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Get vaccinated or stay home

Jack2jack said:
Londonlisa2001 said:
There are a large number of countries that you can’t enter without a Yellow Fever vaccine as I said before. No difference,
Because natural immunity is not as effective as vaccinated immunity according to every scientist in this case.
All sorts of reasons. Lots of people can’t have them due to, for example, a compromised immune system.
Genuinely don’t understand the Issue. If you’re not scared of catching the virus, why on earth would you refuse the vaccine which carries the ability to provoke your immune system to recognise the virus and destroy it without you running the risk of becoming ill?
Do you get vaccines for Hepatitis, or Typhoid, or Tetanus?
Haven't had a vaccine of any sort for well over 40 years, not about to have one now, don't like them, don't like needles, don't trust them, and from what I've read from some scientists, they can compromise the immune system in later life, we can debate that but it's probably not worth it.
So in summary. If you need one get one, if you don't want one that's okay too, it's a free world.
That possibly sums up where I am with it to be fair.

Same here mush, never had a vaccine in my life, only jabs I've had is anesthetic direct into head, leg wounds (football related) but will be first in line for the C-19 vaccine.

I've seen how quick this virus can mutate in a matter of hours, my son got very ill very quickly.

He's a fit, healthy 27 year old, we thought at one point he would have to be blue lighted, he soiled his bed and was throwing up constantly

It's all about personal choice, but you really don't want this in your house.

Hopefully the end is in sight 🙏 YJB 🖤🤍
I will neither be staying at home, or getting vaccinated.

I don't share the optimism of many on here, I get the strangest feeling we will be like this,(living like this) for a long time, and I can hear you now saying, but, but but, I've had the vaccine..

Although I really hope, I am wrong, and everything returns back to some way like it was before March.
DJack said:
Jack2jack said:
It's all about opinions I guess.
Vaccine passports interesting. Removing folks rights to move freely, and stop them doing what they want, we do live in a democracy, do we not.
Why is it not possible for normal healthy folk to build up natural immunity, whilst giving those in need a jab.
Why would the poor sod not be able to get a vaccine?

Firstly, I will note that it isn't always about opinions but if it is the case then get one from the experts and not somebody of the internet...Moving on.

Secondly even local Health Authorities have the legal right impose restrictions on people (Health Protection Act)...

10.1 Orders concerning a person

A Part 2A Order can require a person to:

• undergo medical examination (NOT treatment or vaccination);
• be taken to hospital or other suitable establishment (in some cases an alternative to hospital, such as a care home, might be more appropriate);
be detained in hospital or other suitable establishment;
• be kept in isolation or quarantine;

• be disinfected or decontaminated;
• wear protective clothing;
• provide information or answer questions about their health or other circumstances;
• have their health monitored and the results reported;
• attend training or advice sessions on how to reduce the risk of infecting or contaminating others;
be subject to restrictions on where they go or who they have contact with;
• abstain from working or trading.

A JP may impose any of the above restrictions or requirements, or more than one if needed. The JP may also impose further restrictions or requirements not listed above, if needed for the same health protection purpose. Any such restriction or requirement should complement the one(s) imposed under the list above, and must not be more restrictive or onerous for the person concerned than those listed (which are indicative of the maximum limits of the respective restrictions or requirements which may be imposed). For example, if a Part 2A Order requires that a person be detained in hospital to avert a risk to others, the order cannot additionally require that the person accept treatment.

It is supposed to be targeted and have a set duartion but the laws exist to restict an individuals action for health protection.
Okey donkey, let me clarify, in my response to Lisa, I said it was all about opinions, Visa vis, I said it was my opinion that I did not think it was irresponsible, not to have a vaccine,nothing else, so moving on.
So good luck with chucking everyone into a hospital or other institution just because they dont want a vaccination.
The way I see things is that there should be a choice, why is that so wrong. Why does that make anyone a better or worse human being for making a choice.

Jack2jack said:
DJack said:
Firstly, I will note that it isn't always about opinions but if it is the case then get one from the experts and not somebody of the internet...Moving on.

Secondly even local Health Authorities have the legal right impose restrictions on people (Health Protection Act)...

10.1 Orders concerning a person

A Part 2A Order can require a person to:

• undergo medical examination (NOT treatment or vaccination);
• be taken to hospital or other suitable establishment (in some cases an alternative to hospital, such as a care home, might be more appropriate);
be detained in hospital or other suitable establishment;
• be kept in isolation or quarantine;

• be disinfected or decontaminated;
• wear protective clothing;
• provide information or answer questions about their health or other circumstances;
• have their health monitored and the results reported;
• attend training or advice sessions on how to reduce the risk of infecting or contaminating others;
be subject to restrictions on where they go or who they have contact with;
• abstain from working or trading.

A JP may impose any of the above restrictions or requirements, or more than one if needed. The JP may also impose further restrictions or requirements not listed above, if needed for the same health protection purpose. Any such restriction or requirement should complement the one(s) imposed under the list above, and must not be more restrictive or onerous for the person concerned than those listed (which are indicative of the maximum limits of the respective restrictions or requirements which may be imposed). For example, if a Part 2A Order requires that a person be detained in hospital to avert a risk to others, the order cannot additionally require that the person accept treatment.

It is supposed to be targeted and have a set duartion but the laws exist to restict an individuals action for health protection.
Okey donkey, let me clarify, in my response to Lisa, I said it was all about opinions, Visa vis, I said it was my opinion that I did not think it was irresponsible, not to have a vaccine,nothing else, so moving on.
So good luck with chucking everyone into a hospital or other institution just because they dont want a vaccination.
The way I see things is that there should be a choice, why is that so wrong. Why does that make anyone a better or worse human being for making a choice.

My post was in response to your "Removing folks rights to move freely, and stop them doing what they want, we do live in a democracy, do we not."

Living in a Democracy comes with responsibilities. One of which is adhering to the rules/laws of that society and not putting others at risk for your over inflated sense of (personal)freedoms.
DJack said:
Jack2jack said:
Okey donkey, let me clarify, in my response to Lisa, I said it was all about opinions, Visa vis, I said it was my opinion that I did not think it was irresponsible, not to have a vaccine,nothing else, so moving on.
So good luck with chucking everyone into a hospital or other institution just because they dont want a vaccination.
The way I see things is that there should be a choice, why is that so wrong. Why does that make anyone a better or worse human being for making a choice.

My post was in response to your "Removing folks rights to move freely, and stop them doing what they want, we do live in a democracy, do we not."

Living in a Democracy comes with responsibilities. One of which is adhering to the rules/laws of that society and not putting others at risk for your over inflated sense of (personal)freedoms.

Interesting, could you direct me to the latest Gov advice that say's having a vaccine is mandatory.. ?

I think Dr P has got your number with the google stuff.. :)
jack123 said:
DJack said:
My post was in response to your "Removing folks rights to move freely, and stop them doing what they want, we do live in a democracy, do we not."

Living in a Democracy comes with responsibilities. One of which is adhering to the rules/laws of that society and not putting others at risk for your over inflated sense of (personal)freedoms.

Interesting, could you direct me to the latest Gov advice that say's having a vaccine is mandatory.. ?

I think Dr P has got your number with the google stuff.. :)

Please direct me to where I said "the latest Gov advice that say's having a vaccine is mandatory"

As to delusional Dimi, as I pointed out to him on the US elections thread, in that thread I only used google once or twice to find stuff that I'd previously read about and could not remember where I read it. However, i have used google many times just like many others, in fact by poorly searching and misreading I made an arse of myself and AfD corrected me on one thread.

Could I suggest that you practice being an idiot elsewhere.
The advice the government give us is also wrong.
On 4 November the welsh government said there is no evidence regarding vitamin d, reducing the severity of the coronavirus virus and they suggest taking 400 IU per day and warn that taking to much vitamin d is harmful. Very misleading information at best.

People should be taking 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day, during the winter months. It’s not a coincidence that viruses thrives during the winter months, when it’s impossible to get vitamin d3 from the sun, and extremely difficult to get in from the foods you eat.

That is probably one of the reasons why the bame community has been hit harder than white people, as bame people are even more vitamin d deficient
jack123 said:


It’s weird. Why do people post some random Twitter post to back up their point of view. Like, it’s on Twitter, told you so. We’ve sunk so low that people would rather believe what they read on socially media than anything else.
DJack said:
Jack2jack said:
Okey donkey, let me clarify, in my response to Lisa, I said it was all about opinions, Visa vis, I said it was my opinion that I did not think it was irresponsible, not to have a vaccine,nothing else, so moving on.
So good luck with chucking everyone into a hospital or other institution just because they dont want a vaccination.
The way I see things is that there should be a choice, why is that so wrong. Why does that make anyone a better or worse human being for making a choice.

My post was in response to your "Removing folks rights to move freely, and stop them doing what they want, we do live in a democracy, do we not."

Living in a Democracy comes with responsibilities. One of which is adhering to the rules/laws of that society and not putting others at risk for your over inflated sense of (personal)freedoms.
i'll put my case more simply, as we will end up going around in circles, and start quoting data and more data, and stuff from the internet. And please bear in mind it is only my opinion. I do not see any problem with anyone choosing to have or not to have a vaccine, it is down to personal choice, everyone must be given that choice. now when it comes to being forced to do something that you don't want to do then I have a problem with it, and it has nothing to do with being irresponsible or responsible. Yes we do live in a democracy of sorts, although arguably that's another debate. I certainly do not want to live in a society whereby things are thrust upon you, with no choice whatsoever, if folk want that live in Korea or China, where that is the norm, that's fine.
So where will this end, no vaccine passport......No holidays abroad, cant pick your kids up from school, no going to the cinema, football matches, the list goes on and on.
On aside note did I say or have I ever said, that we should not abide by the current rules, and that we should blindly go about our business not giving a f**k about anyone else. Have I ever said I don't care or that I don't respect the virus and what it is doing to folk in their everyday lives. No, all I have said is that there should be a choice, and that restricting folk because they don't want a vaccine to my way of thinking is wrong.
Have a good day fella.
Jack2jack said:
Londonlisa2001 said:
There are a large number of countries that you can’t enter without a Yellow Fever vaccine as I said before. No difference,
Because natural immunity is not as effective as vaccinated immunity according to every scientist in this case.
All sorts of reasons. Lots of people can’t have them due to, for example, a compromised immune system.
Genuinely don’t understand the Issue. If you’re not scared of catching the virus, why on earth would you refuse the vaccine which carries the ability to provoke your immune system to recognise the virus and destroy it without you running the risk of becoming ill?
Do you get vaccines for Hepatitis, or Typhoid, or Tetanus?
Haven't had a vaccine of any sort for well over 40 years, not about to have one now, don't like them, don't like needles, don't trust them, and from what I've read from some scientists, they can compromise the immune system in later life, we can debate that but it's probably not worth it.
So in summary. If you need one get one, if you don't want one that's okay too, it's a free world.
That possibly sums up where I am with it to be fair.

Translation: I'm scared of needles and i'l find any excuse not to have one put in my arm
Monty said:
Jack2jack said:
Haven't had a vaccine of any sort for well over 40 years, not about to have one now, don't like them, don't like needles, don't trust them, and from what I've read from some scientists, they can compromise the immune system in later life, we can debate that but it's probably not worth it.
So in summary. If you need one get one, if you don't want one that's okay too, it's a free world.
That possibly sums up where I am with it to be fair.

Translation: I'm scared of needles and i'l find any excuse not to have one put in my arm
My choice fella.
Jack2jack said:
DJack said:
My post was in response to your "Removing folks rights to move freely, and stop them doing what they want, we do live in a democracy, do we not."

Living in a Democracy comes with responsibilities. One of which is adhering to the rules/laws of that society and not putting others at risk for your over inflated sense of (personal)freedoms.
i'll put my case more simply, as we will end up going around in circles, and start quoting data and more data, and stuff from the internet. And please bear in mind it is only my opinion. I do not see any problem with anyone choosing to have or not to have a vaccine, it is down to personal choice, everyone must be given that choice. now when it comes to being forced to do something that you don't want to do then I have a problem with it, and it has nothing to do with being irresponsible or responsible. Yes we do live in a democracy of sorts, although arguably that's another debate. I certainly do not want to live in a society whereby things are thrust upon you, with no choice whatsoever, if folk want that live in Korea or China, where that is the norm, that's fine.
So where will this end, no vaccine passport......No holidays abroad, cant pick your kids up from school, no going to the cinema, football matches, the list goes on and on.
On aside note did I say or have I ever said, that we should not abide by the current rules, and that we should blindly go about our business not giving a f**k about anyone else. Have I ever said I don't care or that I don't respect the virus and what it is doing to folk in their everyday lives. No, all I have said is that there should be a choice, and that restricting folk because they don't want a vaccine to my way of thinking is wrong.
Have a good day fella.

Two points I would make here

1. Totally agree about freedom of choice, BUT this vaccination approach will only work if a sufficient proportion of the population takes it. In that sense it is not like choosing not to wear a seatbelt.

2. I fear that taking the vaccine may end up being essentially compulsory. So for example, any job application may require confirmation of a vaccine having been taken or buying a plane ticket etc etc

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