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Vaccine Invation

jack123 said:
Swanjaxs said:
I'd prefer to think most would do the right thing, if just to keep their own elderly relatives safe, as for the one's that A. Can't be bothered B. Only looking out for themselves or C. are anti vax for whatever reason, fuk them, and they should get used to having thier movements outside of the UK nullified.

I was under the impression that if the elderly relatives had taken the vaccine they would be safe? And this is a genuine question, because now the missis is saying, I need to have the vaccine to keep her safe!

No one can avoid passing it on, or catching it, vaccine or not. Depends if you want to get ill of risk making others ill I suppose. No brainier for me.
Swanjaxs said:
jack123 said:
Well that's one thing, I certainly would not like to see, I think the youngsters mental health has suffered terribly the last year, and for them to then be more or less forced into something which they may not want, is not on.

I'd prefer to think most would do the right thing, if just to keep their own elderly relatives safe, as for the one's that A. Can't be bothered B. Only looking out for themselves or C. are anti vax for whatever reason, fuk them, and they should get used to having thier movements outside of the UK nullified.

What a load of sanctimonious claptrap. The best way to combat coronavirus or hugely reduced your chances of developing lots of different disease, is to be fit and healthy, stop smoking, stop eating junk food, stop taking drugs, reduce your alcohol intake, exercise more etc. If everyone did that, there wouldn’t be any need for the lockdowns.
Swanjaxs said:
jack123 said:
Well that's one thing, I certainly would not like to see, I think the youngsters mental health has suffered terribly the last year, and for them to then be more or less forced into something which they may not want, is not on.

I'd prefer to think most would do the right thing, if just to keep their own elderly relatives safe, as for the one's that A. Can't be bothered B. Only looking out for themselves or C. are anti vax for whatever reason, fuk them, and they should get used to having thier movements outside of the UK nullified.

What a load of sanctimonious claptrap. The best way to combat coronavirus or hugely reduced your chances of developing lots of different disease, is to be fit and healthy, stop smoking, stop eating junk food, stop taking drugs, reduce your alcohol intake, exercise more etc. If everyone did that, there wouldn’t be any need for the lockdowns.
Swanjaxs said:
jack123 said:
Well that's one thing, I certainly would not like to see, I think the youngsters mental health has suffered terribly the last year, and for them to then be more or less forced into something which they may not want, is not on.

I'd prefer to think most would do the right thing, if just to keep their own elderly relatives safe, as for the one's that A. Can't be bothered B. Only looking out for themselves or C. are anti vax for whatever reason, fuk them, and they should get used to having thier movements outside of the UK nullified.

What a load of sanctimonious claptrap. The best way to combat coronavirus or hugely reduced your chances of developing lots of different disease, is to be fit and healthy, stop smoking, stop eating junk food, stop taking drugs, reduce your alcohol intake, exercise more etc. If everyone did that, there wouldn’t be any need for the lockdowns.
Best_loser said:
jack123 said:
I may have to now she's started, although I must say this take it to protect them, is sort of not computing. When they have taken the vaccine to be protected, I've been looking on google for any evidence, and it all seems rather vague information.

It seems that people who have had the vaccine say the elderly, or told they are now protected and safe, yet in the next breath the youngsters will have to have the vaccine to keep the elderly safe? It sort of does not compute.

Whilst googling looking for answers, something came up, Does having the vaccination, stop you spreading covid. Answer We do not know this yet.

Why do you cross the road or get in a car ? The chances of dying are far greater from those than having the vaccine , vaccinated people can still catch and pass on the virus but the vaccine should mean it isn't too bad, unless if course you haven't had the vaccine, forget the greater good, forget the stuff about passports, just do it for your own survival, when most people are vaccinated and your not you will feel very exposed, what will cause you to change your mind is fear, the same thing that's stopping you now, when the fear of the virus becomes greater than the fear of the vaccine you will pick up the phone and book an appointment for the jab

Cardiffjack said:
Swanjaxs said:
I'd prefer to think most would do the right thing, if just to keep their own elderly relatives safe, as for the one's that A. Can't be bothered B. Only looking out for themselves or C. are anti vax for whatever reason, fuk them, and they should get used to having thier movements outside of the UK nullified.

What a load of sanctimonious claptrap. The best way to combat coronavirus or hugely reduced your chances of developing lots of different disease, is to be fit and healthy, stop smoking, stop eating junk food, stop taking drugs, reduce your alcohol intake, exercise more etc. If everyone did that, there wouldn’t be any need for the lockdowns.

So on that basis then, the fact I have a low BMI, my VO2 Max is that of someone 30 years younger than me, I exercise regularly, eat healthy food, rarely drink and I have never smoked should leave me ok?

I was in bed for over a week with COVID and it killed my mother who was shielding from everyone. Instead of passing on the virus advice you would be better off following the view of scientists, medics and experts in this field by getting yourself vaccinated and show some respect for the community around you and society in general.

Otherwise you seem to come across as a bit of an idiot.
"Vaccine DNA rate falls – but still above average"

"Louise Platt, Head of Operations for the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme in Swansea Bay University Health Board, said:

“We continue to urge everyone to attend their vaccination appointment if they can do so. If not, please telephone or email us to rearrange or cancel at the earliest opportunity.

We’d like to reassure you that we do everything possible to alert people to their appointments. Those invited to Mass Vaccination Centres receive a letter followed by a text reminder 24 hours before their appointment.

The letter, our social media channels and website all carry details of the booking centre phone numbers and email address to contact if you need to rearrange or cancel.

They are:

01792 200492 or 01639 862323 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Saturday
Email: sbu.covidbookingteam@wales.nhs.uk

Although call volumes to the booking centre can be high at certain times, the average wait for an answer is five minutes. We are taking on additional call handlers to ensure we are as responsive as possible.

It should be noted that a large number of DNAs present the team with additional logistical and operational pressures however, we would like to offer assurance to our community that we do not throw vaccines away.

The booking centre manage a ‘reserve list’ system where the public who are within the next priority group and are next in line for the vaccine are contacted and asked to attend at short notice. The public cannot actively join this reserve list and we request that you do not ring the booking team in anticipation of receiving the vaccine unless you have received an invitation letter/text. Additionally, we also organise additional clinic sessions following situations like this to ensure that all the vaccine we have is administered

Both of these processes work well.

Finally, we’d like to remind people to update their contact details with their GP surgery as soon as possible if they move house, as we draw our contact details from their database.”

"We’ve issued a detailed statement giving the latest information on missed appointments (DNAs) at our three Mass Vaccination Centres."

👉 Vaccines are not thrown away, despite the pressure created by DNAs.
👉 Empty slots are often filled at short notice via our reserves process. (The booking team ring those ‘next in line’. There is NO LIST for the public to join.)
👉 Additional clinics are organised to use up vaccine.
👉 We do everything possible to alert people to their appointments, including sending text reminders 24 hours before their appointment.
👉 Cancelling or rearranging appointments is easy by phone, with average waiting times of just five minutes. (01792 200492 or 01639 862323 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Saturday.)
Pacemaker said:
Cardiffjack said:
What a load of sanctimonious claptrap. The best way to combat coronavirus or hugely reduced your chances of developing lots of different disease, is to be fit and healthy, stop smoking, stop eating junk food, stop taking drugs, reduce your alcohol intake, exercise more etc. If everyone did that, there wouldn’t be any need for the lockdowns.

So on that basis then, the fact I have a low BMI, my VO2 Max is that of someone 30 years younger than me, I exercise regularly, eat healthy food, rarely drink and I have never smoked should leave me ok?

I was in bed for over a week with COVID and it killed my mother who was shielding from everyone. Instead of passing on the virus advice you would be better off following the view of scientists, medics and experts in this field by getting yourself vaccinated and show some respect for the community around you and society in general.

Otherwise you seem to come across as a bit of an idiot.

You may be the exception to the rule. What is it something like over 99 % of people will not die from the virus, and probably close to 100 % for fit and healthy people.

Also, thousands of people die each year in this country, due to the seasonal flu, yet we don’t insist on everyone receiving the flu jab , do we.

As for scientists there are many who disagree with the official narrative.
The Brazilian President has followed your very flawed and stupid suggestion and look at the mess they are in! The “seasonal “ flu has been around for almost 18 months and is now killing younger people out there with the health service collapsing around them.

Ask the person who shares your brain to let you have a greater share because he has left you the dumb part.
Cardiffjack said:
Pacemaker said:
So on that basis then, the fact I have a low BMI, my VO2 Max is that of someone 30 years younger than me, I exercise regularly, eat healthy food, rarely drink and I have never smoked should leave me ok?

I was in bed for over a week with COVID and it killed my mother who was shielding from everyone. Instead of passing on the virus advice you would be better off following the view of scientists, medics and experts in this field by getting yourself vaccinated and show some respect for the community around you and society in general.

Otherwise you seem to come across as a bit of an idiot.

You may be the exception to the rule. What is it something like over 99 % of people will not die from the virus, and probably close to 100 % for fit and healthy people.

Also, thousands of people die each year in this country, due to the seasonal flu, yet we don’t insist on everyone receiving the flu jab , do we.

As for scientists there are many who disagree with the official narrative.

You will be exceptionally hard pushed to find many microbiologists, virologists, immunologists or epidemiologists who disagree this is a serious disease. If anything most consider the problem to have been greater than any 'official narrative'. No doubt you believe the likes of the oncologist Sikora, the pharmacologist Yeardon and the inkjet printing specialist Cummins and the stupid smiley faces. No doubt you consider the Great Barrington Declaration to be supporting your claim. Clearly the likes of Gupta (herd immunity in April 2020) and Henneghan (GP trainer specialising in cardiology) who have been shown to be so badly wrong are the scientists you mean. A tiny minority with a clearly flawed hypothesis.

Around 10, 000 (it varies) die annually of influenza in the UK. Less than a tenth than SARS CoV2 deaths. Influenza does not tend to cause many sequelae. This virus clearly does. Clearly you believe that 600,000 deaths in the next few years (which are now largely preventable) are acceptable.
Professor said:
Cardiffjack said:
You may be the exception to the rule. What is it something like over 99 % of people will not die from the virus, and probably close to 100 % for fit and healthy people.

Also, thousands of people die each year in this country, due to the seasonal flu, yet we don’t insist on everyone receiving the flu jab , do we.

As for scientists there are many who disagree with the official narrative.

You will be exceptionally hard pushed to find many microbiologists, virologists, immunologists or epidemiologists who disagree this is a serious disease. If anything most consider the problem to have been greater than any 'official narrative'. No doubt you believe the likes of the oncologist Sikora, the pharmacologist Yeardon and the inkjet printing specialist Cummins and the stupid smiley faces. No doubt you consider the Great Barrington Declaration to be supporting your claim. Clearly the likes of Gupta (herd immunity in April 2020) and Henneghan (GP trainer specialising in cardiology) who have been shown to be so badly wrong are the scientists you mean. A tiny minority with a clearly flawed hypothesis.

Around 10, 000 (it varies) die annually of influenza in the UK. Less than a tenth than SARS CoV2 deaths. Influenza does not tend to cause many sequelae. This virus clearly does. Clearly you believe that 600,000 deaths in the next few years (which are now largely preventable) are acceptable.

Absolute nonsense. There are many scientists and doctors who believe the government’s narrative is incorrect.

How many people have actually died from the virus as opposed to having the virus when they have died from something else. And those who have died within 28 days of contracting the virus ?

Also shouldn’t we close down the economy every winter to save many of the 10,000 who die from seasonal flu.

Improve the health of people, is what the emphasis should be on.
Brazil: Political crisis and Covid surge rock Bolsonaro https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-56581131

This is what happens when you do what you suggest
Cardiffjack said:
Professor said:
You will be exceptionally hard pushed to find many microbiologists, virologists, immunologists or epidemiologists who disagree this is a serious disease. If anything most consider the problem to have been greater than any 'official narrative'. No doubt you believe the likes of the oncologist Sikora, the pharmacologist Yeardon and the inkjet printing specialist Cummins and the stupid smiley faces. No doubt you consider the Great Barrington Declaration to be supporting your claim. Clearly the likes of Gupta (herd immunity in April 2020) and Henneghan (GP trainer specialising in cardiology) who have been shown to be so badly wrong are the scientists you mean. A tiny minority with a clearly flawed hypothesis.

Around 10, 000 (it varies) die annually of influenza in the UK. Less than a tenth than SARS CoV2 deaths. Influenza does not tend to cause many sequelae. This virus clearly does. Clearly you believe that 600,000 deaths in the next few years (which are now largely preventable) are acceptable.

Absolute nonsense. There are many scientists and doctors who believe the government’s narrative is incorrect.

How many people have actually died from the virus as opposed to having the virus when they have died from something else. And those who have died within 28 days of contracting the virus ?

Also shouldn’t we close down the economy every winter to save many of the 10,000 who die from seasonal flu.

Improve the health of people, is what the emphasis should be on.

Not those who work on infection you massive bell. And certainly no one who actually works on coronaviruses. BS on Facebook and Twitter is not where science is at.
Cardiffjack said:
Professor said:
You will be exceptionally hard pushed to find many microbiologists, virologists, immunologists or epidemiologists who disagree this is a serious disease. If anything most consider the problem to have been greater than any 'official narrative'. No doubt you believe the likes of the oncologist Sikora, the pharmacologist Yeardon and the inkjet printing specialist Cummins and the stupid smiley faces. No doubt you consider the Great Barrington Declaration to be supporting your claim. Clearly the likes of Gupta (herd immunity in April 2020) and Henneghan (GP trainer specialising in cardiology) who have been shown to be so badly wrong are the scientists you mean. A tiny minority with a clearly flawed hypothesis.

Around 10, 000 (it varies) die annually of influenza in the UK. Less than a tenth than SARS CoV2 deaths. Influenza does not tend to cause many sequelae. This virus clearly does. Clearly you believe that 600,000 deaths in the next few years (which are now largely preventable) are acceptable.

Absolute nonsense. There are many scientists and doctors who believe the government’s narrative is incorrect.

How many people have actually died from the virus as opposed to having the virus when they have died from something else. And those who have died within 28 days of contracting the virus ?

Also shouldn’t we close down the economy every winter to save many of the 10,000 who die from seasonal flu.

Improve the health of people, is what the emphasis should be on.

Yes what would a virologist know about it anyway, you absolute banger.
Cardiffjack said:
Professor said:
You will be exceptionally hard pushed to find many microbiologists, virologists, immunologists or epidemiologists who disagree this is a serious disease. If anything most consider the problem to have been greater than any 'official narrative'. No doubt you believe the likes of the oncologist Sikora, the pharmacologist Yeardon and the inkjet printing specialist Cummins and the stupid smiley faces. No doubt you consider the Great Barrington Declaration to be supporting your claim. Clearly the likes of Gupta (herd immunity in April 2020) and Henneghan (GP trainer specialising in cardiology) who have been shown to be so badly wrong are the scientists you mean. A tiny minority with a clearly flawed hypothesis.

Around 10, 000 (it varies) die annually of influenza in the UK. Less than a tenth than SARS CoV2 deaths. Influenza does not tend to cause many sequelae. This virus clearly does. Clearly you believe that 600,000 deaths in the next few years (which are now largely preventable) are acceptable.

Absolute nonsense. There are many scientists and doctors who believe the government’s narrative is incorrect.

How many people have actually died from the virus as opposed to having the virus when they have died from something else. And those who have died within 28 days of contracting the virus ?

Also shouldn’t we close down the economy every winter to save many of the 10,000 who die from seasonal flu.

Improve the health of people, is what the emphasis should be on.
The majority die from respiratory failure due to massive inflammation, through secondary infections, heart t failure, stroke and other sequelae. Being a bell you fail to see that the vast majority die as a consequence of infection, not some spurious cause as you idiots suggest. I would venture more die after 28 days of a positive test than sadly die from other causes whilst positive. ONS data suggests this too. I would politely suggest you stop muck spreading. Crap like this has contributed to far too many not taking this seriously enough.

Preston North End v Swansea City

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