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Coronavirus- new spike coming?

Hold the bus...

Me and my family have had covid in the past 3 weeks, only recently come out of isolation. We were fortunate, kids have had barely any symptoms, my wife lost her sense of taste & smell and we both had probably the worst coughs we've ever experienced. Aside from feeling a bit knackered we are are on the mend. We are pretty sure it came home from the school as there were over 30 cases in one year bubble and considering both my wife and I have been working from home there wasn't many other opportunities to catch it. A number of people we know have caught it recently - it is spreading far faster than the first wave.
Good luck policing 2 families instead of 3. Pointless rule.
MrSwerve said:
Good luck policing 2 families instead of 3. Pointless rule.
So Dippy and his mates have changed it from three households to two plus a one person household....that's three household,Shirley,so as you were,yeah. Oh! hang on, don't tell me a household is defined as, more than one living there,so that's ok then.FFS.
From my personal experience I would be very careful mixing with others and take care of your loved ones.

We have kept my 80 year mother safe all year by isolating her from everybody, made some tough decisions to only keep in touch by FaceTime arrange all deliveries for online shopping, my mother has been fit and worked hard all her life.

However in the last few years she had heart failure as a result of leaking heart valves, she refused treatment as she was nursing my father through terminal cancer, after my father died last year we were told by the cardiologist there was nothing now they could do.

We all stuck rigidly to the isolation advice we made massive sacrifices, we missed her 80th birthday, she was alone on Mother’s Day and the first anniversary of my fathers death but she insisted on keeping her independence and keeping herself isolated. The only time I physically saw her was to take her for hospital appointments. She was abandoned by her surgery who refused to visit her to check her water levels.

Eventually the inevitable happened and we had take her to A&E at Royal Glam Hosp we had to leave her alone at the door at midnight on a Sunday night as we weren’t allowed in, she was kept in A&E for 36 hrs whilst waiting for a negative COVID test before she could be put on the ward. We couldn’t speak to her as there were not enough nurses to deal with patients and answering the phone to relatives was not a priority. After 4 days I managed to get a mobile onto the ward for her and it appeared she was on the mend as the medication was working. She was on a ground floor ward so I was able to talk to her through the sealed windows, and she was on top form.

4 hours later I had a phone call saying she was unlikely to make it through the night, my brother and I were allowed onto the ward to sit with our mother as she died, she fought for three days to cling onto life, we were then told that she had tested positive and was being moved to a COVID ward. We would not be allowed to be with her, that was the last time I saw her.

Within 4 hours she was dead, within 24 hours both my brother and I were ill with COVID, I am very fit my BMI is 23 I was in bed for a week, I still can’t shake off the cough after three weeks
I gave COVID to my wife who was very ill.

My mother had served her community all her life looking after others was a very popular person will not be allowed more than 30 people at her funeral, her elderly friends are too frightened to attend, grandchildren can’t go because of limited numbers.

I am entirely heartbroken knowing I will never see her or speak to her again, so when I hear or read people scoffing COVID remember my experience.
Jack2jack said:
MrSwerve said:
Good luck policing 2 families instead of 3. Pointless rule.
So Dippy and his mates have changed it from three households to two plus a one person household....that's three household,Shirley,so as you were,yeah. Oh! hang on, don't tell me a household is defined as, more than one living there,so that's ok then.FFS.

More confusion for folk who are already confused.
Pacemaker said:
From my personal experience I would be very careful mixing with others and take care of your loved ones.

We have kept my 80 year mother safe all year by isolating her from everybody, made some tough decisions to only keep in touch by FaceTime arrange all deliveries for online shopping, my mother has been fit and worked hard all her life.

However in the last few years she had heart failure as a result of leaking heart valves, she refused treatment as she was nursing my father through terminal cancer, after my father died last year we were told by the cardiologist there was nothing now they could do.

We all stuck rigidly to the isolation advice we made massive sacrifices, we missed her 80th birthday, she was alone on Mother’s Day and the first anniversary of my fathers death but she insisted on keeping her independence and keeping herself isolated. The only time I physically saw her was to take her for hospital appointments. She was abandoned by her surgery who refused to visit her to check her water levels.

Eventually the inevitable happened and we had take her to A&E at Royal Glam Hosp we had to leave her alone at the door at midnight on a Sunday night as we weren’t allowed in, she was kept in A&E for 36 hrs whilst waiting for a negative COVID test before she could be put on the ward. We couldn’t speak to her as there were not enough nurses to deal with patients and answering the phone to relatives was not a priority. After 4 days I managed to get a mobile onto the ward for her and it appeared she was on the mend as the medication was working. She was on a ground floor ward so I was able to talk to her through the sealed windows, and she was on top form.

4 hours later I had a phone call saying she was unlikely to make it through the night, my brother and I were allowed onto the ward to sit with our mother as she died, she fought for three days to cling onto life, we were then told that she had tested positive and was being moved to a COVID ward. We would not be allowed to be with her, that was the last time I saw her.

Within 4 hours she was dead, within 24 hours both my brother and I were ill with COVID, I am very fit my BMI is 23 I was in bed for a week, I still can’t shake off the cough after three weeks
I gave COVID to my wife who was very ill.

My mother had served her community all her life looking after others was a very popular person will not be allowed more than 30 people at her funeral, her elderly friends are too frightened to attend, grandchildren can’t go because of limited numbers.

I am entirely heartbroken knowing I will never see her or speak to her again, so when I hear or read people scoffing COVID remember my experience.

So sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you. I get annoyed when I hear people laughing off covid and I've had no experience like yours so I can only imagine how you feel.

All the best.
That's truly awful Pacemaker, godspeed to your mum and thoughts with those she has left behind
Pacemaker said:
From my personal experience I would be very careful mixing with others and take care of your loved ones.

We have kept my 80 year mother safe all year by isolating her from everybody, made some tough decisions to only keep in touch by FaceTime arrange all deliveries for online shopping, my mother has been fit and worked hard all her life.

However in the last few years she had heart failure as a result of leaking heart valves, she refused treatment as she was nursing my father through terminal cancer, after my father died last year we were told by the cardiologist there was nothing now they could do.

We all stuck rigidly to the isolation advice we made massive sacrifices, we missed her 80th birthday, she was alone on Mother’s Day and the first anniversary of my fathers death but she insisted on keeping her independence and keeping herself isolated. The only time I physically saw her was to take her for hospital appointments. She was abandoned by her surgery who refused to visit her to check her water levels.

Eventually the inevitable happened and we had take her to A&E at Royal Glam Hosp we had to leave her alone at the door at midnight on a Sunday night as we weren’t allowed in, she was kept in A&E for 36 hrs whilst waiting for a negative COVID test before she could be put on the ward. We couldn’t speak to her as there were not enough nurses to deal with patients and answering the phone to relatives was not a priority. After 4 days I managed to get a mobile onto the ward for her and it appeared she was on the mend as the medication was working. She was on a ground floor ward so I was able to talk to her through the sealed windows, and she was on top form.

4 hours later I had a phone call saying she was unlikely to make it through the night, my brother and I were allowed onto the ward to sit with our mother as she died, she fought for three days to cling onto life, we were then told that she had tested positive and was being moved to a COVID ward. We would not be allowed to be with her, that was the last time I saw her.

Within 4 hours she was dead, within 24 hours both my brother and I were ill with COVID, I am very fit my BMI is 23 I was in bed for a week, I still can’t shake off the cough after three weeks
I gave COVID to my wife who was very ill.

My mother had served her community all her life looking after others was a very popular person will not be allowed more than 30 people at her funeral, her elderly friends are too frightened to attend, grandchildren can’t go because of limited numbers.

I am entirely heartbroken knowing I will never see her or speak to her again, so when I hear or read people scoffing COVID remember my experience.

I have tears in my eyes reading that, such a sad story and thoughts go out to you and all your family on your heartbreaking loss :(
I am so seriously pissed off this came to pass so badly. I feel for the likes of Pacemaker who have lost loved ones (respect and best wishes to you). Yet crap denying how serious a situation we are in is still over social media, in e press and on the other site. Lockdown is awful.
No one wants this. I speak from being in Tier2 but expecting a national lockdown come January. Please everyone, take care, keep healthy, practice social distancing, wear a mask. If you have family with you, cherish that love this Christmas. If not then my very best wishes to you and use that phone, that video messaging. Above all my friends pleas say strong and stay safe. Get vaccinated if you are offered.
My best wishes to you all.
Professor said:
I am so seriously pissed off this came to pass so badly. I feel for the likes of Pacemaker who have lost loved ones (respect and best wishes to you). Yet crap denying how serious a situation we are in is still over social media, in e press and on the other site. Lockdown is awful.
No one wants this. I speak from being in Tier2 but expecting a national lockdown come January. Please everyone, take care, keep healthy, practice social distancing, wear a mask. If you have family with you, cherish that love this Christmas. If not then my very best wishes to you and use that phone, that video messaging. Above all my friends pleas say strong and stay safe. Get vaccinated if you are offered.
My best wishes to you all.

The only person on this entire thread that knows what they're talking about
Monty said:
Professor said:
I am so seriously pissed off this came to pass so badly. I feel for the likes of Pacemaker who have lost loved ones (respect and best wishes to you). Yet crap denying how serious a situation we are in is still over social media, in e press and on the other site. Lockdown is awful.
No one wants this. I speak from being in Tier2 but expecting a national lockdown come January. Please everyone, take care, keep healthy, practice social distancing, wear a mask. If you have family with you, cherish that love this Christmas. If not then my very best wishes to you and use that phone, that video messaging. Above all my friends pleas say strong and stay safe. Get vaccinated if you are offered.
My best wishes to you all.

The only person on this entire thread that knows what they're talking about
Plenty of good posts here Monty. I have some worries around the new variant. The lockdown is the the right move. The U.K. government are a shambles.
Pacemaker said:
From my personal experience I would be very careful mixing with others and take care of your loved ones.

We have kept my 80 year mother safe all year by isolating her from everybody, made some tough decisions to only keep in touch by FaceTime arrange all deliveries for online shopping, my mother has been fit and worked hard all her life.

However in the last few years she had heart failure as a result of leaking heart valves, she refused treatment as she was nursing my father through terminal cancer, after my father died last year we were told by the cardiologist there was nothing now they could do.

We all stuck rigidly to the isolation advice we made massive sacrifices, we missed her 80th birthday, she was alone on Mother’s Day and the first anniversary of my fathers death but she insisted on keeping her independence and keeping herself isolated. The only time I physically saw her was to take her for hospital appointments. She was abandoned by her surgery who refused to visit her to check her water levels.

Eventually the inevitable happened and we had take her to A&E at Royal Glam Hosp we had to leave her alone at the door at midnight on a Sunday night as we weren’t allowed in, she was kept in A&E for 36 hrs whilst waiting for a negative COVID test before she could be put on the ward. We couldn’t speak to her as there were not enough nurses to deal with patients and answering the phone to relatives was not a priority. After 4 days I managed to get a mobile onto the ward for her and it appeared she was on the mend as the medication was working. She was on a ground floor ward so I was able to talk to her through the sealed windows, and she was on top form.

4 hours later I had a phone call saying she was unlikely to make it through the night, my brother and I were allowed onto the ward to sit with our mother as she died, she fought for three days to cling onto life, we were then told that she had tested positive and was being moved to a COVID ward. We would not be allowed to be with her, that was the last time I saw her.

Within 4 hours she was dead, within 24 hours both my brother and I were ill with COVID, I am very fit my BMI is 23 I was in bed for a week, I still can’t shake off the cough after three weeks
I gave COVID to my wife who was very ill.

My mother had served her community all her life looking after others was a very popular person will not be allowed more than 30 people at her funeral, her elderly friends are too frightened to attend, grandchildren can’t go because of limited numbers.

I am entirely heartbroken knowing I will never see her or speak to her again, so when I hear or read people scoffing COVID remember my experience.

So sorry to read this, sincere condolences to you and your family.
Pacemaker said:
From my personal experience I would be very careful mixing with others and take care of your loved ones.

We have kept my 80 year mother safe all year by isolating her from everybody, made some tough decisions to only keep in touch by FaceTime arrange all deliveries for online shopping, my mother has been fit and worked hard all her life.

However in the last few years she had heart failure as a result of leaking heart valves, she refused treatment as she was nursing my father through terminal cancer, after my father died last year we were told by the cardiologist there was nothing now they could do.

We all stuck rigidly to the isolation advice we made massive sacrifices, we missed her 80th birthday, she was alone on Mother’s Day and the first anniversary of my fathers death but she insisted on keeping her independence and keeping herself isolated. The only time I physically saw her was to take her for hospital appointments. She was abandoned by her surgery who refused to visit her to check her water levels.

Eventually the inevitable happened and we had take her to A&E at Royal Glam Hosp we had to leave her alone at the door at midnight on a Sunday night as we weren’t allowed in, she was kept in A&E for 36 hrs whilst waiting for a negative COVID test before she could be put on the ward. We couldn’t speak to her as there were not enough nurses to deal with patients and answering the phone to relatives was not a priority. After 4 days I managed to get a mobile onto the ward for her and it appeared she was on the mend as the medication was working. She was on a ground floor ward so I was able to talk to her through the sealed windows, and she was on top form.

4 hours later I had a phone call saying she was unlikely to make it through the night, my brother and I were allowed onto the ward to sit with our mother as she died, she fought for three days to cling onto life, we were then told that she had tested positive and was being moved to a COVID ward. We would not be allowed to be with her, that was the last time I saw her.

Within 4 hours she was dead, within 24 hours both my brother and I were ill with COVID, I am very fit my BMI is 23 I was in bed for a week, I still can’t shake off the cough after three weeks
I gave COVID to my wife who was very ill.

My mother had served her community all her life looking after others was a very popular person will not be allowed more than 30 people at her funeral, her elderly friends are too frightened to attend, grandchildren can’t go because of limited numbers.

I am entirely heartbroken knowing I will never see her or speak to her again, so when I hear or read people scoffing COVID remember my experience.

Deepest condolences to you and your family, you are in our thoughts. This is a truly heartbreaking post.

I had a similar experience earlier this year after my mother suffered a stroke during the summer. I took her to A&E, I was unable to wait with her, she was sat in a chair in the waiting room for hours, nothing to eat, nothing to drink, she’s partially deaf and didn’t have a clue what was going on. The staff were run ragged. After the tests she had to go back and wait in the foyer again for ages. It was a Friday night, the place was very busy, lots of unwell people and a few who’d been drinking! She was eventually seen by a doctor, admitted and carted off. We didn’t know where she’d gone and there was a lack of communication, I suspect they were so busy they didn’t know what to do with her. I had to track her down the next day, she’d been admitted on to a ward and we were told they’d let us know more in due course. Communication was difficult, We weren’t allowed to visit, there was no mobile signal, but if it was quiet they’d try and allow us a face time call. We managed 1 chat through a sealed window, it was a very traumatic, difficult and worrying time. We were lucky, my mother was discharged after a week or so and sent home, she’s not right and is still receiving further treatment, but we still have her. I dread every time she has to go to the hospital to take a test or to see the consultant.

I wish you and your family all the best.

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