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US Election results thread

jack123 said:
Fireboy said:
I stand by, yet again, my statement about this guy Lisa.

Zzzz ZZZZ Pity you never answered my question earlier, I think you're a bit of saddo , calls it all out, make accusations, when questioned stay silent, and wait for your buddies to back you up.. Then just make remarks like that all day long.. ha ha ha

Little bit like you on the other site with Dimi then?
Londonlisa2001 said:
jack123 said:
Tip of the iceberg! Many, many, many more I rest my case.. M'LUD..


It’s almost unbelievable to me that someone wouldn’t take ten seconds to check if any of that is true before posting it.

Do you not care at all that you look ridiculous?

You have to ask? Seriously?

You've been away too long.
It's hilarious that the Giulianni Press conference was held outside of a sex shop called fantasy Island, whoever planned that is taking the piss :lol:
Monty said:
Londonlisa2001 said:
It’s almost unbelievable to me that someone wouldn’t take ten seconds to check if any of that is true before posting it.

Do you not care at all that you look ridiculous?

If his followers were the type to fact check he wouldn't have become President in the first place. I've sat through many of his rallies fact checking as i'm listening to him, barely anything he says is/was true

Fact check is untrustworthy, who are telling you the facts? Think about it.
jack123 said:
Monty said:
If his followers were the type to fact check he wouldn't have become President in the first place. I've sat through many of his rallies fact checking as i'm listening to him, barely anything he says is/was true

Fact check is untrustworthy, who are telling you the facts? Think about it.

JackSomething said:
jack123 said:
Zzzz ZZZZ Pity you never answered my question earlier, I think you're a bit of saddo , calls it all out, make accusations, when questioned stay silent, and wait for your buddies to back you up.. Then just make remarks like that all day long.. ha ha ha

Little bit like you on the other site with Dimi then?

How do you mean? If i say something, and someone replies, at least I have the courtesy to respond, it may be rubbish, but at least I respond.. It's like if I replied too what you have just now and said Bullshit mate, you are talking rubbish, then when you ask me why did I say that..SILENCE, then the buddies step in.. And I don't know who Dimi is?
jack123 said:
Fireboy said:
I stand by, yet again, my statement about this guy Lisa.

Zzzz ZZZZ Pity you never answered my question earlier, I think you're a bit of saddo , calls it all out, make accusations, when questioned stay silent, and wait for your buddies to back you up.. Then just make remarks like that all day long.. ha ha ha

I take it you didn't read what I wrote on the page (25) before this, concerning the Republican Election lawyer. If you did perhaps you wouldn't stand by your utter sh1te statements about this election.

I would advise you to go out and buy a massive fvcking rubber, but sorry it's classed as non essential!! 😇
jack123 said:
Londonlisa2001 said:
It’s almost unbelievable to me that someone wouldn’t take ten seconds to check if any of that is true before posting it.

Do you not care at all that you look ridiculous?

Hi Lisa, no Lisa I did not check, that's why I said tip of the iceberg. And when you think of it, where would be a valid source to check? let's face it, the dems have got a lot of people on their side.

Well a valid source to check whether Wisconsin has more votes than registered voters would be the State government website that shows such info.
Just as one example.

And ‘tip of the iceberg’ doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means.

Look. You don’t like Biden. Fine. Actually, you probably don’t even have a view on Biden, it’s just that you like Trump. And you have no real reason to like Trump. You probably couldn’t list a handful of his policies. All this ‘he’s not a globalist’ nonsense is simply ridiculous. He doesn’t give a sh*t about American workers. He’s always screwed over his own suppliers, used Chinese steel for his Skyscrapers, he views not paying the taxes that support the ordinary people ‘smart’. His family are more self centred, narcissistic prats than the Kardashians. He even makes his stupid little MAGA hats in China (the Biden hats were made in the US by a unionised workforce).
It’s just that you like Trump because he hates the people that you hate. And he doesn’t mind hurting them. Which you like. Perhaps it makes you feel better. But it’s a pretty negative way of viewing the world don’t you think?
TheLoneRanger said:
jack123 said:
Zzzz ZZZZ Pity you never answered my question earlier, I think you're a bit of saddo , calls it all out, make accusations, when questioned stay silent, and wait for your buddies to back you up.. Then just make remarks like that all day long.. ha ha ha

I take it you didn't read what I wrote on the page (26) before this, concerning the Republican Election lawyer. If you did perhaps you wouldn't stand by your utter sh1te statements about this election.

I would advise you to go out and buy a massive fvcking rubber, but sorry it's classed as non essential!! 😇

Sorry about that, I never saw your post, page 25 (BTW), hmm looks like he's had a bung off the dems.
Londonlisa2001 said:
jack123 said:
Hi Lisa, no Lisa I did not check, that's why I said tip of the iceberg. And when you think of it, where would be a valid source to check? let's face it, the dems have got a lot of people on their side.

Well a valid source to check whether Wisconsin has more votes than registered voters would be the State government website that shows such info.
Just as one example.

And ‘tip of the iceberg’ doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means.

Look. You don’t like Biden. Fine. Actually, you probably don’t even have a view on Biden, it’s just that you like Trump. And you have no real reason to like Trump. You probably couldn’t list a handful of his policies. All this ‘he’s not a globalist’ nonsense is simply ridiculous. He doesn’t give a sh*t about American workers. He’s always screwed over his own suppliers, used Chinese steel for his Skyscrapers, he views not paying the taxes that support the ordinary people ‘smart’. His family are more self centred, narcissistic prats than the Kardashians. He even makes his stupid little MAGA hats in China (the Biden hats were made in the US by a unionised workforce).
It’s just that you like Trump because he hates the people that you hate. And he doesn’t mind hurting them. Which you like. Perhaps it makes you feel better. But it’s a pretty negative way of viewing the world don’t you think?

I was enjoying reading that, till I reached the part where you say he hates the people I hate.. I know where this is leading, so I will bid you goodnight.
CNN has an exclusive with Darren from Plymouth coming up
On his way back to the White House https://twitter.com/BrianBartlett/status/1325156427221110785
Professor said:
CNN has an exclusive with Darren from Plymouth coming up

I would have thought that displaying a vagina on Prime time tv would be not allowed...

:lol: Sorry, I know it's wrong but :lol:
jack123 said:
Londonlisa2001 said:
Well a valid source to check whether Wisconsin has more votes than registered voters would be the State government website that shows such info.
Just as one example.

And ‘tip of the iceberg’ doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means.

Look. You don’t like Biden. Fine. Actually, you probably don’t even have a view on Biden, it’s just that you like Trump. And you have no real reason to like Trump. You probably couldn’t list a handful of his policies. All this ‘he’s not a globalist’ nonsense is simply ridiculous. He doesn’t give a sh*t about American workers. He’s always screwed over his own suppliers, used Chinese steel for his Skyscrapers, he views not paying the taxes that support the ordinary people ‘smart’. His family are more self centred, narcissistic prats than the Kardashians. He even makes his stupid little MAGA hats in China (the Biden hats were made in the US by a unionised workforce).
It’s just that you like Trump because he hates the people that you hate. And he doesn’t mind hurting them. Which you like. Perhaps it makes you feel better. But it’s a pretty negative way of viewing the world don’t you think?

I was enjoying reading that, till I reached the part where you say he hates the people I hate.. I know where this is leading, so I will bid you goodnight.

But he does. Both you and he make absolutely no secret of your hatred for ‘liberals’, or ‘leftists’, or ‘SJWs’ or whatever you want to call that grouping. The sorts of people currently seen on TV dancing in the streets.
There’s a reason Biden won back a lot of the industrial heart of the US. It’s because Trump is a charlatan, a pampered, preening little socialite, however many times he criticises ‘the leftists’.
jack123 said:
Fireboy said:
I stand by, yet again, my statement about this guy Lisa.

Zzzz ZZZZ Pity you never answered my question earlier, I think you're a bit of saddo , calls it all out, make accusations, when questioned stay silent, and wait for your buddies to back you up.. Then just make remarks like that all day long.. ha ha ha

I dont answer you because for 1. I dont want to waste my time on someone who by his posts hasnt got two brain cells to rub together. 2. I have a life.

And FYI I have warned people not to reply to you so its up to them whether they want to reply, I dont normally reply to you for the reasons above, You let yourself down and I'm sorry to have to say that you do that because you obviously arent right in the head.

I'm looking forward to looking at your implosion later on tomorrow morning and to let you know I wont be replying to you again so dont waste that brain cell.

Preston North End v Swansea City

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