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Cinema & Co reject Covid passports

Darran said:

I have been reliably told that a person interviewed supporting the business outside the place is the same person who was at the forefront of the anti kneeling demonstration outside the Liberty a few months ago.
J_B said:
Darran said:

I have been reliably told that a person interviewed supporting the business outside the place is the same person who was at the forefront of the anti kneeling demonstration outside the Liberty a few months ago.

Perhaps it was the bald guy in the vow wind street video who called covid the scamdemic
Standing outside doesn't mean he has anything to do with the cinema though
J_B said:
Darran said:

I have been reliably told that a person interviewed supporting the business outside the place is the same person who was at the forefront of the anti kneeling demonstration outside the Liberty a few months ago.

The Voice of Wales.

Best_loser said:
J_B said:
I have been reliably told that a person interviewed supporting the business outside the place is the same person who was at the forefront of the anti kneeling demonstration outside the Liberty a few months ago.

Perhaps it was the bald guy in the vow wind street video who called covid the scamdemic
Standing outside doesn't mean he has anything to do with the cinema though

No it doesn’t. He’s just someone who magically turns up at any event like this and seems to get his voice heard. Loves any right wing cause.
Can't be bothered to go to court:


She's obviously realised there's more money to be made by being a figurehead for the Anti-Vax/'Covid is a myth' brigade than running a business.

It's not even the failure to enforce the Covid pass requirement, the business hasn't completed a Covid risk assessment, doesn't have adequate cleaning products or anti-viral products, hasn't informed staff of measures to prevent spread... What a shower of shit.

Interesting that the council is bringing closure notice under the Public Health Act rather than WG Coronavirus legislation. Hopefully that means it has more teeth.
Jack2jack said:
exiledclaseboy said:
Not really they’re definitely lawful cos the government passed a law.
Yep similar to all the fines they handed out for folk having a walk and a coffee, all thrown out, because it was lawful. And as i read it, it was voted on by our Senydd, has it been passed by statute. You'll know I'm sure.👍

Oh no, it’s a walk and a coffee! No wonder they checked me out of the park.
So it appears that the Judge, has reset the date for the hearing, because of legal issues.
Seems WG in their infinite wisdom forgot to include closure notices or whatever they called it in their Mickey Mouse regulations. Let's see what happens now. Clever folk these judges.
airedale said:
Jack2jack said:
Yep similar to all the fines they handed out for folk having a walk and a coffee, all thrown out, because it was lawful. And as i read it, it was voted on by our Senydd, has it been passed by statute. You'll know I'm sure.👍

Oh no, it’s a walk and a coffee! No wonder they checked me out of the park.
Even folk who drove to the park, have had their fines refunded, because they were unlawfully fined. Clever folk these judges.
Jack2jack said:
So it appears that the Judge, has reset the date for the hearing, because of legal issues.
Seems WG in their infinite wisdom forgot to include closure notices or whatever they called it in their Mickey Mouse regulations. Let's see what happens now. Clever folk these judges.

The judge adjourned the case for written submissions to be provided. Pretty standard stuff. Mainly to explain why the application for a closure notice is being brought under U.K. government legislation and not the Welsh Government’s legislation.
exiledclaseboy said:
Jack2jack said:
So it appears that the Judge, has reset the date for the hearing, because of legal issues.
Seems WG in their infinite wisdom forgot to include closure notices or whatever they called it in their Mickey Mouse regulations. Let's see what happens now. Clever folk these judges.

The judge adjourned the case for wrote submissions to be provided. Pretty standard stuff. Mainly to explain why the application for a closure notice is being brought under U.K. government legislation and not the Welsh Government’s legislation.
See you've got to get it right when your taking someone to court. Anyway as I understand it the rules/laws from WG. Dont include for shutting folk down willy nilly. Judges are clever folk see.
Jack2jack said:
exiledclaseboy said:
The judge adjourned the case for wrote submissions to be provided. Pretty standard stuff. Mainly to explain why the application for a closure notice is being brought under U.K. government legislation and not the Welsh Government’s legislation.
See you've got to get it right when your taking someone to court. Anyway as I understand it the rules/laws from WG. Dont include for shutting folk down willy nilly. Judges are clever folk see.

I agree, they law doesn’t include shutting folk down willy nilly. Only if they don’t comply with legal requirements. You seem to think a judge has ruled in this case. He hasn’t.
exiledclaseboy said:
Jack2jack said:
See you've got to get it right when your taking someone to court. Anyway as I understand it the rules/laws from WG. Dont include for shutting folk down willy nilly. Judges are clever folk see.

I agree, they law doesn’t include whetting folk down willy nilly. Only if they don’t comply with legal requirements. You seem to think a judge has ruled in this case. He hasn’t.
No I dont think he has ruled on the case,where t.f. did i say that. I'm saying that you've got to get every detail correct. Also it's been proven in courts of law that some of the so called laws during this shit storm and how they have were policed were complete bollocks. Like I said when and if it goes full circle the judge will cut through all the BS, and come to the right decision.
Jack2jack said:
exiledclaseboy said:
I agree, they law doesn’t include whetting folk down willy nilly. Only if they don’t comply with legal requirements. You seem to think a judge has ruled in this case. He hasn’t.
No I dont think he has ruled on the case,where t.f. did i say that. I'm saying that you've got to get every detail correct. Also it's been proven in courts of law that some of the so called laws during this s**t storm and how they have were policed were complete bollocks. Like I said when and if it goes full circle the judge will cut through all the BS, and come to the right decision.

Let’s see what the judge says. If he throws it out I’ll happily hold my hands up and say “you were right”. Clever people judges see. :D
exiledclaseboy said:
Jack2jack said:
No I dont think he has ruled on the case,where t.f. did i say that. I'm saying that you've got to get every detail correct. Also it's been proven in courts of law that some of the so called laws during this s**t storm and how they have were policed were complete bollocks. Like I said when and if it goes full circle the judge will cut through all the BS, and come to the right decision.

Let’s see what the judge says. If he throws it out I’ll happily hold my hands up and say “you were right”. Clever people judges see. :D
Its not a case a me wanting to be right. Just want to see things being done properly and within the law. F. me things are hard enough as it is. 👍
Jack2jack said:
exiledclaseboy said:
Let’s see what the judge says. If he throws it out I’ll happily hold my hands up and say “you were right”. Clever people judges see. :D
Its not a case a me wanting to be right. Just want to see things being done properly and within the law. F. me things are hard enough as it is. 👍

I didn’t say you wanted to be right, just that if you turn out to be I’d be happy to say so. 👍 I’ve no dog in this particular fight I’ll never sit on a pallet to watch an old film for £30 a bang. That’s hipster nonsense. I do think the owner knows exactly what she’s doing though and win or lose this legal case she’ll be quids in because people are stupid enough to give her money for reasons I simply can’t fathom.

Preston North End v Swansea City

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