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Darran said:
Piss off Dalton.

I’m not Dalton.

I don’t have any affiliation with the trust.

I just want to know what we’d prefer, would we prefer to be flying down leagues, but fan owned? If that’s what we want then fair enough but just come out and say it.
PSumbler said:
Eventually putting in more cash stops when the cash runs out or the desire to do it disappears. And then the problems start. As 3swan has said we have seen that twice before.

The fact that they are prepared to prop up the losses is a good thing but we should also be doing all that we can to ensure that the need to do it is reducing at all times. And that comes from taking looks at all spends within the club and making some difficult decisions along the way.

Football is no different to any other business that way.

Your last sentence says it all. Professional football especially in the Premier and championship is more and more a business. The main problem as an industry it try’s to play by different rules. In the end a business can’t continue to be a loss maker. I’m sure we can be sustainable with the correct business model. Is there a long term plan? We are treading water. Where in the football structure should a club of our size and maybe potential be?
PSumbler said:
Eventually putting in more cash stops when the cash runs out or the desire to do it disappears. And then the problems start. As 3swan has said we have seen that twice before.

The fact that they are prepared to prop up the losses is a good thing but we should also be doing all that we can to ensure that the need to do it is reducing at all times. And that comes from taking looks at all spends within the club and making some difficult decisions along the way.

Football is no different to any other business that way.

Understood, but then the majority will be revelling in the toxic atmosphere in the ground when we sell our biggest assets, and don’t replace, be shouting about no ambition.
Lampeterjack said:
Understood, but then the majority will be revelling in the toxic atmosphere in the ground when we sell our biggest assets, and don’t replace, be shouting about no ambition.

That could well be the case as I’d guess the large majority just attend matches and don’t look any deeper into the club. Not criticising as each lives their own lives but the club as a business needs to be self financing or we just delay what could be inevitable.
Lampeterjack said:
Understood, but then the majority will be revelling in the toxic atmosphere in the ground when we sell our biggest assets, and don’t replace, be shouting about no ambition.

They carry on running things as they are and that will happen.
The fact that it's being talked about on here is a clear indication its also being talked about in the stands.

I don't think it's about revelling in it but being angry/upset that what was being discussed and warned about is happening.

The fact that these buddies and associates are coming out from nowhere for a decent wage doesn't help the owners or the clubs finances.
magicdaps10 said:
They carry on running things as they are and that will happen.
The fact that it's being talked about on here is a clear indication its also being talked about in the stands.

I don't think it's about revelling in it but being angry/upset that what was being discussed and warned about is happening.

The fact that these buddies and associates are coming out from nowhere for a decent wage doesn't help the owners or the clubs finances.

How are they running it now? You think we are spending too much I take it?
3swan said:
Your last sentence says it all. Professional football especially in the Premier and championship is more and more a business. The main problem as an industry it try’s to play by different rules. In the end a business can’t continue to be a loss maker. I’m sure we can be sustainable with the correct business model. Is there a long term plan? We are treading water. Where in the football structure should a club of our size and maybe potential be?

That's the sick thing about the modern Championship, though. There's no more than a handful of clubs who have the size and potential to be sustainable at this level, and all of them feel like they belong in the PL. It's a £15-20m income league with typically £25-30m wage bills, and that's after a few years of heavy cutbacks following the covid shock. The TV deal is awful and the prize of success is so high costs have been pushed up and up with no income to cover them.

Even Brentford with their insane annual transfer profits went up with massive ownership debt.
DuffleCoat said:
Old friends.

We complain there is “no investment”…

Then we complain there is “too much investment” - despite it coming directly from owners pockets and not costing the club anything…

Then we complain about people being employed at the club and accuse people of “taking money out of the club” that way… despite the fact they would be doing the senseless act of paying themselves with their own money.

If people had half a brain they would be dangerous.

The truth of the matter is there is nothing the owners can do to appease “supporters” that desperately want us to fail.

Cut costs and they are “terrible owners that should sell to new owners who will invest”.

Inject cash into the club and they are “reckless owners who should cut costs immediately”.

Tiresome. Very tiresome.

You're excellent evidence of the part of your post I've highlighted.
Lampeterjack said:
I’m not Dalton.

I don’t have any affiliation with the trust.

I just want to know what we’d prefer, would we prefer to be flying down leagues, but fan owned? If that’s what we want then fair enough but just come out and say it.

Why does fan ownership mean we'd automatically be flying down the leagues? It wasn't that way for us previously was it? I understand football has changed since then and it would be harder to be successful on a budget but clubs like Luton have proved that it is possible.
JackSomething said:
Why does fan ownership mean we'd automatically be flying down the leagues? It wasn't that way for us previously was it? I understand football has changed since then and it would be harder to be successful on a budget but clubs like Luton have proved that it is possible.

Where’s the money coming from to even operate the stadium at this level being fan owned? We wasn’t when first went up, Martin Morgan was subsidising most of us it.
Lampeterjack said:
Where’s the money coming from to even operate the stadium at this level being fan owned? We wasn’t when first went up, Martin Morgan was subsidising most of us it.

That was why to Trust was setup, to protect the club if it again fell on hard times, but the former owners tucked the then Trust right up and this present joke of a Trust sold its soul and the rights for a Vol-au-vent and a soft seat.
Lampeterjack said:
Where’s the money coming from to even operate the stadium at this level being fan owned? We wasn’t when first went up, Martin Morgan was subsidising most of us it.

The council owned the stadium when we went up in 2011. The current club owners decided to buy it from the council and immediately faced a huge bill for maintenance and then lost the case when they took the builder and the council to court over it.
J_B said:
The council owned the stadium when we went up in 2011. The current club owners decided to buy it from the council and immediately faced a huge bill for maintenance and then lost the case when they took the builder and the council to court over it.

They only own the lease though, so only the lease itself is an asset if you can call it such.
Niigata Jack said:
That was why to Trust was setup, to protect the club if it again fell on hard times, but the former owners tucked the then Trust right up and this present joke of a Trust sold its soul and the rights for a Vol-au-vent and a soft seat.

Yeah the people who put the money in to get the success sold the trust out, no doubt about it. But that’s where we are, where’s the money coming from for us to be fan owned? I’m not getting an answer to that question

** also not downplaying the work of the trust during our success, but they haven’t got the capital to fund this club now, not at any level I’d argue, never mind championship.
Niigata Jack said:
They only own the lease though, so only the lease itself is an asset if you can call it such.

So now the tax payer and people of Swansea aren’t being asked to stump up the cash for stadium, and instead receive revenue, and the club can maximise all sponsorship potential, which granted, hasn’t happened as of yet.

Swansea City v Bristol City

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