The name rings a bell - or am I maybe thinking of the late comedian Jeremy Hardy? … The promtion season under JH also coincided with the widespread rollout of that there Interweb… Gary Martin’s site and Phil’s and being an exile soon hooked up with not just familiar faces on trains and terraces but a much wider audience - Soon the SEALS were revived and we were quite a big, drunken but largely peaceful travelling mob by 2000/01. I met some top blokes thru these sites during the Hollins era - not just PS, Gary M, Dai Smith and his boys… but Stu Mac, Rich L, Mike Kent, Dai Little,J Dubbs, Daf, James White…and so on…. I will always hold the Hollins era in the greatest nostalgic regard even though hope was soon replaced by despair ( an oft repeated historical scenario for Swans fans) … the relegation was ironically the watershed moment for the formation of the Trust and galvanised by us “SO CALLED INTERNET FANS”

Mike “String Vest Chippendale” Lewis….Went dark for a bit after JH left but not long after came Flynny, Trunds and Rubbertoe and off we flew. RIP John H. Lovely fella…who just became a bit more lovelier in my eyes after reading Dazza’s posts. Those were the days my friend….