Kyle Naughton must be chopped liver then :lol:Back on topic.....
By all accounts Joey has stepped up. He needs to make his mark and fill Grimes' massive boots - we need to see a marked improvement in our midfield cohesion and control. He now is the very last remaining shred of our unique, much heralded identity.
In Joey we must trust.....
In all seriousness though clinging desperately to our "unique much heralded identity" is the same as some other clubs who cling to being cup winners a hundred years ago. Its worth precisely jack shit and in some ways the cause of our decline over the past decade has come from desperately trying to cling to that identity rather than evolve with the changing of the game.
Pep has refused to do it and is paying the price for that this season and if a manager like Guardiola is not exempt from that particular law of the jungle why in the world would the not so mighty Swansea City be?