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Pre-Season Friendly 23/24 | Swansea City v Bristol Rovers | The Swansea.com Stadium |

A four would make us much more secure and allow us to beef up the midfield. Wood, nor Cabango, nor Darling, nor Cooper can cope with playing with ‘wing backs’ imo.
magicdaps10 said:
Any idea on who that might be Risc?
I don't think moving Key over to that side will help.......as good as Abdulai looks, he is no left back and a few times a left footed full back on that side would have just attacked the space of their left foot.
Left back and Goalkeeper are priorities for the first league game.

No idea sorry mate, wish I did.
monmouth said:
A four would make us much more secure and allow us to beef up the midfield. Wood, nor Cabango, nor Darling, nor Cooper can cope with playing with ‘wing backs’ imo.

That’s my concern. I don’t like the 3, not suited to it imo, unless duff can do some serious coaching i think we could struggle back there.
Risc said:
No idea sorry mate, wish I did.

Interesting to see that Duff has said we need 5/6 players before the window closes.

Right back
Left Back

Couldn't guess on the other 2/3 or is he just taking into account some leaving and replacing.
magicdaps10 said:
Interesting to see that Duff has said we need 5/6 players before the window closes.

Right back
Left Back

Couldn't guess on the other 2/3 or is he just taking into account some leaving and replacing.

Ashby and Rushworth due in early next week according to Tom Coleman.

Left back will be the third. Guessing the others will depend on business with Piroe etc. I think we’ll be in a good position to reinvest a lot of that money into squad but that’s just me reading between the lines.

Could do with Ginnelly getting himself fit, short on pace at the mo.
There’s 5 weeks before the window closes isn’t there? That probably makes things worse. It really ought to shut before the season kicks off.
Risc said:
Ashby and Rushworth due in early next week according to Tom Coleman.

Left back will be the third. Guessing the others will depend on business with Piroe etc. I think we’ll be in a good position to reinvest a lot of that money into squad but that’s just me reading between the lines.

Could do with Ginnelly getting himself fit, short on pace at the mo.

With the pitch being made smaller in both directions then speed might not be a requirement at home 🙈

I don't know how people are going to take that information once it becomes public knowledge.
Been reading everything on social media, it's like people only realise that we're a bit crap like, we've been pretty crap for years now.. overrating our players, thinking the u21s are 20 million pound players.. we're pretty crap, our u21s are worse.. like it's a big surprise.. it's going to be mediocre/lower league football.. it's no shock, the division we're in is terrible, the standard absolute horse
magicdaps10 said:
Interesting to see that Duff has said we need 5/6 players before the window closes.

Right back
Left Back

Couldn't guess on the other 2/3 or is he just taking into account some leaving and replacing.

When did he say that?

Said as an honest but innocuous statement that the board are in agreement with and everyone's relaxed about it coming to fruition?

Or is this an early repeat of Cooper &Martin's public messages to the board? That ultimately ended with relationships breaking down?
magicdaps10 said:
Hardly calling for his head am I!?

It's constructive criticism coupled with honest talk......i have highlighted concerns and issues.
Hopefully the issues iron out and he gets things sorted.

Those Russell detractors you talk about weren’t calling for his head either, that only came after months and months of rubbish.

Comments like the ones you have been making over the past 2 pre season games are the exact sort of comments that were met with such “patience and transition” chatter.
We need another CM. Walsh and Allen are unreliable. Pato looker better than I thought he would in that 8 role tonight but he isn't exactly reliable either.

We also need a CB, maybe 2. Cooper and Naughton can't play at this level now and we still don't know if Wood Darling and Cabango can play in a 3.

Two full backs. Ashby one but a proper LB too so we have 4 in the squad.

GK obviously as Fisher is not a championship player.

And a forward to replace Piroe.

Easy to get to the 5/6 Duff is talking about.

Still makes me laugh when I see people say on other forums or on Twitter saying we don't need Ashby or the kids can cover the wing back positions. Like they haven't watched the last two seasons of square pegs.
Twitter , or should I say X, is quite funny this morning. Just remember how bad we looked against Blackburn in Martins first proper game.
Captain_Sham said:
Twitter , or should I say X, is quite funny this morning. Just remember how bad we looked against Blackburn in Martins first proper game.

Martin chose to leave for more money and a a bigger job. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

MD did look a bit twitchy in his interview mind you. I criticised Martin heavily for whining about not having the perfect team to play his 'style', as that's not 'management' by any means, and Duff alluded to some players not comfortable with his preferences, so he said he's trying to accomodate it. I think Martin said the same, then made no effort until crap results drove him to it. There's a simple fix for having no wing backs and having decent defenders that can't play a three, and it's not buying a shedload of new players.
People react to pre season so bad, if i remember rightly didn't we lose to Neath the year we got promoted with Rodgers
I will say this and it's not a criticism but just a general observation, I feel that the hardest job that this new lot are going to have is align the fanbase because the contradiction and chucking it from their own(fans) lap is utterly astounding considering the season hasn't kicked off.

A combination of sticking heads in the sand and having patience is certainly something that fans seems to realise they are doing or not having for the latter.

It's going to be another fun season on these forums I think.......infactvi am pretty sure of it.


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