You could not be more wrong, and it wasn't nothing to do with Bristol Mr Goldfish memory.
There comes a time to call this rubbish out for what is, don't like the pro palestinian marches you are Racist, don't like the small boats coming over you are Racist, don't want 300 illegals living next door to you in your'e village Racist!! Don't like people smashing up statues in London, and hating the UK Racist!!
It's utter bollox, and pretty mind blowing that you can be so shallow minded! You call out something wrong, yet if it involves people of a different colour, it seems the automatic assumption, 'OH right, what a racist' when that could not be further from the truth, I just wish at that particular time during covid, when BLM were smashing up London, and smashing the statues up, that the people that did it were white, because this conversation would not be happening now.. Although saying that, I think some were.