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S23/24 | The Official Match Thread | Plymouth Argyle v Swansea City | EFL Championship

What will the result be against Plymouth?

  • Plymouth win

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Draw

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Swans win

    Votes: 10 45.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
monmouth said:
You haven’t even got the balls to be honest. You can’t wait for Duff to fail. Been obvious from the start. We all know it. Now f**k off.

Make that your last Dark Fruits of the night and do yourself a favour and pop off to bed. There's a good boy 👍🏻
Andrew - North Hill said:
Make that your last Dark Fruits of the night and do yourself a favour and pop off to bed. There's a good boy 👍🏻

Thought so, no balls.

Nice to have chatted. Be sure to let us know when you’re ‘convinced’, “good boy”.

Over and out.
LeonWasTheDog's said:
Who thought Martin was the messiah? He and the team were supported in the ground, but that’s what fans do. But I don’t think I know anyone who was bothered by him leaving.

In that case I suggest you stay on here and do not go anywhere near Twitter/X or Duncan’s Forum, the last refuge of the Church of ‘Russ’. You will have a nasty shock if you do.

They’ve quietly buried ‘Duffball’ as a snide insult now that they’ve seen that his brand of football is actually quite pleasant to watch when it works. Instead they are now peddling the idea that actually he IS a crap manager, but Grimes and Fulton (I think it was supposed to be them) marched into his office and demanded they be allowed to return to the sacred ways of Russell Martin, and that’s why we got good again.

It’s like the conspiracy theorists who think Shakespeare’s plays can’t have been written by a grammar school boy from the West Midlands, it must have been someone posh who did it. Duff’s a plain-speaking northerner, he can’t possibly understand ‘the Swansea Way’, somehow Martin, the Once-And-Future King, is still pulling the strings. Pathetic.
cadleigh said:
In that case I suggest you stay on here and do not go anywhere near Twitter/X or Duncan’s Forum, the last refuge of the Church of ‘Russ’. You will have a nasty shock if you do.

They’ve quietly buried ‘Duffball’ as a snide insult now that they’ve seen that his brand of football is actually quite pleasant to watch when it works. Instead they are now peddling the idea that actually he IS a crap manager, but Grimes and Fulton (I think it was supposed to be them) marched into his office and demanded they be allowed to return to the sacred ways of Russell Martin, and that’s why we got good again.

It’s like the conspiracy theorists who think Shakespeare’s plays can’t have been written by a grammar school boy from the West Midlands, it must have been someone posh who did it. Duff’s a plain-speaking northerner, he can’t possibly understand ‘the Swansea Way’, somehow Martin, the Once-And-Future King, is still pulling the strings. Pathetic.

Or, in reality, it's about 3 accounts on Twitter and a couple on Scfc2.

Leon Was.... has it about right. The vast majority (irl or online) really don't give a toot that Martin's gone. The only ones still banging on about him are the weirdos with a pathological personal hatred towards him and can't leave it there, even though he is 170 miles away from Swansea these days.

Keep wearing that tinfoil hat Cadleigh.
Andrew - North Hill said:
Or, in reality, it's about 3 accounts on Twitter and a couple on Scfc2.

Leon Was.... has it about right. The vast majority (irl or online) really don't give a toot that Martin's gone. The only ones still banging on about him are the weirdos with a pathological personal hatred towards him and can't leave it there, even though he is 170 miles away from Swansea these days.

Keep wearing that tinfoil hat Cadleigh.

It must have hurt to hear the Jack Army sing Duff’s name yesterday - but not nearly as much as the roasting you got on here afterwards.

It’s fair to say that the band of True Believers is as increasingly small but just because most of you have gone silent after four wins on the trot, it doesn’t mean you’ve gone away. I fully expect more ‘Duff out’ posts if we lose against Leicester.
cadleigh said:
It must have hurt to hear the Jack Army sing Duff’s name yesterday - but not nearly as much as the roasting you got on here afterwards.

It’s fair to say that the band of True Believers is as increasingly small but just because most of you have gone silent after four wins on the trot, it doesn’t mean you’ve gone away. I fully expect more ‘Duff out’ posts if we lose against Leicester.

You really can't comprehend a scenario where someone supported Martin while he was here, but also isn't bothered that he left, can you.

You can't comprehend that someone could be up in arms with Duff about the first 7 games on its own terms, it has to be linked back to Russell Martin in some way doesn't it.

It can only every be binary, can't it.

Just plain weird. You're a weirdo. Like all the other ones.
Ok, bringing it back to the thread title.

What a day out yesterday, couldn't have been better. JA on top form.
And who is this new No 12 we've signed who looks so much like Jamie Patterson?!
Trouble is with Paterson, we've seen this before - he'll almost certainly dip away soon. He can never sustain it for very long. Ntcham was the same. Talented boys but flaky. Play when it suits them, not necessarily when it suits the team.

We've had a few like that over the last few years - Celina, McKay, Hourihane. Five minute wonders.
Andrew - North Hill said:
You really can't comprehend a scenario where someone supported Martin while he was here, but also isn't bothered that he left, can you.

You can't comprehend that someone could be up in arms with Duff about the first 7 games on its own terms, it has to be linked back to Russell Martin in some way doesn't it.

It can only every be binary, can't it.

Just plain weird. You're a weirdo. Like all the other ones.

Foot ball is about results......Martin's start here didnt deliver that many results and boring football.....other opinions are available...whilst passing the ball back and fore in our own half may delight some most prefer to see football played in front of the opposition's goal not our own. during the opening weeks of this season many were referring to Martin and his brand for boreball.

And the disdain re Duff in those opening games does not have to corelate to the fraud but it happened as many of Martin's cult posted about how things were better under him etc.
Thankfully we seem to be getting things right where it matter on the pitch winning football. Football is all about results it is a sport where people come to watch their teams hopefully win its not designed as entertainment its a spectator sport there isnt an audience there are spectators who want to see winning football yes they also want it to be pleasing on the eye, but that is not what is first and foremost.

Its the same as Rugby many talk about the Golden Years of Welsh Rugby in the 70s and yes whilst there was lots of flmaboyant passing back play that occurred only after the hard grunt had been done and points secured....but that us forgotten.

There are many weirdos on here its funny how Martin has managed to divide our fan base so much.....he has gone some havent let it go they still pine for him and hanker for him it could be seen in posts prior to us embarking on this great unbeaten run most of those who did have become silent and will probably reappear if and when things go awryy

Yesterday was a great day we came back from behind to win and even when in front still went on too look for a third rather than looking to hold on....I m sure those there yesterday left happy having seen us win ...but "entertained " too
Vetchonian said:
Football is a sport where people come to watch their teams hopefully win its not designed as entertainment its a spectator sport there isnt an audience there are spectators who want to see winning football yes they also want it to be pleasing on the eye, but that is not what is first and foremost.

I couldn't disagree more, personally.

Football was invented to entertain the masses. It is meant to be entertainment. On a weekend, it competes with other forms of entertainment for people's time.

If you don't produce a football team that people enjoy watching, then a lot of them will go to the cinema, go shopping or go to the pub on a Saturday afternoon instead.

It may well be only about results to those actually involved within the club, but to those outside, you've got to give them more than that, or many will not come. Whether you're Messrs Potter/Cooper/Martin/Duff or whoever, it doesn't matter, that's a fact.
Andrew - North Hill said:
I couldn't disagree more, personally.

Football was invented to entertain the masses. It is meant to be entertainment. On a weekend, it competes with other forms of entertainment for people's time.

If you don't produce a football team that people enjoy watching, then a lot of them will go to the cinema, go shopping or go to the pub on a Saturday afternoon instead.

It may well be only about results to those actually involved within the club, but to those outside, you've got to give them more than that, or many will not come. Whether you're Messrs Potter/Cooper/Martin/Duff or whoever, it doesn't matter, that's a fact.

I'm sure you will find football was created as a sport....


It has only been labelled as entertainment by the Sky generation......it was designed to be played.....then gathered a following it certainly was nt created as crowd entertainment
Andrew - North Hill said:
You really can't comprehend a scenario where someone supported Martin while he was here, but also isn't bothered that he left, can you.

You can't comprehend that someone could be up in arms with Duff about the first 7 games on its own terms, it has to be linked back to Russell Martin in some way doesn't it.

It can only every be binary, can't it.

Just plain weird. You're a weirdo. Like all the other ones.

Sorry, can't let this one pass without comment.

You have gone on record as saying that you never pay to attend a Swans game. Mostly you say you watch on an illegal VPN feed. Sometimes you borrow someone else's season ticket and watch a home game in person. But on principle, because of your pathological hatred of the current ownership, you refuse on principle to pay to attend games. As a result, you haven't attended an away match in a very long time. Correct me if I am wrong in any of the above.

You constructed an elaborate theory of how Coleman, Watson et al were out of their depth and were responsible for appointing a manager who was also promoted beyond his ability. You've dropped this since our recent upturn in performance. Again, happy to be corrected if that's not the case.

And we are the weird ones? :roll: :roll: :roll:
cadleigh said:
Sorry, can't let this one pass without comment.

You have gone on record as saying that you never pay to attend a Swans game. Mostly you say you watch on an illegal VPN feed. Sometimes you borrow someone else's season ticket and watch a home game in person. But on principle, because of your pathological hatred of the current ownership, you refuse on principle to pay to attend games. As a result, you haven't attended an away match in a very long time. Correct me if I am wrong in any of the above.

You constructed an elaborate theory of how Coleman, Watson et al were out of their depth and were responsible for appointing a manager who was also promoted beyond his ability. You've dropped this since our recent upturn in performance. Again, happy to be corrected if that's not the case.

And we are the weird ones? :roll: :roll: :roll:

No need to apologise at all. Seeing as you're happy to be corrected, I'll happily correct you on a couple of things there.

Firstly, I've been to several away games in the last few seasons. That money goes in the pocket of the home team, so I'm absolutely fine with that. I was at the Luton 3-3 a couple of years ago, it was brilliant fun. I love an away day.

Secondly, I haven't "dropped" my view at all, and it wasn't a "theory", it was based on the evidence of pre-season and the first 7 league games (which a lot of people seem to have very quickly forgotten, which is a bit weird). It's still a watching brief for me. I retain my concerns that Duff isn't right for the club, and as such, in my view, Watson and Coleman are very much not out of the woods yet. A 4 match spell of improved form has not changed my mind on that. But I keep an open mind, and reserve the right to reconsider my position at any time I wish. I know that's probably hard for you to stomach as 'Mr Binary', but you'll just have to suck that up I'm afraid. I'll be having my cake and eating it.

Have you ever tried using a VPN? It's great. I thoroughly recommend it. One of the great things about living in the age we do. You can follow your team from the comfort of your own armchair, it's not weird at all. Or if it is weird, then maybe all the Swans fans Stateside or in Canada or in Asia or other parts of the world that subscribe to Swans TV are all "weird" too. Maybe it is weird to luddites or technophobes. But not if you know how to use them, they're bloody marvellous. They've opened our games up to a wide audience that probably wasn't there up until about 10 years ago. Try it. It's great.
Andrew - North Hill said:
No need to apologise at all. Seeing as you're happy to be corrected, I'll happily correct you on a couple of things there.

Firstly, I've been to several away games in the last few seasons. That money goes in the pocket of the home team, so I'm absolutely fine with that. I was at the Luton 3-3 a couple of years ago, it was brilliant fun. I love an away day.

Secondly, I haven't "dropped" my view at all, and it wasn't a "theory", it was based on the evidence of pre-season and the first 7 league games (which a lot of people seem to have very quickly forgotten, which is a bit weird). It's still a watching brief for me. I retain my concerns that Duff isn't right for the club, and as such, in my view, Watson and Coleman are very much not out of the woods yet. A 4 match spell of improved form has not changed my mind on that. But I keep an open mind, and reserve the right to reconsider my position at any time I wish. I know that's probably hard for you to stomach as 'Mr Binary', but you'll just have to suck that up I'm afraid. I'll be having my cake and eating it.

Have you ever tried using a VPN? It's great. I thoroughly recommend it. One of the great things about living in the age we do. You can follow your team from the comfort of your own armchair, it's not weird at all. Or if it is weird, then maybe all the Swans fans Stateside or in Canada or in Asia or other parts of the world that subscribe to Swans TV are all "weird" too. Maybe it is weird to luddites or technophobes. But not if you know how to use them, they're bloody marvellous. They've opened our games up to a wide audience that probably wasn't there up until about 10 years ago. Try it. It's great.
Whilst this new technology is great for expat supporters....though legal routes are available from which the club receives some benefit.... .what if all supporters followed your view and we all stayed at home used a VPN where would the club be then?
I can't believe you have the gall to call yourself a supporter....
Vetchonian said:
Whilst this new technology is great for expat supporters....though legal routes are available from which the club receives some benefit.... .what if all supporters followed your view and we all stayed at home used a VPN where would the club be then?
I can't believe you have the gall to call yourself a supporter....

Don't blame the player, blame the game.

If English football continues to shoot itself in the foot by putting 3pm Saturday ko's (and several weekday matches too) behind an antiquated blackout not fit for purpose in the year 2023, then there will always be a black market for these games.

I'm not doing anything that thousands of others aren't doing.

You're entitled to your opinion about what makes a supporter, I couldn't care less what you think.

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