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Second wave

jack123 said:
controversial_jack said:
These are new cases every day, as well as the existing ones

How do you mean? my take on the figure is that these are new cases reported in the last 24 hours?

I would think so. Seven day mean (or average) is a good indicator of trends.
We have a few places close to local lockdowns. And outbreaks associated with pub re-openings. Fully expect to see rises in next couple of weeks. Best we can hop is they are localised.
Sa2 jack said:
magicdaps10 said:
Unfortunately it is people and their lack of understanding and changing of their ways that will help bring the second wave on.
The world and the way we live has changed but too many will not accept the changes needed to stop this virus.

You only have to see the stupidity and ignorance on here to understand that this is going to be around for a long time to come.

So very true.I believe people are ,deep down,terrifed for their lives,family,jobs and are looking to appear brave on social media etc.


Millions world wide have died or will die of this.Fact. sooner that is understood and we treat every stranger as a possible carrier,the better

All true. We have to hope we limit spread until we have effective vaccines- and probably more than one. Stay safe
exhmrc1 said:
I think like most others I am terrified at the prospect of a second wave and have grave concerns at the way Johnson is loosening things. One morning he said they couldnt let cricket commence due to teas and issues with the ball only for everything to change by the afternoon.

Some of the figures in Wales over the last few days have been a bit misleading. There had been a delay in reporting figures from the English lighthouse labs and so some of this is catch up. However the figures are still higher than we would all like.

Over the last month or so over 1/2 the new cases have been due to the outbreaks in 3 food plants. There have been over 200 new cases at the 2 sisters plant in Llangefni, over 300 at Rowan Foods in Wrexham and over 100 cases in the Kepak plant in Merthyr. Whilst the cases in Angelsey and Merthyr has settled Wrexham remains a problem. Of the 30 new cases today 11 were in Wrexham and 4 in neighbouring Flintshire.

Lots Of muddled thinking. Re-open gyms but change travel restrictions on the same day. Impose a quarantine 3 months too late. Lack of clarity of face coverings. Failed apps. Stop testing and contact tracing - basically surrender to a notion put forward by pseudoscientists. The list is long.
Professor said:
jack123 said:
How do you mean? my take on the figure is that these are new cases reported in the last 24 hours?

I would think so. Seven day mean (or average) is a good indicator of trends.
We have a few places close to local lockdowns. And outbreaks associated with pub re-openings. Fully expect to see rises in next couple of weeks. Best we can hop is they are localised.


What do you mean ' we have a few places close to local lockdown' ? I may have skipped a post, are you talking about North Wales?
jack123 said:
Professor said:
I would think so. Seven day mean (or average) is a good indicator of trends.
We have a few places close to local lockdowns. And outbreaks associated with pub re-openings. Fully expect to see rises in next couple of weeks. Best we can hop is they are localised.


What do you mean ' we have a few places close to local lockdown' ? I may have skipped a post, are you talking about North Wales?

In the U.K. Blackburn and Luton are most likely- like Leicester large Asian communities where there are a number of issues . Nowhere in Wales other than the existing and well known issues are identified.
Levels creeping up in some cities.
Not at alarming levels but consistent with re-openings
Professor said:
jack123 said:

What do you mean ' we have a few places close to local lockdown' ? I may have skipped a post, are you talking about North Wales?

In the U.K. Blackburn and Luton are most likely- like Leicester large Asian communities where there are a number of issues . Nowhere in Wales other than the existing and well known issues are identified.
Levels creeping up in some cities.
Not at alarming levels but consistent with re-openings

Ah, I did read that on twitter the other day.. People were blaming the Pakistani community for congregating close together.
I have to say, i have seen a few very large groups of Pakistanis out and about. They must be infecting other family members and pushing up the figures
One of the things that I find most odd is to wear facemasks in shops where there is minimal time next to someone but not in pubs workplaces or restaurants when you are next to someone for long periods. Surely there is more chance of catching it in those places rather than shops. I can understand buses or trains where you are next to someone for a while but shops I fail to understand and also opening gyms where people are breathing harder after exercise and sharing equipment like weights.
controversial_jack said:
I have to say, i have seen a few very large groups of Pakistanis out and about. They must be infecting other family members and pushing up the figures

TBH, when I read the comments about the increase of cases In Luton , and Blackburn, and there were lots of comments blaming the Pakistani community, I thought at the time perhaps they had a festival going on something too do with celebrating Pakistan the way they blamed them? They just singled Pakistan out for some reason.?
dickythorpe said:
It's bloody worrying. I hope all the good work done here over the last 18 weeks doesn't see us go back to a full lockdown.
It's been a very odd period of time to say the very least.

Over here, as in the UK?
Fcking kidding surely, we wouldn't know what lock down means dicky.
jack123 said:
controversial_jack said:
I have to say, i have seen a few very large groups of Pakistanis out and about. They must be infecting other family members and pushing up the figures

TBH, when I read the comments about the increase of cases In Luton , and Blackburn, and there were lots of comments blaming the Pakistani community, I thought at the time perhaps they had a festival going on something too do with celebrating Pakistan the way they blamed them? They just singled Pakistan out for some reason.?

Partly cultural including Eid (end of Ramadan)celebrations, but also harder to communicate, often larger multi-generational households and also areas where access to healthcare is poorer than average. Leicester does not have a big Pakistani population, but thought to have expanded both there and through the large number of clothing factories and into the large Indian population.
I think many business owners etc would disagree Belfy.
It's been a very difficult time for so many not knowing when they can open, or if they ever will open again.
So many businesses were struggling on a good day before this pandemic.
Now there are signs of recovery with some, but many are fearing the winter.

I understand coastal areas are swamped with visitors but they are limited to what they can do and good weather is everything.

Going down to Gower and Pembs in the last fortnight is not the same experience it once was for me.

I only hope the indoor opening on August 3rd goes well, infection rate drops so much that social distancing can be relaxed.

Hopefully we'll get clear guidance on what measures to take regarding face masks and any other measures to preserve good health.
exhmrc1 said:
One of the things that I find most odd is to wear facemasks in shops where there is minimal time next to someone but not in pubs workplaces or restaurants when you are next to someone for long periods. Surely there is more chance of catching it in those places rather than shops. I can understand buses or trains where you are next to someone for a while but shops I fail to understand and also opening gyms where people are breathing harder after exercise and sharing equipment like weights.

You find it odd that people are not wearing masks in restaurants? How do you expect them to eat their grub,intravenously? As for workplaces, that's too much of a sweeping generalisation, office workers for example should all be working in covid secure environments now, hairdressers etc have to wear them, shop workers here will have to wear them as soon as your little hero finishes trying to prove a point to Boris.

Gyms can be operated in a covid secure environment, same as other workplaces. They should have been one of the first places that were opened. Not only for peoples physical health, but for their mental health too. F*cking scandalous they are still closed, especially when any day now, the government will spend millions on a big health push on obesity and diabetes.

People's ignorance and complacency is what is going to lead to many more deaths.
Neath_Jack said:
exhmrc1 said:
One of the things that I find most odd is to wear facemasks in shops where there is minimal time next to someone but not in pubs workplaces or restaurants when you are next to someone for long periods. Surely there is more chance of catching it in those places rather than shops. I can understand buses or trains where you are next to someone for a while but shops I fail to understand and also opening gyms where people are breathing harder after exercise and sharing equipment like weights.

You find it odd that people are not wearing masks in restaurants? How do you expect them to eat their grub,intravenously? As for workplaces, that's too much of a sweeping generalisation, office workers for example should all be working in covid secure environments now, hairdressers etc have to wear them, shop workers here will have to wear them as soon as your little hero finishes trying to prove a point to Boris.

Gyms can be operated in a covid secure environment, same as other workplaces. They should have been one of the first places that were opened. Not only for peoples physical health, but for their mental health too. F*cking scandalous they are still closed, especially when any day now, the government will spend millions on a big health push on obesity and diabetes.

People's ignorance and complacency is what is going to lead to many more deaths.

One of the biggest challenges we’ve faced is explaining to people that we can’t ram 5000 people in one building anymore and won’t be able to for quite some time.
Yet we can "ram" 1000+ people into school buildings.

Preston North End v Swansea City

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