I'm still relatively new to this site - only been here about a year or so - but I do think there is a strong anti-Martin sentiment on these pages that you don't really get elsewhere, to the point of being quite rabid at times.
I get some of it - he's clearly a very flawed coach defensively, he is a bit "Brentish" sometimes, he is too stubborn to even be slightly pragmatic. I was glad to see the back of him by the end, it was going nowhere really - he wasn't happy with the club, the owners had gone cold on him.
That said, he always wanted to play an attractive style (albeit with too many flaws to be effective), he definitely ‘got’ what our club was about while he was here (Doube Doube says it all), he did an ok-ish job here with an average squad, then he went on to get a team promoted to the PL (and you can't do that if you're the total numpty some people make him out to be).
Like most things in life there is room for grey on this one.