Fingers crossed, that this should ultimately put pay to Welsh Labour, and just disband the Welsh assembly..
They have stuffed every one of us, on silly stuff, I know people can make excuses for them, about the mppu, but at the end of the day, they just shafted the moderate drinkers..
Drakeford, and his we do things differently in Wales covid, well he ferked up many people, for what? Ask him a question, why? And he will run away..
I really can't understand why anybody would vote these goons in, I'm not politically minded, but I really would like to get into this, the only person I have seen helping out people in Swansea, is Peter Black, he's a lib dem, ferk knows what party I could go for..
But I know one thing, IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE.
Vote J123 at the next elections guys and gals..