And extract money from people desperate to believe in something greater than themselves.
Thats the negatives, but I’ve also seen it do a lot of good and bring a lot of comfort to good people that I think it would be cruel to deny them. That can be multiplied by millions in all the religions with none of the downsides, and it provides most a code of peaceful and caring civilisation that actually works for those millions.
I have become agnostic because of that, rather than atheist, as I would love them to be partially right and there to be some greater point to our scrabbling pathetic lives. I don’t really think so, and it’s odds against, but I, and all of you, don’t know. We’ll all soon find out anyway, so why sweat it.
As to religion starting wars and sowing division, yes it does, but that’s just a means to an end. I’d say it’s tribalism that does that and if we don’t have religion we’d have countries, counties, villages, tribes, cultures, colours, minorities to replace it with the tribal hate. Or football,