Roger Freestone
Jack2jack said:Haven't had a vaccine of any sort for well over 40 years, not about to have one now, don't like them, don't like needles, don't trust them, and from what I've read from some scientists, they can compromise the immune system in later life, we can debate that but it's probably not worth it.Londonlisa2001 said:There are a large number of countries that you can’t enter without a Yellow Fever vaccine as I said before. No difference,
Because natural immunity is not as effective as vaccinated immunity according to every scientist in this case.
All sorts of reasons. Lots of people can’t have them due to, for example, a compromised immune system.
Genuinely don’t understand the Issue. If you’re not scared of catching the virus, why on earth would you refuse the vaccine which carries the ability to provoke your immune system to recognise the virus and destroy it without you running the risk of becoming ill?
Do you get vaccines for Hepatitis, or Typhoid, or Tetanus?
So in summary. If you need one get one, if you don't want one that's okay too, it's a free world.
That possibly sums up where I am with it to be fair.
Same here mush, never had a vaccine in my life, only jabs I've had is anesthetic direct into head, leg wounds (football related) but will be first in line for the C-19 vaccine.
I've seen how quick this virus can mutate in a matter of hours, my son got very ill very quickly.
He's a fit, healthy 27 year old, we thought at one point he would have to be blue lighted, he soiled his bed and was throwing up constantly
It's all about personal choice, but you really don't want this in your house.
Hopefully the end is in sight