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Coronavirus- new spike coming?

jack123 said:
Swanjaxs said:
It's looking more like by the day that we are going to be on high alert in the SA area in the coming weeks.

Hopefully common sense and track and trace will prevail 🙏

I get the feeling after reading a discussion on facebook, that a good few people think we are heading for a national lock down again, that did take me by surprise too be honest.

It's not going to be a national lockdown mate, the economy can't afford it.
Hopefully track and trace will take affect 🙏

It's not a gimme that Swansea (or any region around us) will be affected by a local lockdown.

We will have to wait and see if the good people of Swansea take heed of common sense precautions 👍🏻
Swanjaxs said:
jack123 said:
I get the feeling after reading a discussion on facebook, that a good few people think we are heading for a national lock down again, that did take me by surprise too be honest.

It's not going to be a national lockdown mate, the economy can't afford it.
Hopefully track and trace will take affect 🙏

It's not a gimme that Swansea (or any region around us) will be affected by a local lockdown.

We will have to wait and see if the good people of Swansea take heed of common sense precautions 👍🏻

The majority of people are using common sense, not sure what it's like down the wind street though.. It does make me wonder though, when we had the Hong Kong Flu back in 1968, and there were a million plus deaths worldwide, why are we going through all this?

Also many cases have been found to be non-covid.

And looking back over the last 100 years or so, even the Spanish Flu went away of it's own accord, which killed 50 mill plus, it's like now everybody is waiting for a vaccine, or we can't get back to the way we were, put it this way I won't be taking no vaccine, and I will advise my family very strongly against it, if if it does come out next year, and I don't want no blinking flu jab either.
jack123 said:
It does make me wonder though, when we had the Hong Kong Flu back in 1968, and there were a million plus deaths worldwide, why are we going through all this?

I'd say you answered your own question there.
JackSomething said:
jack123 said:
It does make me wonder though, when we had the Hong Kong Flu back in 1968, and there were a million plus deaths worldwide, why are we going through all this?

I'd say you answered your own question there.

No I didn't, my point is! We have been through this before.. No shut downs ferk all.
jack123 said:
JackSomething said:
I'd say you answered your own question there.

No I didn't, my point is! We have been through this before.. No shut downs ferk all.

And more than 1 million people died at a time when the world's population was less than half of what it is now. I believe that we're at just under 900k deaths from Covid-19 at the moment. I'd say it's worth exploring all options to try and prevent that number going up to 2m+, but you're entitled to disagree if you put such a cheap value on lives.
Cheap value on lives? Why? For saying we never locked down throughout previous pandemics.
Partly as we have a greater understanding of virology, epidemiology and transmission than 102 years ago and also some places did (and pretty successfully)


Masks were also commonly worn.
jack123 said:
JackSomething said:
I'd say you answered your own question there.

No I didn't, my point is! We have been through this before.. No shut downs ferk all.

Much smaller world population and only very few enjoyed International travel.
Drefach football club held a presentation evening last weekend and 12 of the players have since tested positive for coronavirus, so yes, this virus is definitely on the charge
Absolute shambles. Obvious to every infectious disease scientists this was a risk and still unprepared

jack123 said:
Cheap value on lives? Why? For saying we never locked down throughout previous pandemics.

Exactly. We didn't lockdown then and many people died. If lockdown means significantly less people die this time, surely that's the most important thing?

If people could be trusted to be sensible and take suitable precautions then we could avoid lockdowns, but there's overwhelming evidence that too many people can't be trusted to be sensible.
Something has to be done to enforce social distancing. I've had enough now.

I am completely behind opening up the economy as much as is possible - whilst maintaining social distancing. I love a trip to the pub and go to the gym 6 days a week. I'm not too concerend about catching the virus but don't want to pass it on. I am taking this completely seriously and so is the gym I'm a member of, but I'm completley fed up of those who aren't.

I'm forever seeing fitness classes on Instagram of local gyms completey ignoring social distancing - Group photos with arms around each other, sharing equipment, personal trainers hugging clients etc, etc It is out there in public but nothing happens to them. I'd be happy to name them.

Photos of a packed queue at Coyote ugly in Cardiff - nothing really happens to them. It's not just the under 30's either my local social club has done sweet FA really, a track and trace book that nobody uses, and ignored one way system and pensioners sitting next to each other as they did in early March.

We are sleep walking in to another Spike.
Professor said:
Absolute shambles. Obvious to every infectious disease scientists this was a risk and still unprepared


Mental. What on Earth is going on? We are now 6 months plus in to a pandemic and it turns out there’s not enough capacity, in the labs. It’s not as though we weren’t warned a second spike was on the way and it was clear to all from watching events elsewhere that it would take off after lockdown was lifted.
We need to get the economy going, but for that to happen people have to feel safe when they are out and about and in work. An effective test, track and trace system is vital, also there needs to be enforcement where those individuals who flout the law need to be tackled and prosecuted.
Professor said:
Heinrich Himmler said:
Stop your nonsense mun, they never shut down and now they have one of the lowest infection rates in Europe, that now includes Demark and Norway and countries with smaller populations, now this that is all you need to try and understand, and all this density jargon you keep spilling out means nothing, one of the lowest infection rates in Europe how difficult is that for you to grasp or understand :roll: .
Running at around 200 new cases a day- which would be around 1300 if Sweden had the same population as the U.K.-where we were a few days ago. Also was running at a higher level than rest of Europe well into August. Of course population density is relevant. You are just too thick to understand that the more spaced out a population the less frequent the contact, the less likely the transmission.

But then since you glorify a perpetrator of genocide,
What would you know or care about people? Only the rancid right seem to think Sweden has been successful in its experiment.
Why do you keep comparing Sweden with the UK, why are you going back in time for your data, why do you not mention the serious amount of deaths that are going to occur due to the neglect of other illnesses, the current situation is a country that never locked down, have saved at a least half million deaths due to continuing normal health care across the board, and now have one of the lowest infection rates in Europe, and only yesterday the uk chief medical officer has come out and stated that if the hospitals are not opened up and allowed to allow people to early diagnosis and treatment asap for all the serious illnesses out there the death rates with be 10 fold more than that of Covid deaths, a ticking time bomb so to speak, so for a guy who spends vast amounts of typing time spilling out complicated jargon most of which is utter nonsense and scaremongering the real picture of things seem to just sail straight over your head.

Preston North End v Swansea City

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