Roger Freestone
exiledclaseboy said:jack123 said:I would be with them, to crush the commies no problemo.
:lol: :lol: You’d run a mile and hide in a corner somewhere. Commies ffs
That’s made me giggle. :lol:
exiledclaseboy said:jack123 said:I would be with them, to crush the commies no problemo.
:lol: :lol: You’d run a mile and hide in a corner somewhere. Commies ffs
J_B said:jack123 said:I'm just saying I would get on a plane, and join up with the other patriots of the free world that is all, And we can round up all the commy traitors.
Time will tell, but I detest Biden, Pelosi and the like, something about them, seems obvious to some but not to others apparently.
That’s fine. I don’t regard fascists, racists, Holocaust deniers and liars as patriots. Did you notice the “Camp Aushwitz” and “6MWE” t shirts?
Lovely people.
jack123 said:J_B said:That’s fine. I don’t regard fascists, racists, Holocaust deniers and liars as patriots. Did you notice the “Camp Aushwitz” and “6MWE” t shirts?
Lovely people.
From what I have seen that was blm/antifa infiltrating, even cnn were involved. Don't believe all the fake news mate.
jack123 said:J_B said:Who are the “commies” to be crushed?
Please bear in mind that Biden is further right than Boris Johnson.
exiledclaseboy said:The deletions have begun. :lol: He’s changed his mind about getting on a plane to fight commies.
Humpty said:jack123 said:
And now the editing starts.
jack123 said:Humpty said:And now the editing starts.
no it's not, i have removed 1 post, that is all.
jack123 said:Darran said:When are Dr P and AFD flying out? :lol:
I would be with them, to crush the commies no problemo.
J_B said:Here’s Jack123 hard at work.
jack123 said:J_B said:Here’s Jack123 hard at work.
Nothing will be deleted, Nothing!!
I was just adding to the debate, it's all pretty pointless, because I know your opinions, and it would be pretty hard to sway them..
I'm just adding to the chat, if you like you can censor me, pretend you are big tech.. I mean nobody likes to hear a different opinion do they, what I have said is the truth, widely discussed everywhere apart from here obviously..
J_B said:jack123 said:Nothing will be deleted, Nothing!!
I was just adding to the debate, it's all pretty pointless, because I know your opinions, and it would be pretty hard to sway them..
I'm just adding to the chat, if you like you can censor me, pretend you are big tech.. I mean nobody likes to hear a different opinion do they, what I have said is the truth, widely discussed everywhere apart from here obviously..
You just deleted a post and now say nothing will be deleted.
Fair play, you lie like Trump.
J_B said:jack123 said:Nothing will be deleted, Nothing!!
I was just adding to the debate, it's all pretty pointless, because I know your opinions, and it would be pretty hard to sway them..
I'm just adding to the chat, if you like you can censor me, pretend you are big tech.. I mean nobody likes to hear a different opinion do they, what I have said is the truth, widely discussed everywhere apart from here obviously..
You just deleted a post and now say nothing will be deleted.
Fair play, you lie like Trump.
Ebo said:jack123 said:I would be with them, to crush the commies no problemo.
You couldn't crush a grape pal.
As for commies ffs grow up.