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The Official Nottingham Forest v Swansea City Match Thread

What will the result be against Nottingham Forest?

  • Forest Win

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Draw

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Swans win

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
JackSomething said:
Londonlisa2001 said:
And who will we get instead? Don’t forget that it was Cooper who identified both of them, not Martin.

Do we have proof of that or is that something that's been repeated enough by 'in the know types' that it's become accepted as fact?

Well Piroe was signed by Cooper before he left, and he’d been tracking him since that youth World Cup thing (he tried to sign him for us before last summer) and Obafemi was going to join us months before but was injured at the last minute so I think it’s pretty safe to say they were nothing to do with Martin. Martin spent his first couple of weeks trying to ostracise Piroe if you recall.
Londonlisa2001 said:
JackSomething said:
Do we have proof of that or is that something that's been repeated enough by 'in the know types' that it's become accepted as fact?

Well Piroe was signed by Cooper before he left, and he’d been tracking him since that youth World Cup thing (he tried to sign him for us before last summer) and Obafemi was going to join us months before but was injured at the last minute so I think it’s pretty safe to say they were nothing to do with Martin. Martin spent his first couple of weeks trying to ostracise Piroe if you recall.

I was thinking that earlier. He tried to blame Piroe for Piroe not playing and did the same with Obafemi. Then when they succeeded it was because they’d seen the light (that is, his light). I still think the jury is out as there are some good signs and some appalling ones, so I’m looking forward to at least watching it play out.

I have to concede now that Cooper (and Tatey) are far better that I imagined they could be. It’ll be interesting to see if he cacks the bed again in his crunch match with Muff. I actually suspect not after watching that today.
Londonlisa2001 said:
JackSomething said:
Do we have proof of that or is that something that's been repeated enough by 'in the know types' that it's become accepted as fact?

Well Piroe was signed by Cooper before he left, and he’d been tracking him since that youth World Cup thing (he tried to sign him for us before last summer) and Obafemi was going to join us months before but was injured at the last minute so I think it’s pretty safe to say they were nothing to do with Martin. Martin spent his first couple of weeks trying to ostracise Piroe if you recall.

Ah, so the club were interested in both players while Cooper was here. Could have been led by Andy Scott as much as by Cooper then.
Londonlisa2001 said:
monmouth said:
This is the first question he should be asked. That 'defence' was always going to be laughed at by any decent team. We saw it in the second half on Tuesday if there was any doubt. Plus, to top it off, they are hung out to dry by the formation. We would have lost anyway, because life is more important than lunch, but that was utter suicide from selection to tactics to performance. Very very poor.

Hard to see how we get the players to make it better really, as we are stuck with a garbage goalkeeper and all of today's back 3 and Martins insistence on playing like that (he really rates Manning in that position).

It's a big big task over the summer to stay competitive.

I honestly don’t know where we turn.

The formation won’t work unless we have a number of new signings. To fund those we need to get rid of our best player, possibly two, at which point we are back to square one.

And it’s the playing everyone out of position bit I just don’t get. We bought a left wing back in January and haven’t seen him apart from a few minutes in, what, two games? We are wasting Wolf there as he’s genuinely a nice player. And why start that kid today?

More than anything it’s the bollox. All week (since Wednesday at least) we’ve heard about putting on a show for the traveling fans. And that was as bad a show as I’ve seen at this level. We were completely, utterly, comprehensively outplayed. By a team that has Surridge up front. I mean, they have nice players but they’re hardly Man City.

This week I’ve been angry for the first time in ages. The capitulation against Bournemouth and now today. We have a bunch of people involved that just don’t seem to particularly care as long as their numbers are good.

Very much close to my thoughts.

So instead of repeating much of what you've posted I'll say it in a few words.

Does what I hear match what I see.

The answer is No

Result - I won't be treated like a mug.
In the cold light of day, Forest are not that good.
Better than us.
Third best team in the division ?
Yesterday they could have scored ten or more.
Fisher ( who made three howlers and lacked presence ) pulled off some brilliant saves.
Thankfully some of Forest's finishes was poor.
Most inept performance from us in a long time.
IMHO, knowing Cabango was out, Martin should have started with Naughton, Lati, Manning, Bennet and Burns in a back five.
EDIT- if Burns is injured then Ogteba
It was always going to be hard, but we just handed it to them on a plate, especially
in the second half.
Going to be a big three months before it kicks off again
I’m more annoyed today. An idiot knew what they’d do. On transition attack with pace, mostly down the flanks. What did we do…play totally into their hands to do just that. Martin therefore does not even qualify as an idiot. Sort it out.
JackSomething said:
Londonlisa2001 said:
Well Piroe was signed by Cooper before he left, and he’d been tracking him since that youth World Cup thing (he tried to sign him for us before last summer) and Obafemi was going to join us months before but was injured at the last minute so I think it’s pretty safe to say they were nothing to do with Martin. Martin spent his first couple of weeks trying to ostracise Piroe if you recall.

Ah, so the club were interested in both players while Cooper was here. Could have been led by Andy Scott as much as by Cooper then.

That's the thing with the recuritment within the club, it comes from a number of sources, and it's never just one person.

I know for a fact that Cooper was heavily involved in the recruitment process, and I'd be amazed if Martin wasn't.

The conversations with Piroe and Obafemi post match were interesting. Obviously Cooper knew both beforehand as they were either signed on his watch or identified.

Recruitment is something where the jury is still out for me, and even more so since Allen has left. It's not been stellar under the new watch.
Uxy said:
JackSomething said:
Ah, so the club were interested in both players while Cooper was here. Could have been led by Andy Scott as much as by Cooper then.

That's the thing with the recuritment within the club, it comes from a number of sources, and it's never just one person.

I know for a fact that Cooper was heavily involved in the recruitment process, and I'd be amazed if Martin wasn't.

The conversations with Piroe and Obafemi post match were interesting. Obviously Cooper knew both beforehand as they were either signed on his watch or identified.

Recruitment is something where the jury is still out for me, and even more so since Allen has left. It's not been stellar under the new watch.

Last summer was great. Obafemi, Piroe, Paterson and Downes all big hits, Ntcham and Laird decent, jury still out on Joseph, with Walsh and Williams as the only misses (but at least there were no transfer fees for them).

January (like last season) was terrible though. Agreed the jury is out on signings and I guess whether it was Cooper, Scott or whoever identified Piroe and Obafemi, they've since left the club. Let's hope those in charge now can have another summer like last year.
To build the team with players of the quality that'll make Martin's system work just isn't going to happen.
He needs to be more flexible & get the best out of what he's got which clearly he hasn't done this season.
Shirley obvious now that scoring is not an issue, keeping it tight is.
Unless we sort the defence asap, look to either keep Piroe ( or get enough cash via a sale for a decent replacement), then not much will change.
The formation is the issue. It’s suicide.

Oh and the fannying around for no reason under pressure. That an’ all
Anybody else get hit by flying stuff being thrown by the forest supporters in the upper tier.

Did tell a steward but he didn’t give a toss


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