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General Election ...

Truly inspirational people these days won’t touch politics with a barge pole. They can earn many times more than an MP without having sh1t thrown at them at every opportunity.
Truly inspirational people these days won’t touch politics with a barge pole. They can earn many times more than an MP without having sh1t thrown at them at every opportunity.
‘‘Tis true. We need less of them, paid competitively more with no other jobs and no lobbying money (capped public funding for parties) if we want to clean up politics and get better quality. There is a power attraction or people like Sunk wouldn’t be there. It’s not all money.

We could save money by getting rid of the HoL and having a different system of oversight.

Plus, this ‘inspirational’ nonsense is a red herring. We need competence. Attlee wasn’t in any way inspirational and look what that government achieved. Blair was ‘inspirational’ and turned out a mad c**t told by God to start a war on false premise.
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Oh, and if anyone takes the time and trouble to read the warts ‘n all biography of Starmer, I defy them to not find him totally inspiring.

Sunak is just a complete twat through and through, right from his golden cradle to his helicopter present. Spoilt rich kid, who would laugh at all us little people with mortgages and money worries. Just like Bullingdons Johnson, Cameron and Osborne burning fivers in front of beggars.
Sunak reckons the national service policy has been in the works for weeks. Yet on Thursday, there was this.

“The Government has no current plans to reintroduce National Service. Since 1963, when the last national servicemen were discharged, it has been the policy of successive Governments that the best way of providing for the defence of our country is by maintaining professional Armed Forces staffed by volunteers. The demanding, increasingly technical, nature of defence today is such that we require highly trained, professional men and women in our Regular and Reserve Armed Forces, fully committed to giving their best in defending our country and its allies.

If potentially unwilling National Service recruits were to be obliged to serve alongside the professional men and women of our Armed Forces, it could damage morale, recruitment and retention and would consume professional military and naval resources. If, on the other hand, National Service recruits were kept in separate units, it would be difficult to find a proper and meaningful role for them, potentially harming motivation and discipline. For all these reasons, there are no current plans for the restoration of any form of National Service.”
I wonder how the youth of the Republican areas of Northern Ireland are viewing the prospect of doing National service in the British Army?
I'm voting Conservative, because I can, I think deep down Rishi is a decent person, it's the others within his party are a bit loopy and are influencing his latest attacks on everyone.. or I'll vote for the monster raving loony party if they're still a thing
I'm voting Conservative, because I can, I think deep down Rishi is a decent person, it's the others within his party are a bit loopy and are influencing his latest attacks on everyone.. or I'll vote for the monster raving loony party if they're still a thing
Good post, I will be voting anyone apart from Labour, doubt I will vote Tories, you fancy a fight?
Good post, I will be voting anyone apart from Labour, doubt I will vote Tories, you fancy a fight?
Vote Plaid, Rhun seems like a decent bloke and he's 6ft+.. slow as a snail mind, but his intentions seem pure until power grabs hold of him.. taps nose, it's pointless arguing to fight me, I'll just stick a knife in your leg, pretty much f*cked then
Aye, the ones in the loyalist areas. That’ll go down well…
You know full well national service won't materialise, just like Rwanda.. they're just trying to get oldies to vote for them..

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