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General Election ...

I am calm, ferking hell is it me out of order please tell me, how the fuck can you say to somebody I am going to stab you and get away with it? It's not even funny in jest, it's fucking bang out of order, no fucking way would you see that shit, and get away with it, apart from when it's directed at me.
Probably lost in translation a bit, no need to stress, bank holiday and all that...
Have a good one my friend 🧡
Sunak reckons the national service policy has been in the works for weeks. Yet on Thursday, there was this.

“The Government has no current plans to reintroduce National Service. Since 1963, when the last national servicemen were discharged, it has been the policy of successive Governments that the best way of providing for the defence of our country is by maintaining professional Armed Forces staffed by volunteers. The demanding, increasingly technical, nature of defence today is such that we require highly trained, professional men and women in our Regular and Reserve Armed Forces, fully committed to giving their best in defending our country and its allies.

If potentially unwilling National Service recruits were to be obliged to serve alongside the professional men and women of our Armed Forces, it could damage morale, recruitment and retention and would consume professional military and naval resources. If, on the other hand, National Service recruits were kept in separate units, it would be difficult to find a proper and meaningful role for them, potentially harming motivation and discipline. For all these reasons, there are no current plans for the restoration of any form of National Service.”

When I first saw the story in this mornings press I thought it was April Fools Day. It seems poorly thought out, back of a fag packet stuff. Conscripting 30,000 out of around 770,000 eighteen year old kids for 12 months - mental.

While I think there’s definitely a need to provide some young people with a means of developing their skills, a broad brush approach is not required. The kids who need to be targeted are those who are not in education, training or employment not the kids who’re in school and working hard or the kids who’re grafting in a Saturday or Sunday job.

In Wales, as part of the Welsh Bac A level kids have to do a volunteering placement. One of my children (who was a really strong swimmer) volunteered as a swimming coach at a local swimming club. They coached the children and helped the develop the adult volunteer coaches. It was far from easy and involved quite a lot of hard work, including lesson plans for the kids, lesson plans the adult coaches, delivering the session, feed back, reflections, feed back to the coaches etc etc. It also helped them develop their communication skills - it’s not easy for an 18 year old to tell and adult what to do!
Probably lost in translation a bit, no need to stress, bank holiday and all that...
Have a good one my friend 🧡
It's not lost in translation at all mate, and i am not stressed at all, it started off that skippy said he would stab me in the leg, and then said again he would stab me, it's a fucking joke. It's OUT OF FUCKING ORDER, and I am quite angry to be honest.
It's not lost in translation at all mate, and i am not stressed at all, it started off that skippy said he would stab me in the leg, and then said again he would stab me, it's a fucking joke. It's OUT OF FUCKING ORDER, and I am quite angry to be honest.
Fair enough, but look at Joe and say you can stay angry...

When I first saw the story in this mornings press I thought it was April Fools Day. It seems poorly thought out, back of a fag packet stuff. Conscripting 30,000 out of around 770,000 eighteen year old kids for 12 months - mental.

While I think there’s definitely a need to provide some young people with a means of developing their skills, a broad brush approach is not required. The kids who need to be targeted are those who are not in education, training or employment not the kids who’re in school and working hard or the kids who’re grafting in a Saturday or Sunday job.

In Wales, as part of the Welsh Bac A level kids have to do a volunteering placement. One of my children (who was a really strong swimmer) volunteered as a swimming coach at a local swimming club. They coached the children and helped the develop the adult volunteer coaches. It was far from easy and involved quite a lot of hard work, including lesson plans for the kids, lesson plans the adult coaches, delivering the session, feed back, reflections, feed back to the coaches etc etc. It also helped them develop their communication skills - it’s not easy for an 18 year old to tell and adult what to do!
They're scrambling to try and win an election they're going to lose comfortably, they truly believe everyone in the UK is an idiot, they're realising they're f*cked, but are trying bad pantomime stuff by sending Sunak anywhere, now they're trying to target the old generation
‘‘Tis true. We need less of them, paid competitively more with no other jobs and no lobbying money (capped public funding for parties) if we want to clean up politics and get better quality. There is a power attraction or people like Sunk wouldn’t be there. It’s not all money.

We could save money by getting rid of the HoL and having a different system of oversight.

Plus, this ‘inspirational’ nonsense is a red herring. We need competence. Attlee wasn’t in any way inspirational and look what that government achieved. Blair was ‘inspirational’ and turned out a mad c**t told by God to start a war on false premise.


I can’t believe all this BS people are spouting about Starmer being boring etc, not inspirational, no charisma etc etc.

TBH I don’t give a @@@@ if he’s boring, what I’m looking for in a PM is intelligence, competence, capability, honesty and fairness. The country got taken in by the lying chancer that is Boris and the country turned in to an even worse @@@@show than it was under May. We need people to grip things and sort the problems we have, not give us bull@@@@ about national service that they’ve put together on the back of a fag packet.

Hopefully Starmer will push Gething out of office down the Bay.
Fair enough, but look at Joe and say you can stay angry...

I don't follow Scottish football, but if I did I would support Rangers.. :) I know I am sorry, even from a young age, Id rather Rangers than Celtic, must be something to do with the kit why I likened to them from a young age, Not knocking that mind, I just don't follow Scottish Football, but well done.
I don't follow Scottish football, but if I did I would support Rangers.. :) I know I am sorry, even from a young age, Id rather Rangers than Celtic, must be something to do with the kit why I likened to them from a young age, Not knocking that mind, I just don't follow Scottish Football, but well done.
We can no longer be friends

I can’t believe all this BS people are spouting about Starmer being boring etc, not inspirational, no charisma etc etc.

TBH I don’t give a @@@@ if he’s boring, what I’m looking for in a PM is intelligence, competence, capability, honesty and fairness. The country got taken in by the lying chancer that is Boris and the country turned in to an even worse @@@@show than it was under May. We need people to grip things and sort the problems we have, not give us bull@@@@ about national service that they’ve put together on the back of a fag packet.

Hopefully Starmer will push Gething out of office down the Bay.
Starmer getting Gething out? From what I can see, Gething will be gone very shortly, you know once the media, and especially the Welsh media start slating Gething at every opportunity, he hasn't got long left.

I would say Gething will be gone in under 4 months,, (y)
Starmer getting Gething out? From what I can see, Gething will be gone very shortly, you know once the media, and especially the Welsh media start slating Gething at every opportunity, he hasn't got long left.

I would say Gething will be gone in under 4 months,, (y)
I hope so, Gething’s conduct suggests to me he doesn’t have the qualities and judgement to be FM.
II am sorry for my reaction to skippy mentioning a knife, about 30 year ago, my mother went to see a clairvoyant, and she had it bang on with my fathers death, and also said I would be stabbed in a laneway..Now I watch everything. I listened to the tape recording, it was me,, So I'm always on high alert from that point on.
II am sorry for my reaction to skippy mentioning a knife, about 30 year ago, my mother went to see a clairvoyant, and she had it bang on with my fathers death, and also said I would be stabbed in a laneway..Now I watch everything. I listened to the tape recording, it was me,, So I'm always on high alert from that point on.
Skippy shouldn’t have said what he said. Jokes regarding knife crime isn’t funny, even when everyone laughs.
I'm voting Conservative, because I can, I think deep down Rishi is a decent person, it's the others within his party are a bit loopy and are influencing his latest attacks on everyone.. or I'll vote for the monster raving loony party if they're still a thing
I think you're a better fit with the MRLs.
Skippy shouldn’t have said what he said. Jokes regarding knife crime isn’t funny, even when everyone laughs.
Got to say it was worth it for the tank response. I really like the idea of showing up in Asda car park in a tank. Skip would need a bazooka then.
Got to say it was worth it for the tank response. I really like the idea of showing up in Asda car park in a tank. Skip would need a bazooka then.
I was always taught to never turn up to a tank fight with a knife. Old Neath proverb that.

Preston North End v Swansea City

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