it is both totally ineffective and grossly unjust.

The best decision I ever made was to move permanently to Spain in 2018. I watch on with great sadness as the Tories take my former home country right down the sh*tter. Are the British people ever going to wake up and smell the coffee? How's that Brexit going?

Health in Wales is devolved, at least Boris is putting it out threre and what has Brexit got to do with health?

Yeah, he's putting it out there, or more accurately kicking all the low paid in the nuts. Here's an idea, how about getting those with the broadest shoulders to carry the biggest burden via an equitable and progressive income tax system?

What's Brexit got to do with health? Have you conveniently forgotten Boris's Brexit battle bus with '£350 million every week for the NHS' spashed across the side? Thought so 🤣
Pegojack said:
KrunchyKarrot said:
Health in Wales is devolved, at least Boris is putting it out threre and what has Brexit got to do with health?

Yeah, he's putting it out there, or more accurately kicking all the low paid in the nuts. Here's an idea, how about getting those with the broadest shoulders to carry the biggest burden via an equitable and progressive income tax system?

What's Brexit got to do with health? Have you conveniently forgotten Boris's Brexit battle bus with '£350 million every week for the NHS' spashed across the side? Thought so 🤣
The low paid pay £130 a year the highest over 12k extra. Health in Wales is devolved and by the look of it he is putting the money in. The issue is where and how we are going to spend it. bacause currently it is throwing goood money down the drain with the current system.
Pegojack said:
This is a quintessential Boris Johnson solution to a massive national problem, in that it is both totally ineffective and grossly unjust.

The best decision I ever made was to move permanently to Spain in 2018. I watch on with great sadness as the Tories take my former home country right down the sh*tter. Are the British people ever going to wake up and smell the coffee? How's that Brexit going?

Imagine the the reaction of the Tory union flag waving fanbois on these forums if labour had have said they were planning hikes in taxes and NI score the last election? They’d be apoplectic, yet they’ll be cheering Bodger lying to them and doing the exact opposite of what he said he’d do.
Itchysphincter said:
Pegojack said:
This is a quintessential Boris Johnson solution to a massive national problem, in that it is both totally ineffective and grossly unjust.

The best decision I ever made was to move permanently to Spain in 2018. I watch on with great sadness as the Tories take my former home country right down the sh*tter. Are the British people ever going to wake up and smell the coffee? How's that Brexit going?

Imagine the the reaction of the Tory union flag waving fanbois on these forums if labour had have said they were planning hikes in taxes and NI score the last election? They’d be apoplectic, yet they’ll be cheering Bodger lying to them and doing the exact opposite of what he said he’d do.

That's because like Boris, they don't actually stand for anything. They are only motivated by punishing the "others" and out groups, in this case liberal and left wing politics. Conservatism is fundamentally the ideology of the self and in it's modern components its very easy to digest and its very fulfilling in telling you who to blame and who to hate. That's a very attractive prospect to sociopaths or the hard of thinking. However it eventually it all bumps into reality, be it Donald Trump supporters dying of covid because they refuse to get vaccinated, or working class Tories cheering the Prime Minister as he picks their pockets.

Boris has a shelf life and he's as disposable as any previous Tory Prime Minister. If he becomes a liability they'll shunt him out and replace him with a traditional low tax, slash and burn Tory because that's what they really crave.
Guys, its not about Labour or Tories as everyone wants the same outcome obviously. Politicians should be removed immediately from having anything to do with the NHS, why dont we just copy The Dutch or German module?
KrunchyKarrot said:
Guys, its not about Labour or Tories as everyone wants the same outcome obviously. Politicians should be removed immediately from having anything to do with the NHS, why dont we just copy The Dutch or German module?

this is a bit about the tories though as they are shredding their manifesto pledges on what they said they were going to do to fix social care in England.

We are in danger of turning into the other board. Its free reign to slag off Labour, Libs, Greens, Plaid etc but the second you mention the tories doing something as egregious as reneging on a promise to not increase taxes on working people then all of a sudden its all "woah hang on they are all as bad as each other, all politicians are corrupt whatabout this, look over there."
AceJack said:
KrunchyKarrot said:
Guys, its not about Labour or Tories as everyone wants the same outcome obviously. Politicians should be removed immediately from having anything to do with the NHS, why dont we just copy The Dutch or German module?

this is a bit about the tories though as they are shredding their manifesto pledges on what they said they were going to do to fix social care in England.

We are in danger of turning into the other board. Its free reign to slag off Labour, Libs, Greens, Plaid etc but the second you mention the tories doing something as egregious as reneging on a promise to not increase taxes on working people then all of a sudden its all "woah hang on they are all as bad as each other, all politicians are corrupt whatabout this, look over there."
Its only about the tories because he has broken a pledge not to put up taxes, yet they said they had a plan for social care which obviously was a lie because it involved throwing money at a disfunctional system. Every other party is equally to blame as they are all clueless as where to start. Covid is the straw etc. Boris has stuck his neck out with no plan other than to blame Covid for adding to the shitshow. The money will be wasted using current practises, Drakeford however could make a name for himself and radically reform Welsh NHS, employ specialist medical staff from the private sector to advise and implement. As i stated earlier its not until you and need see up close what our NHS is really like.
KrunchyKarrot said:
Acejaack, as for the other board everyone is entitled to a opinion but i for one do not think politicians should be allowed anywhere near the NHS.

That's fair enough but quite difficult when some politicans don't believe we should have one.

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